can anyone run to the drug store for you? get at least two bottles of pedialyte, it's for when babies have diarrhea, but man it REALLY helps a hangover
2006-07-14 02:35:43
answer #1
answered by Voodoo Doll 6
Be responsible, either take a personal day & get out of there, or face the music, splash your face with cold water (this may require repeat splashing throughout the day), grab yourself some java & rehydrate throughtout the day! An energy drink, energy bar or vitamins couldn't hurt either.
Good luck as your desk job will seem to only make it more intolerable!
2006-07-14 09:18:49
answer #2
answered by kueria 3
Gatorade (uber hydration) and caffeine (energy boost, eases the headache), and in the future, don't stay out so late when you have to work the next day. And if every work day is hell, change jobs. Just my $.50.
2006-07-14 09:17:46
answer #3
answered by Neuroscientist 2
Drink some strong coffee and don't stare at the computer all day or you will fall asleep. Oh, and try to eat something really greasy. Then, top it all off with lots of water.
2006-07-14 09:17:17
answer #4
answered by Teacher M 2
take you some vitamins and quit drinking. if your drinking and know you have to go to work the next morning your not being responsible. your not being fair to yourself or your employer. the reason for the hangover is due to alcohol poisoning. do some research about it. if you are going to drink do it slowly. nothing is worth a hang over. what you do when you are drunk you can do sober.
2006-07-14 09:22:03
answer #5
answered by maxossa1 2
The two most important things is to stay hydrated, and eat. Tylenol will also help you feel better. As far as you being sleepy take breaks from what you are doing, work on alot of different things to keep you awake!!
2006-07-14 09:20:21
answer #6
answered by crenshaws_apache 2
The absolute best thing you can do is dring lots of water to detoxity your system. Caffine and aspirin are good also but make sure you are drinking 8 oz. of water every hour.
2006-07-14 09:18:49
answer #7
answered by Luci 4
hehehe, man that really sux bro, eating wise: go for fruit lots of water and enegy drinks...don't drink to much cofee it will dehydrate you even more... but yeah man try get up as much as you can and even fake some meetings if possible and get out the office...good luck man i know what its like
2006-07-14 09:17:06
answer #8
answered by richiscaptainfantastic 2
Honestly, I would find a way to go home. Go to the restroom (so that people might assume you're throwing up), come out and tell your boss you were just sick and need to go home.
2006-07-14 09:16:21
answer #9
answered by kayleigh w 3
say you are about to through up and get the rest of the day off.
2006-07-14 09:19:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous