You need credit counselling. You can find them in the yellow pages, often offered by the government as an alternative to bankruptcy. If you're trying to solicit money, don't - this isn't the place. What seems like a really big expense now won't seem so big in a few years - don't give up. Sell something if you can, or take a second job for a while. Millions of us do it!
Good luck - and one other thing. Call your creditors BEFORE they call you. Even if you can't pay your bills in full, explaining your circumstances to them will make them a lot more willing to wait for payment than if you just don't bother to send them anything. Even ten bucks shows "good faith" and makes them easier to deal with.
2006-07-13 18:54:32
answer #1
answered by Samlet 4
Start controlling your expenses. For the next 1 month, focus on spending your time on starting your own internet business only. You will end up having too much cash to pay all your debts.
Here's how:
Let me share my idea with you!
When you are not affordable to get whatever you want, it is a prove that you are financially insecure. Work in the private sector is good but, if you are still young try to make money with every single seconds that you have. E.g: Work at home after your working hours or during weekend. Go for the internet business, which requires less of your time and the one that will not make you feel headache with web designing, or which require IT knowledge. Second, choose the internet based company which offer you the opportunity and at the same time giving you the convenience to start the business. Third, choose the business, which does not require big money to start it.
All the above is only available from:
Honestly, I tried so many opportunities offered through the internet and this is the only one that really works.
PLEASE NOTE: You only will understand the whole marketing concept if you read every details & the trial period is FREE!
General Information:
COMPANY NAME: Global Domains International Inc
Remember, You CAN'T guarantee whether you will get many fish or not by spreading your net into the sea, but u CAN guarantee that there is no fish at all if you never spread your net into the sea.
2006-07-14 00:39:54
answer #2
answered by carmeehoon 3
Sell some of your eggs. You will get $10,000 no matter if they are good or bad. Its relatively painless, but rather intrusive. Seems to be a good way to get fast cash to me.
2006-07-13 18:53:44
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Make one of those "will work for food" signs. Those bastards make a killing.
2006-07-13 20:10:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Get a job!
2006-07-13 20:39:32
answer #5
answered by RunSueRun 5
lol... please
2006-07-13 18:50:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous