There seems to be a blurring of these two words, and some people seem to use them interchangeably. Is a psychopath the same as a sociopath but worse?
20 answers
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Social Science
➔ Psychology
I would like to know answers for this question, other than what is on wikipedia. Obviously I have looked on there before I asked.
I'd prefer a personal opinion even than the wikipedia answer.
When I studied abnormal psychology, I recall learning the definitions of a sociopath and a psychopath, but now it seems these are both lumped in with 'antisocial personality disorder' (APD). How can they be different, but both be APD now? Is APD even the same as sociopathy or psychopathy really?
17:39:12 ·
update #1
They both near enough have the same meaning and are people who do not for whatever reason 'fit it' with society due to their behaviour, personality traits and inability to care about anyone else deeply enough to love another person other than themselves! they are usually self obseesed and lack boundaries, therefore have no problem with hurting or murdering another animal or human being! in this day and age a socio/psychopath are usually classed as having one of the 12 personality disorders and not a mental illness.
2006-07-14 12:43:25
answer #1
answered by no 1 nurse!!! 1
This Site Might Help You.
What is the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath?
There seems to be a blurring of these two words, and some people seem to use them interchangeably. Is a psychopath the same as a sociopath but worse?
2015-08-18 18:32:50
answer #2
answered by Nila 1
Sociopath Wiki
2016-09-30 11:01:53
answer #3
answered by Erika 4
Psychopath and sociopath are the same thing and differ from anti-social personality disorder.
Psychopath comes from the school of psychological thought. Psychology believes that the cause of behaviour is based in the brain. Psychopathic behaviour is due to structural differences in the brain, they are wired wrong, they were born that way. Psychopath is also largely used in the forensic psychological area by Hare to refer to criminals who score highly on the Hare psychopathy scale. Serial killers are nearly always scoring highly on this checklist according to Hare
Sociopath is a term used in the school of sociological thought. Sociologist beleive that society is the cause of behaviour. A sociopath's behaviour is the result of environmental factors in the home and in society and so society creates the sociopath (rather than them being born that way).
Anti-social personality disorder is a clinical psychology term, and can be diagnosed via the ever-present Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for mental disorders. Someone with ASPD have personality traits that are ticked off on a checklist (manipulative for example), and you can find this list anywhere on the net. A psychopath/sociopath would fall at the extreme end of ASPD but someone can have ASPD without being a psychopath (as they may score lowely on the Hare scale). A psychopath/sociopath is more likely to be incarcirated for extreme violent crimes whereas ASPD may have a long history of petty crimes. Neither ASPD or psychopathy are associated with high IQ, so the Hannibal Lecter type psychopath that we are use to seeing on TV is a bit of a myth.
2006-07-13 22:39:23
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
A sociopath has no concept from right and wrong. A psychopath knows the difference between the two but would like to kill you for the enjoyment or anger of the moment..
2006-07-14 12:26:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i have often wondered if there is any difference myself. i always assumed they were the same thing, and i think this is a great question. as for an answer i must plead ignorance, but i thank the other posters for educating me today.
i always knew there was a continuum/spectrum of disorder where psychopathy etc was concerned, which i now know is called the hare scale. what worries me is just what percentage of the general population can be classed into the three disorders? and are they contagious, these disorders, ie can you develop such traits by associating with these folk, or are the traits inborn?
i wanted to give my opinion, even though i havent got a specific answer as such, sorry. i find psychology absolutely fascinating.
love and peace swot xxx
2006-07-14 00:51:27
answer #6
answered by swot 5
The behavior of the psychopath is more easily recognizable as abnormal or bizarre. This makes the psychopath very dangerous but easier to spot. The sociopath may have intentions that are just as bizarre and abnormal as does the psychopath but they are very difficult to detect because the behavior of the sociopath is very normal and under control.
Sociopaths therefore, pose a greater danger to society because they are able to fit in and go unrecognized until they seriously hurt or destroy someone - who least suspected it. A psychopath is an obviously, dangerous "nut". A sociopath is an "ice man" or "ice woman".
2006-07-13 16:21:12
answer #7
answered by Jess4rsake 7
They are the same thing but they differ in behavior, but don't confuse the word Psychotic with Psychopathic, because they are very different things. A person who is Psychotic has psychosis like schizopherina and is usually not a criminal. Psychopathic usually describes someone with Anti-Social Personality disorder and this disorder causes them to commit crimes because they do not care about the rules. (its a complicated disorder)
2006-07-13 16:22:15
answer #8
answered by Jason 3
A sociopath and a psychopath are almost identical in behavioural orientations except that one is objective and the other is subjective, A psychopath, whose behaviour is subjective is worse because of its unpredictability. We all have a bit of socio pathological tendencies in us. One is due to an illusion of the mind, the other is a social realism.
2006-07-14 02:07:24
answer #9
answered by jaybee2412 1
as far as I can tell there is no real difference. I believe that about 20 years ago people who committed crimes such as serial killings were called psychopaths, and then that term was changed to sociopaths. Now the terms seem to be interchangeable.
2006-07-14 04:51:22
answer #10
answered by maidenrocks 3
A psychopath and a sociopath are the same thing; nowadays the more popular term appears to be sociopath. You might say a sociopath is a person with antisocial tendencies and a psychopathic personality.
2006-07-13 16:18:12
answer #11
answered by Bad Kitty! 7