;) Myself, I believe what makes the BEST avatar is when the individual achieves a fairly-good in-depth self-portrait: I honestly worked HARD to CHOOSE the best options where mine WOULD be! :D
[I am honestly even MORE blue in my DL pic.]
Mine turned out to be an internal self-portrait combined with an external one--it looks like the sum of my self: philosophical, medical, all components considered, an image of the inadequately-breathing dead, a way of being honest with myself in regard to my overall health picture, a coping mechanism in its way [just like my nick, I think they make a good match]. ;)
I think that is the BEST way to reflect one's overall look, if one does in fact capture the WHOLE of one's *look*--looking outside AND INSIDE, the honest facts of their lives.
In that sense, I believe my avatar is a declaration that I am at peace with myself, my life, my fate, which is a gift I would wish for anyone on the path to happiness. :)
I think overall the avatar system is fun, light-hearted, and I actually appreciate the somewhat entertaining way to express my more macabre reality. ;)
I mean, where else can you find such a *cute* way to visually express that I have lost my ever-lovin' mind than that pic showing me there holding my head after it's gone and rolled off? ;)
I also appreciate that it gives ALL users the chance to sort through what they value, how they perceive themselves, how they wish to appear vs how they DO actually appear...what they hope to see in the mirror vs reality...whether they like ALL their components...whether they like THEMSELVES...key factors brought to light by your excellent question--THANKS! :D
2006-07-17 05:54:29
answer #1
answered by AVATARrificDay! 4
How do I show my avatar on Yahoo! Answers?
When you ask or answer questions on Yahoo! Answers Beta, you can display your avatar next to all your posts. Here's how:
On Yahoo! Answers, click "My Q&A" in the green bar on the home page. If you're not signed into Yahoo!, you'll be prompted to do so.
Select the nickname you want to use.
Select "Use my Yahoo! Avatar."
Choose the sharing, email address, and communications options you prefer.
Click "Continue."
Then click "Continue" on the following page.
Now when you ask or answer a question, your avatar's face will be displayed above your Yahoo! ID.
2006-07-13 22:37:20
answer #2
answered by twistedsingle 4
Click on your name. Then edit info. In the middle of the page, you will see where to design your avatar.
2006-07-13 22:35:32
answer #3
answered by ladysodivine 6
Go to: Yahoo Avatars and the sign in your Yahoo account...Then once you sign in you'll see all these icons at the top that will say Home, Appearance, Apparel, Extras, Backrounds, Branded, and My Favorites....First click Appearance... Then Gude your self to the rest of them
2006-07-13 22:50:10
answer #4
answered by ♥+GiR+♥ 1
go to the place where u check your mail and you will see where it has a picture of an example avatar and u click on it the u take it from there
2006-07-13 22:36:46
answer #5
answered by tinkerberay 2
In Yahoo type avatar in the search bar, it will take you to the login page of your avatar section. once u login using your account you can create avatar as it guides u through it... ENJOY!!!
2006-07-13 22:37:24
answer #6
answered by rekha r 2
Just go to left hand corner where it has your screen name and picture then click on edit my info and hey presto you have an avatar in the making.
2006-07-13 22:37:18
answer #7
answered by tattiehoker54 3
Click on your Answers nickname, then find and click on the Edit My Info link, then you'll find where to use / edit an avatar. Good luck.
2006-07-13 22:36:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Go to the website below. Then choose 'male' or 'female', depending on what you want your avatar to be. Then you can start choosing clothes, hairstyles, faces, accessories, pets, backrounds, and all that other stuff.
2006-07-13 22:38:02
answer #9
answered by cookiecrumbs 2
go to the main page en you can find there somewhere the avatar,. then click and start ur avatar,. gud lucK!
2006-07-13 22:38:16
answer #10
answered by MaRneLLi 2