Ahhhh Help! I have performed for YEARS, but never entered a CONTEST. Classy, dedicated, confident, NO WAY young enough to flaunt any "midriff" thing. Formal wont' go, I am short (5'2") if I wear my RW&B Cowboy Boots, I have to wear a short skirt...and risk looking like a floosy. Can't wear my beautiful Formals, if I wear my boots, tight jeans...???on top. Sequin vest and sport coat & straw hat?
If YOU HELP ME DRESS FOR THIS CONTEST, "SERIOUSLY" I will be sor grateful. I am SO DEDICATED TO THE CORE to HONOR "my" "our" VETERANS and our great country that my DEMO consisted "ONLY" of my 2 most powerful patriotic songs. WTMJ had me sing for one of their rallys....TEARS flowed, hugs abounded, and I still get email from those powerfully moved by my singing. God is GOOOD! And our Country is Blessed. Let's keep it that way. That being said....I can't be "too" sexy...SUGGESTIONS???? HELP........
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