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Ahhhh Help! I have performed for YEARS, but never entered a CONTEST. Classy, dedicated, confident, NO WAY young enough to flaunt any "midriff" thing. Formal wont' go, I am short (5'2") if I wear my RW&B Cowboy Boots, I have to wear a short skirt...and risk looking like a floosy. Can't wear my beautiful Formals, if I wear my boots, tight jeans...???on top. Sequin vest and sport coat & straw hat?
If YOU HELP ME DRESS FOR THIS CONTEST, "SERIOUSLY" I will be sor grateful. I am SO DEDICATED TO THE CORE to HONOR "my" "our" VETERANS and our great country that my DEMO consisted "ONLY" of my 2 most powerful patriotic songs. WTMJ had me sing for one of their rallys....TEARS flowed, hugs abounded, and I still get email from those powerfully moved by my singing. God is GOOOD! And our Country is Blessed. Let's keep it that way. That being said....I can't be "too" sexy...SUGGESTIONS???? HELP........

2006-07-13 15:18:35 · 6 answers · asked by scubagal_godive 1 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

6 answers

At White House Black Market, sometimes they have clothes there with just a hint of western flair but not over the top. Their jeans are nice and sophisticated. Good Luck.

2006-07-13 15:25:33 · answer #1 · answered by Cas 4 · 0 0

Why not wear something classy but not formal? A knee-length denim skirt with a short-sleeved colar shirt or something similar would like nice on anyone. You can always play up your personal style with jewelry. Break a leg!

2006-07-13 15:39:53 · answer #2 · answered by elizabeth_ashley44 7 · 0 0

sturdy Morning from Medford, WI!! trivialities for 9/12/09: Yahoo warm Jobs: relies upon on the job Video: Legend of the Gambler DVD Champs: b) choppy bars us of a music: a) Nickelback music Pop Quiz: b) rushed to the well-being facility to envision on them classic Rock project: b) 20 video games: 10 President: b) Baines HowStuffWorks: jobs history: b) White Eagle international: b) Shanghai large CHEESE 107.9: nighttime Cheese reduce: Rock This city Saturday 8 am Cheese reduce: when I’m lengthy gone WAXX 104.5: Weekend observe- 9/12-9/13: leaves (guessed it)

2016-12-10 09:18:01 · answer #3 · answered by pfeifer 4 · 0 0

Of all first, I like the skirt!!! People notify me I've nice legs but I still don't wear shorts

2017-03-01 08:53:35 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I really like long dresses. My bf likes the brief ones. So my closet is packed w/ 1/2 and 1/2.

2017-01-30 23:39:07 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

If you've ever needed to know who asked you anonymous questions on ask.fm, you can find out by using this ask.fm anonymous finder. http://bit.ly/1vzU4vZ

It reveals the username of the anonymous on ask.fm!!!

2014-10-03 02:29:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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