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I'm photogenic and love to model in my best clothing. Should I become a model or do something that would be different?

2006-07-13 15:06:42 · 13 answers · asked by cheeze 2 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

13 answers

Do you think you will like modeling if the answer is no don not botehr if it is yes then go for it what have you got to lose you can always stop. DO NOT quit school or college or fall out with your family that stuff is much more important. If you do want to heres some advise.

I have heard a lot of bad thing about SOME (not all) modelling agencies and how they make you pay for photos and photo sessions before they take you on then never give you any work. Always check with the local Better Business Bureau.

I think a better starting place before you go to agencies is if you have a friend who is reasonable with a camera (do not have to be a professional or even that good just okay) Just take 100 photos of yourself in different poses, clothing and backgrounds then pick out 10-20 nice photos. You can then use this as a portfolio, and even better instead of printing them which cost you money every time, host them on a website and get some business cards print with the website address on and just hand these out instead. This is a far cheaper way of doing it and with no RISK. You should never have to pay to get a job if you do there is a high chance it is a scam.

However if you would like a personal portfolio site please contact me and I will set you on up for free. I can design you a fully personalised flash website with as much or little information and then host it for you. This site can contain a gallery of your photos, personal information, list of work, contact details, etc or if you prefer just a couple of photos and nothing else. It can be password protected and all images will be protected as is humanly possible, or the photos can be available to download.

Examples of work can be provided on request. Just message me here if you want, I am a professional website designer but have lots of free time (and enough money) so I am currently doing free sites for small bands, small artist etc, basically anyone who could not afford them otherwise. I have my own hosting server so can offer hosting servers or you can host the site yourselves. No images sent to me will be used for anything other than your site and I will not give anyone your detail or link to the site. You will have complete control and the site can be removed or changed at any time. This is not a scam and I will design a site for FREE, I do not need the money, and enjoy working. If you do want it message me you can tell me what you want and how you want it done and I will help.

depending how old you are I may require PARENTS PERMISSION before i will do any work and may also refuse to host any image if i think it is inappropriate.

2006-07-14 01:40:56 · answer #1 · answered by indieboy 5 · 0 0

Deffinately get out there, what do you have to lose right? Not to be rude but, i think you answered your own question lol "im photogenic and love to model" well..there is your answer.

but i f you cant get into modeling, maybe you'd love being behind the camera too, why not try photography. Or get into the fashion business somehow. If you love modeling clothing maybe its a passion you have for clothing , period. Maybe think about that. There are alot of areas you could look into from modeling to fashion to makeup to photography. Just a matter of finding out what you really want out of it in the end.

2006-07-13 22:29:00 · answer #2 · answered by AngryFalafel 4 · 0 0

"you just have to be 5'7'' to qualify for runway" Perhaps in a small town, but in most major cities you have to be at least 5'9".

You don't say anything about yourself regarding height, weight, or sizes, so it's hard to say if you should model. If you are short (under 5'8"), you won't have much of a future other than small town things for traditional modeling. But, you may have a future in commercial work for catalogues and inserts. It's great money if you can get it.

The best thing you can do is call a few of your local agencies and talk to them. Ask if they do open calls or if you can come in for an 'interview'. Bring the snapshots you have and they'll evaluate you and place you in the proper category. There's no need to spend a ton of money on classes or on a portfolio. You'll build your book as you get work and any reputable agency will teach you 'how' to model.

Good luck to you.

2006-07-13 22:15:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How tall are you.

Do you like gay men?

Can you take all your clothes off in front of everyone back stage.

If you are not taller than 5'8" and the answer to both questions is no, look for another job!

It's a tall person's medium

Most designers and associates are gay males

The rack is 5 feet from the curtain and you change out in the open behind the stage where everyone else is.

You also have to like "witches" because most models are and many are also gay (preganant models don't get work) and like to stab you in the back.

You better be a survivor as well.

2006-07-13 22:13:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you should do both, or whatever your mind sets you to, because you dont know what good think God and life will bring you so you can be whatever you want to be just be sure it's for you and you can handle the drama with photography and modeling because there are ups and Downs cause you have to move away from your family and like to move to new york or los angelas or out of the country for photography if your planning on being papperatzi people could sue your for taking photos of personal stuff but if your sure you want to be a model go to www.barbizonmodelingandacting.com GL and god bless!

2006-07-13 22:34:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

even the best models do other things and jobs until they get the big gigs. you should have a portfolio of yourself and alot of photo'd taken to take to modeling contests, a agent not the agencies. any reputable agency won't charge you to come onboard. they will get a percentage. usually 15 to 20 percent. you will see ads for casting calls in your local paper for many things from movies to commercials. you can also join the screen actors guild which is cheap as a annual member. they will have your best photo's on file and you can get calls for commercials and movie extra's. years ago, i join the guild and the average commercial was about a weeks time or less and they paid expenses and i was paid 3 grand. i've been in many movies as extra's and the average scale was 125 to 350 per day and we loved it as all your food, lodging is taken care of and you stand around making contacts until you get the shot making money for basically goofing off. it will build your resume' and many have been discovered by commercials or doing local modeling shows.

2006-07-13 22:28:11 · answer #6 · answered by hollywood71@verizon.net 5 · 0 0

Hey, if you love modeling then go for it! The top models you see today started out because they loved modeling! Who knows? Maybe you could be a top model if you really love modeling your best clothes.

2006-07-13 22:19:55 · answer #7 · answered by lil_liza 2 · 0 0

I'm a modle
and first of all it's so much fun!
i really think you should go for it
we need some new faces in the modleing buisness anyways.
you just have to be 5'7'' to qualify for runway
but if your not dont worry
you can modle anyways
but you'll only be in magazines.

2006-07-13 22:11:12 · answer #8 · answered by amber addiction 3 · 0 0

That's so cool. If that's what you want to do for a living than go for it. If you want a place to start, maybe you should try modellook.com. That's where I went to get started myself, but I haven't called them back yet... well, good luck!

2006-07-13 22:12:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

its WAY different i thought the same way and you have to go on a deit consetntly and eat healty and do w.e the ppl say... its hard... but if you love to model go for it

2006-07-13 22:11:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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