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Forever21 and Wet Seal have nice clothing...but bad quality, right? they are very cheap though! i bought a black shirt from forever21 and wet seal, and they both turned like...almost GRAY!!!!!!! just because i was washing it...well, don't you have to wash your clothes??? or just wear them and stink...or would you rather wash them? and when you wash them, it turns a totally different color!!! Or it gets really mest up!

2006-07-13 15:01:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories


2006-07-13 15:05:34 · update #1

7 answers

well i dont like it cause its cheep just like aero is cheep. they make em cute so that youll buy it so that they can stay in buisness. is my theory.

wal-mart and target hav bad quality clothes 2

2006-07-14 14:21:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

how do you wash them? it may not be the clothing itself. If you are washing your clothing with certain types of clothing that have dyes or that pill and rub off onto other clothing they might do that. Im not a clothing or laundry expert lol but i also know that they make a detergent just for black clothing that keeps the black from fading. Maybe after many years of washing and wear they might turn grey or dull, but i have bought clothing from wet seal / forever21/ express/H&M and usually you get what you pay for. Im not saying the clothing is cheap, but its reasonable,and they have to make up for something somewhere..and that may be with cheap fabrics.

Some of the different types of fabrics need to be hand washed or dry cleaned. So make sure u read the labels before you think you can just wash them regularly. Some of the items may need only cold water while some may require hot/warm. it all depends on the garment. and it may seem like alot of work just to wash clothing, but if you want your clothing to last a long time and stay looking as good as they did the first day you got them , read the tags and spend an extra 5 bucks to get it dry cleaned or create a seperate wash for it. It will obviously be worth it.

2006-07-13 15:15:08 · answer #2 · answered by AngryFalafel 4 · 1 0

I just kinda hunt through those stores for the best products I can find. It seems that some products are made better than others. If I can't imagine it on a major dept store rack because of the quality, i don't buy it.

Anything I'm unsure about as far as washing- i'll hand wash. It's a bit*h but sometimes u find super cute items in those stores that are a good alternative when you can't afford the more expensive version. I don't have much money, but i try to look for quality when I'm shopping anywhere.

I bought some polka-dotted tops at foever 21 recently and everyone was asking me where i got them, gasping when I told them where I got them. they said that looked very expensive! Of the pieces I have purchased there, after a hand washing- they're doin just fine.

2006-07-13 15:24:50 · answer #3 · answered by Just_A_Girl 2 · 1 0

yes they sell very inexpensive clothes and they may not be of the best quality but its trendy stuff anyway that will probably only be in for this season so i always suggest not spending too much on trendy items and really investing in classic pieces that you can wear season to season and never go out of style just take it for what its worth if you spend 10 dollars on a tshirt how long do you really expect it to last anyway

Also black clothes from anywhere always have the risk of fading when laundered i would suggest washing black items in cold water on a gentle cycle and using woolite or a mild detergent they even have a woolite for black clothes

2006-07-13 15:09:12 · answer #4 · answered by Brock C 3 · 6 0

i have had the same problem. attempt gently hand-washing clothing which have "iffy" sewing/structure. Then carry to dry. If the gown is stiff after carry-drying, fluff contained in the dryer for 5 min w/ a cloth softener sheet. moist seal clothing are very expensive to be so poorly built. high quality is extra significant than sort. continually examine the sewing on the interior to make efficient that's sewn authentic. be efficient to purchase round at different shops in the previous finding out in this actual gown. i stumble on that once you've any doubt in any respect about finding out to purchase a piece of clothing, who might want to bypass at the same time with your intestine & do no longer purchase it.

2016-11-06 08:41:03 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Well if I'm not mistaken, both of the stores' goods come from sweatshops, what do you expect? Expertly sewn items? Expensive fabric? Why do you think their clothes are so inexpensive?

I haven't had too many problems with the clothes I get from those stores...maybe you just choose cheap things.

2006-07-13 15:06:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

well who cares i dont buy there clothes i buy there earrings and i find nothing wrong with their earrings they are cute!

2006-07-13 15:09:49 · answer #7 · answered by ♥ <3 3 · 1 0

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