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2006-07-13 14:54:20 · 9 answers · asked by kedar 1 in Computers & Internet Internet

9 answers

Voice Over Internet Protocol. It works great. Very low rates and lots of features.

2006-07-13 14:58:25 · answer #1 · answered by Nelson_DeVon 7 · 0 0

Voip is literally, voice over IP, which means you run voice traffic over internet lines, instead of the copper wires phone companies generally use. In order to do that, your voice needs to be digitized, then chopped into little packets which get sent over the internet. When they get to where they're going, they're automatically reassembled and then converted back to an analog signal that all phones understand.

Most people can't tell if a call is coming over regular lines or if it's an internet phone call. It really depends on how fast your connection is and what quality your hardware is. By hardware, I mean the USB phone or headset w/microphone that are hooked into your computer. If you're using a special voip internet phone adapter that connects to your broadband connection, the quality is usually stellar.

Voip has some really cool features, like it's ability to go with you anywhere in the world. Seriously, people can call your local number, even if you're half a world away. They'll get you if you've brought your adapter with you and plugged it into your hotel room's broadband connection. And it'll be a local call. It's wild.

You can also chat, IM and videoconference over voip, which is really convenient sometimes. Also, a lot of special features, like call waiting, three-way calling, and caller ID are free, unlike the phone company, which usually charges an arm and a leg for those things.

And best of all? It's cheaper, especially for international calls. I get unlimited free calling in the US, Canada and Puerto Rico for under $20 a month through voip.com. It's killer. And if I call other places, the rates are like 1/10 what the phone company used to charge me.

So yeah, in a nutshell, voip is cheaper, better phone service ;-)

2006-07-14 23:28:59 · answer #2 · answered by sardogwill 2 · 0 0

Voice over Internet protocol. This is used by the new telephone services that people with Broadband can get. This includes companies like Skype, Vonage. Your cable company may offer an internet telephone service that usese VOIP.

I have Vonage at $24.95 a month. The cost savings and USA/Canada, UK, Italy, Ireland, France and Spain free calling is awesome.

2006-07-13 21:59:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Voice over Internet Protocol

2006-07-13 21:58:58 · answer #4 · answered by Innocent 3 · 0 0

Voice over internet protocal

2006-07-13 23:52:54 · answer #5 · answered by jenus 2 · 0 0

voice over ip

2006-07-13 21:57:07 · answer #6 · answered by bobsled 5 · 0 0

This should answer that question:

2006-07-13 21:57:41 · answer #7 · answered by VzjrZ 5 · 0 0

best answer=10 points
all youll ever need to know

2006-07-13 21:59:54 · answer #8 · answered by sPoCoKeT 3 · 0 0

Have a look here.

2006-07-14 12:33:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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