Yes...first of all *stop* washing your nipples so often!! Washing once a day with plain water is all that is necessary. More than that can do serious damage.
Next, determine the cause of the soreness (assuming it wasn't just the washing). The best way to do this is to talk to a La Leche League Leader (see sources section below).
Then eliminate the cause.
Finally, if the cause is anything *but* thrush (be sure first!!), you may want to use purified lanolin on your nipples. It will help heal them faster. You do *not* have to wash it off before the next feeding. Purified lanolin is available in many stores that sell breastfeeding products (such as pads and pumps); if it isn't, *ask* for it.
2006-07-13 11:27:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Poor thing, I really feel for you. Is this your first baby? I know how hard it is to start breastfeeding. It's so painful! Many times I swore it was worse then childbirth!
There are some things you can do and I promise it gets easier. (sorry this will probably be a long answer but hopefully it will be informative)
1. Use Lanolin. you can find it at any drugstore in the baby section. It's kind of like vaseline but much better. Rub some on your nipples right after your nurse. the great thing is that it doesn't need to be washed off before you nurse again cause it's completely safe for the baby to comsume (unlike Vaseline).
2. Don't wash your breasts each time you breastfeed cause you are just irritating the delicate skin. In fact the best thing to do is just the opposite...after you nurse, let you breasts "air-out" for a few minutes. Don't wipe off any excess milk that has dripped out because that milk will be reabsorbed back into the areola and protect the skin.
3. Make sure you still shower every day to avoid bacteria growth. You can get away with just using warm water on your breasts, or use a very mild cleanser. You can even use a baby cleanser on your breasts like Dove for babies or Johnson and Johnson baby wash. Just please don't use your regluar soap or body wash on your nipples because it will make them very irritated.
4. Alternate breasts at each feed, but always feed from both. This will build up your milk supply.
5. Make sure the baby is latching properly. She should have all or most of your areola in your mouth and her lips should stick out (remember when we would make "fishy faces" as kids? they should stick out like that).
6. When your milk fully comes in you will likely become engorged. Best way to deal with this is to take a warm shower and gently massage your breasts. You may need to manually express a tiny amount before you nurse so that your baby can latch on. You can also use cabbage leaves to alleviate engorgement.
Trust me on all of is the only way I survived breastfeeding for the first 2 weeks. It will get easier and soon you will be a natural!
Good luck! My thoughts are with you and your precious new baby!
2006-07-13 10:54:23
answer #2
answered by sweets 2
That is definitely normal. Some books will tell you that if it hurts you are doing something wrong, but that is simply not true. For the first week or so you may experience nipple pain when you breastfeed. It is a part of your body that is not used to being used so frequently! If your nipples are actually getting dry and cracked, use Lansinoh cream on them. You do not have to wash it off before nursing the baby again; it is completely natural. Otherwise just try to wait it out, it will pass before you know it.
2006-07-13 09:47:56
answer #3
answered by Call me AL 3
Babies R'us sells a special lanacaine type ointment that helps soothe sensitive nipples. Just make sure that you dry your nipples on before you apply it, otherwise you can end up with an infection. You don't even need to wash this off prior to feeding again. I know that it is easy to get discouraged, but stick it out. A week or two from now, you wont even remember the pain. As a last resort, you can get a breast pump to give your nipple a rest. I was just about to give up when my husband bought a pump for me. I am still nursing at 6 months, and plan to go for at least a year. Good Luck!
2006-07-13 09:37:15
answer #4
answered by jacqueline 2
Make sure the baby is latching on to the nipple and the whole aerola because if she's not that can cause a lot of pain. If she is, that Lansinoh Lanolin Cream works great! You dont have to wash it off before feeding the baby and I would apply it after every feeding. If they dont get better soon you should see a doctor. Also, if they are bleeding then you shouldnt be nursing the baby.
2006-07-13 10:16:36
answer #5
answered by tiece20 2
Try some Lansinoh lanolin cream. You can put it on, and not worry about rinsing it off. It is perfectly safe, and will help your nipples. Also, check the baby's latch. Your baby should get the whole nipple in her mouth. It is normal to have sore nipples the first few days. It will get better. Congratulations!
For more info see:
2006-07-13 10:01:09
answer #6
answered by seatonrsp 5
Put vitamin E oil on them. Take a vitamin E capsule and poke it with a pin and squeeze some of the oil on your nipples. It helps and it will not hurt the baby. Your nipples will not be sore in a few weeks; stick with it. It will not hurt at all later. I nursed 4 babies.
2006-07-13 09:46:19
answer #7
answered by pennypincher 7
Make sure she is latched properly with plenty of your nipple in her mouth. A little soreness is normal at first but if it lasts longer than you can count to 20 she is not latched on correctly. Keep trying and don't give up! It will get better really soon and you will love nursing more than anything!!
2006-07-13 15:17:11
answer #8
answered by all_my_armour_falling_down 4
This is normal!!!
I always took a shower after I put the baby to bed in the evenings. I never, ever, use soap on my nipples, just warm water. Then I use Medela's Lanolin's after every feeding.
I think the warm water in the shower helped the most!
2006-07-13 09:49:19
answer #9
answered by LMO 2
I used lansinoh. it helped, but not much. my daughter's latch and everything was fine but I still hurt after 6 months or so. it was a few years after I stopped nursing when I found out women with sensitive skin and women with blue eyes and blond hair (their skin tends to be more sensitive too) had pain longer than normal.
but if she's only 2 days old it could just be because it's so new. it'll take time for your nipples to toughen up. don't give up though!
2006-07-13 10:30:13
answer #10
answered by Jbeth 4