With my fourth child, I did endure most of the labor at home. By the time I woke someone else to go, I barely had time to put my shoes on, or so I thought. I was feeling the need to "push" by then. We did make it to the hospital, (couldn't have been more than a couple of miles) Even then my husband almost ended up delivering the baby because the Doctor almost didn't make it. He was a bit further away; 20 miles or so.
My first child I went in when my water broke. It was probably close to 3 am. And didn't have her until the next afternoon. My husband and I laid in the hospital bed watching cartoons. They actually gave me a "pit-drip" to start the contractions. It went quick from there!
My second, was a very short time between when I first thought I might be having contactions and having a baby. We went to the hospital and They broke my water because there was concerns about the babies health. She was showing signs of stress. It was quick. she didn't take any more than a couple of hours to make her entrance.
My third was the longest. My sister came over to my house to sit with my children. (my husband was in the gulf) and we sat with the other children waiting, timing contactions, coloring. We probably sat up for 5 hours before the contractions were close enough to deem it necessary to go to the hospital. They were about 3 minutes apart and a duration of almost 1.5 minutes or so. My son was born probably 5 hours later.
You just need to be really keen to the signs your body is giving you. I've found that walk and squat is the best way to endure the contractions (in my experience) Be very cautios if you are in a high risk catagory. I wouldn't suggest waiting until you have to push...but If there haven't been complications most of your labor can be endured in the comfort of your home. I preferred it. No bells and whistles and no one telling me I HAD to lay down. I really don't think that's the best position for labor. Certainly NOT the most comfortable.
2006-07-13 09:10:09
answer #1
answered by Heathery Lane 4
That depends on the person, some people experience NO real labor pains...Personally, I called my doctor, and he told me once I got to about 20 minutes apart consistently for over a two hour period, to call him back or if they got closer together, and he would meet me at the hospital...some people do not even have contractions that far apart for very long. I hat hospitals too, but once I was there, I was treated like royalty. Both of my deliveries actually ended up being induced once my water broke. For some reason my contractions stopped once the water broke, so I had to be induced. My first son, I was induced with an epidural, I was in labor for about 12 hrs, but because of the epidural, did not feel a thing even when I pushed...it was so great...the second time around, I had to again be induced, but this time the hospital could not get me an epidural quick enough. This will all depend on your BODY. My second child was a less than 6hr labor, NO EPIDURAL, and I begged for one!!! Both children were healthy and had perfect APGAR scores. So if you are in pain, be smart, and take the medicine offered! With both of my deliveries, I only pushed three times, and my child was born. Good luck!
2006-07-13 09:02:04
answer #2
answered by thedothanbelle 4
Waiting until contractions are about five minutes apart was always what I was told, but I went when the pain was getting unbearable. I was in labor with my first for 47 hours and spent the last 24 hours at the hospital.
2006-07-13 08:58:07
answer #3
answered by Chris 4
My water broke at 2am, no contractions, went to hospital, settled in around 4am, they had to put me on pitocin at 10 am, had son at 8:20 pm. (18 1/2 hrs after my water broke) but every labor, every woman is different. If your hospital isn't too far away, I'd stick to the general rule of thumb when contractions are 5 minutes apart for an hour.
Good luck!
2006-07-13 08:58:12
answer #4
answered by rlms_girl 3
I never had the experience of have contractions or having my water break for my son cause it was an induced labor and on top of that a c-section.
But I would say that when your labor pains are no longer bearable or when your water breaks you should go the hospital. But as long as you can handle the pain at home, stay at home until you can't take it no more.
2006-07-13 08:57:43
answer #5
answered by bajinnoly 3
i was only allowed to go into labor with my first one. and i didn't even know i was in labor. i woke up, went to my job as a filing clerk, came home and ate lunch and went to the doctor for a regular check up. he decided on a whim to check me and i was 5 cm dilated. we did a quick ultrasound and tried unsuccessfully to turn the baby because he was breech. within an hour, i was in the hospital getting prepared for a c-section. when they checked me just after getting to the hospital i was dilated to about 8cm and i still didn't have any strong contractions. about 2 hours after leaving the doctor's office, i was on the operating table and my water broke. i had one or two really intense contractions and then i was put under for the c-section. i would say that if you can, stick to the rule of 5 mins apart for more than an hour and lasting at least a min each. if your water breaks, get to the hospital immediately because this opens you up to infection and labors usually go pretty quickly after the water breaks. good luck!! maybe we'll have out babies on the same day...i go in next thursday to have my fifth!
2006-07-13 09:16:52
answer #6
answered by buhing513 3
I needed to be hospitalized a week before both my kids were born, but as a general rule, you should consider how long it takes to get to the hospital where you are. Definately go as soon as your water breaks, or when your contractions are about 5 minutes apart. Call before you go so that they know you are coming! Goodluck!
2006-07-13 08:57:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You want to wait to go to the doctor or hospital till your contractions are 10mins apart. It depends on if this is your frist child or not but you will be in the hospitail for around 2 to 3 days all togather.
2006-07-13 08:56:36
answer #8
answered by cheridever 2
you definately need to go as soon as your water breaks- you are at high risk for geting an infection that could harm your baby- i had to be induced so thye gave me cervidil the night before and started pitocin in the morning- she was born 6 hrs later after pushing for 13 mins
2006-07-13 08:55:00
answer #9
answered by Hannah's Mom 2
my contractions started at 6 in the morning and i went in a 5 inthe afternoon. he was bron at 12:59pm on saturday the next day
2006-07-13 08:55:02
answer #10
answered by kleighs mommy 7