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coccaine, weed, opium, liguor, xanax. adderall, that cold medicine that they make some drug out of and acid. Which ones are the most popular and accessable today? your annoymous so screw it give it to me and I promise i won't arrest you!

2006-07-13 07:59:02 · 6 answers · asked by dradelbug 3 in Entertainment & Music Other - Entertainment

Oh remember i'm not a real cop i just play one on yahoo!

2006-07-13 08:05:57 · update #1

6 answers

A ,

A-Bomb ,

Abe ,Abe’s Cabe - $5 bill

Abandominiums ,
Abolic ,

Acapulco Gold ,Mexico,

Acapulco Red - Marijuana

Ace - Marijuana cigarette; PCP

Acid - LSD

Acid Head - User of LSD; "Acid Freak"

Adam - Ecstasy; MDMA

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden - MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) and MDEA combo; MBDB

Afgani Indica - Marijuana

African - Marijuana

African Black - Marijuana

African Bush - Marijuana

African Salad - Catha edulis a.k.a. bushman's tea, gat, kat, khat, miraa, qat, chat, tohai, and tschat; a flowering shrub native to northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Fresh khat leaves contain cathinone - a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act.

African Woodbine - Marijuana cigarette

Aftershock - 40% whiskey crystals, you eat them

Agonies - Withdrawal symptoms

Aimies - Amphetamine; amyl nitrite

AIP - Heroin from Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan

Air Blast - Inhalant

Airhead - Marijuana user; under the influence of marijuana

Airplane - Marijuana

Alcohol - Booze, brews, hard stuff, hooch, juice, sauce

Alice B. Toklas - A woman known for her use of marijuana as an ingredient in her brownie recipe; marijuana-laced brownie

All-American - Cocaine

All Lit Up - Under the influence of drugs

All Star - User of multiple drugs

Alley Juice - Very cheap wine, "Grapes"

Alpha-ET - Alpha-ethltyptamine

Ames - Amphetamine

Amidone - Methadone

Amoeba - PCP

Amp - Amphetamine; marijuana dipped in formaldehyde or embalming fluid, sometimes laced with PCP and smoked also known as illym leek, crazy Eddie, wet, purple rain

Amped - High

Amp Joint - Marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic

Amped-Out - Fatigue after using amphetamines, methamphetamines

Amphetamines - Designer stimulant drugs; also known as A, aimies, ames, amp, beans, bennies, bens, benz, black beauties, black birds, black bombers, black hollies, black mollies, blue boy, cartwheels, Christmas tree, crank, crystal, dexies, football, ice, lip poppers, meth, methamphetamine, methcathinone, snow, snow pallets, speed, star, uppers, west coast turnarounds, 357 magnums

Amping - Accelerated heartbeat caused by drug use

Amy - Inhalants

Amytal - Barbiturate; depressant

Anadrol - Oral steroid

Anatrofin - Injectable steroid

Anavar - Oral steroid

ANDRO - Androsteindione

Androsteindione - Testosterone-boosting "nutritional supplement, made famous by baseball player Mark McGuire, ANDRO

Angel - Phencyclidine or PCP

Angel Dust - PCP

Angel Hair - PCP

Angel Mist - PCP

Angie - Cocaine

Angola - Marijuana

Animal - LSD

Animal Trank - PCP

Animal Tranquilizer - PCP

Antifreeze - Heroin

Apple Jacks - Crack Cocaine

Are You Anywhere? - Do you use marijuana?

Aries - Heroin

Aroma of Men - Isobutyl nitrite

Artillery - Equipment for shooting drugs

Ashes - Marijuana

Ash Catcher - Allows smoke to be double-filtered when attached to the stem of a standing waterpipe and keeps the waterpipe free of debris.

Assassin Of Youth - Marijuana

Astro Turf - Marijuana

Atom Bomb - Marijuana mixed with heroin

Atshitshi - Marijuana

Aunt Hazel - Heroin

Aunt Mary - Marijuana

Aunt Nora - Cocaine

Aunti - Opium

Aunti Emma - Opium

Aurora Borealis - PCP

B - Amount of marijuana to fill a matchbox

B-40 - Cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in malt liquor

BC Bud - Marijuana from British Columbia; synonymous with any high-grade marijuana from Canada

BDMPEA - (2-(4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxy-phenyl)-ethylamine), nexus, venus, bromo, spectrum, toonies, MFT

B.J.’s - Crack cocaine

Babe - Drug used for detoxification

Baby - Marijuana

Baby T - Crack Cocaine

Baby Bhang - Marijuana

Baby Habit - Occasional use of drugs

Baby Sit - To "guide" someone through a first drug experience

Baby Slits - MDMA

Baby T - Crack

Babysitter - Marijuana

Back To Back - Smoking crack after injecting heroin or using heroin after smoking crack

Backbreakers - LSD and strychnine

Back Door - Residue left in a pipe

Backjack - Injecting opium

Backtrack - Letting blood back up into a syringe to ensure the needle’s in a vein

Backup - Prepare vein for injection

Backwards - Depressant

Bad Bundle - Inferior quality heroin

Bad Trip - Unpleasant LSD experience; unpleasant episode with a hallucinogen

Bad - Crack

Bad Go - Bad reaction to a drug

Bad Seed - Peyote, heroin, marijuana, marijuana combined with peyote

Bag - Packet of drugs, usually a standard amount for sale; container for drugs; a package of drugs, usually marijuana or heroin; a person's favorite drug

Bagboy - Someone who sells dope for someone else

Bag Bride - Drug-using prostitute

Bag Man - Person who transports money

Bagging - Using inhalants

Baked - High (stoned) on marijuana

Baker - Person who smokes marijuana

Bale - Marijuana

Ball - Crack

Balling - Vaginally implanted cocaine

Balloon - Heroin supplier; container for drugs

Ballot - Heroin

Bam - Methamphetamine

Bamba - Marijuana

Bambalacha - Marijuana

Bammies - A poor quality of marijuana

Bammy - Marijuana

Banano - Marijuana joint laced with cocaine

Bang - To inject a drug; narcotics; inhalants

Bar - Marijuana

Barbs - Barbiturates; downers, reds

Bar Crawl - Going to several bars in a row drinking; encouraging intoxication in groups

Barrels - LSD

Base - Cocaine

Baseball - Crack Cocaine

Bash - Marijuana

Basuco - Cocaine; cocaine paste residue sprinkled on marijuana or tobacco cigarettes

Bat - Can be used as a cigarette holder or as a small tube pipe (See Chillum)

Bathtub Crank - Poor quality methamphetamine; methamphetamine produced in bathtubs

Bathtub Speed - Methcathinone (See Cat)

Battery Acid - LSD, GHB

Batu - Methamphetamine

Bazooka - Cocaine; crack; combination of crack and marijuana; crack and tobacco combined in a joint; coca paste and marijuana

B-Bombs - Methamphetamine

Beam (Beem) - Cocaine; Crack

Beamer (Beemers) - Crack user

Bean(s) - Capsules for drugs; MDMA, amphetamines

Beat - To cheat someone

Beasties - Huge marijuana buds, the flowering part of the plant, which contains the most THC

Bebe - Crack

Bedbugs - Fellow addicts

Beedies - Cigarettes from India (resemble marijuana joints/vehicle for other drugs)

Beer Bong (Hose Monster) - Funnel with hose attached, used to drink large amounts of alcohol quickly; considered a drinking game

Belted - Under the influence of a drug; intoxicated

Belushi - Using cocaine and heroin

Belyando Spruce - Marijuana

Bender - Drug party

Bennies, Bens, Benz - Benzedrine; "peaches", amphetamines, methamphetamines

Benzedrine - Type of amphetamine, bennies, bens, benz

Bernie - Cocaine

Bhang - Marijuana, Indian term

Big C - Cocaine

Big Chief - Mescaline

Big D - Slang for LSD

Big H - Heroin

Big Man - Supplier of drugs

Big O - Opium

Biker’s Coffee - Metamphetamine

Bin Laden - Heroin (after September 11)

Bindle - A small packet of drug powder, often heroin, wrapped in tin foil

Bing - Enough of a drug for one dose

Bingo - To inject a drug

Biphetamine - Type of amphetamine

Birthday Crawl - Birthday person gets free drinks as he/she goes from bar to bar with a group; encourages intoxication; drinking game

Biscuits - MDMA

Bite One's Lips - To smoke marijuana

Black - Opium; marijuana; methamphetamine

Black and White - Methamphetamine

Black Acid - LSD; LSD with PCP

Black Bart - Marijuana

Black Beauties - Amphetamines, methamphetamine

Black Birds - Amphetamines, methamphetamine

Black Bombers - Amphetamines, methamphetamine

Black Cadillacs - Methamphetamine

Black Ganga - Marijuana resin

Black Gold - Potent marijuana

Black Gungi - Marijuana from India

Black Gunion - Marijuana

Black Hash - Opium and hashish

Black Hollies - Amphetamines, methamphetamine

Black Mo/Black Moat - Highly potent marijuana

Black Mollies - Amphetamines, methamphetamine

Black Mote - Marijuana mixed with honey

Black Out - Loss of memory for events occurring while heavily intoxicated with alcohol, other sedative/hypnotic drugs

Black Pearl - Heroin

Black Pill - Opium pill

Black Rock - Crack cocaine

Black Russian - Very potent hashish mixed with opium

Black Star - LSD

Black Tabs - LSD

Black Tar - Heroin

Black Whack - PCP

Blackout - The practice of cutting off oxygen in an effort to attain a drug-like high; also known as flatliner, space monkey

Blanca - Cocaine

Blanco - Heroin

Blanket - Marijuana cigarette

Blanks - Low-quality drugs

Blast - Cocaine, to smoke marijuana or crack; marijuana

Blast A Joint - To smoke marijuana

Blast A Roach - To smoke marijuana

Blast A Stick - To smoke marijuana

Blasted - High /intoxicated on drugs; under the influence of drugs

Blaxing - Smoking marijuana

Blaze - Marijuana

Blazin' - Smoking marijuana

Blizzard - Cocaine

Block - Marijuana

Blond - Marijuana

Blotter - LSD

Blotter Acid - LSD

Blotter Cube - LSD

Blow - Smoke marijuana; snort, sniff or smoke cocaine; to inject heroin

Blow A Stick - To smoke marijuana

Blow Blue - To inhale cocaine

Blow Boost - To inhale cocaine

Blow Coke - To inhale cocaine

Blow One’s Roof - Smoke marijuana

Blowing Smoke - Marijuana

Blue Acid - LSD

Blue Angels - Depressants

Blue Belly - Methamphetamine

Blue Birds - Depressants

Blue Boy - Amphetamine

Blue Chairs - LSD

Blue Cheers - LSD

Blue de Hue - Marijuana from Vietnam

Blue Devils - Amobarbital

Blue Heaven - LSD

Blue Microdot - LSD

Blue Mist - LSD

Blue Moons - LSD

Blue Nitro - Dietary supplement containing GBI (Gamma Butyrolactone) similar to GHB

Blue Sage - Marijuana

Blue Sky Blond - Potent marijuana from Columbia

Blue Velvet - combination of elixir terpin hydrate with codeine and tripelennamine used as weak heroin substitute; combination of paregoric and PBZ (pyribenzamine or tripelennamine) used as weak heroin substitute

Blues - Valium

Blunts - Extra large marijuana cigarette because it is made from the hollowed out wrapper of a cigar. A commercial product, "Blunt Wraps," is being marketed on the Internet now for people to roll their own "cigars" without having to hollow-out the original cigar. Marijuana; cocaine and marijuana inside a cigar

Boat - PCP

Bo - Marijuana

Bobo - Marijuana

Bobo Bush - Marijuana

Bogart A Joint - Salivate on a marijuana cigarette; refuse to share

Bohd - Marijuana; PCP

Bolasterone - Injectable steroid

Bolivian Marching Powder - Cocaine

Bolo - Crack

Bolt - Inhalants; isobutyl nitrite

Bomb - Crack; heroin; large marijuana cigarette; high potency heroin

Bombed Out - Intoxicated by narcotics or other drugs

Bomber - Marijuana cigarette

Bombita - Mixture of cocaine and heroin

Bone - Marijuana; $50 piece of crack; high purity heroin

Bong - A cylindrical water pipe for smoking narcotics, especially marijuana

Boo - Marijuana; methamphetamine

Boo Boo Bama - Marijuana

Boom- Marijuana

Boomers - LSD

Boost - To steal

Boot the gong - To smoke marijuana

Booze - Alcohol (beer, wine, liquor)

Boppers - Inhalants

Bread - Money; cash

Brews - Alcohol

Brick - A kilogram (2.2lbs.) of tightly compacted marijuana; hashish; crack cocaine; cocaine

Bring Down - Come off a drug

Broccoli - Marijuana

Broker - Go between for a drug deal

Bromo - (2-(4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxy-phenyl)-ethylamine), nexus, venus, spectrum, BDMPEA, toonies, MFT

Browns - Methamphetamine; marijuana; heroin

Bubble Gum - Cocaine; crack cocaine; marijuana from Tennessee

Bubbler - A hand-held waterpipe

Buda, Buddha - Marijuana; a high grade joint filled with crack or opium; potent marijuana spiked with opium or crack

Buds - Marijuana

Bullyon - Marijuana

Bummer - Bad experience with drugs

Bumblebees - Type of amphetamine

Bump - Ketamine; a small amount of powder to be inhaled

Bundle - Multiple bags of a drug

Burn - Cheated by a pusher

Burn One - To smoke marijuana

Burn Out - A state of apathy and deadened perceptions which can result from habitual use of marijuana

Burned - Purchase non-genuine drugs

Burnie - Marijuana

Burnout - Heavy user of drugs

Bush - Marijuana; cocaine; PCP

Bushman's Tea - Catha edulis a.k.a. African salad, gat, kat, khat, miraa, qat, chat, tohai, and tschat; a flowering shrub native to northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Fresh khat leaves contain cathinone - a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act.

Busted - Arrested on a drug-related charge

Butane - Common substance sometimes used as an inhalant

Butter - Marijuana; crack

Butter Flower - Marijuana

Buttons - Peyote or mushrooms; mescaline

Butts - Tobacco

Buy - Purchase drugs

Buzz - Teen drinking game; must drink when you miss the cue; under the influence of drugs; drug-induced euphoria or high

Buzz Bomb - Nitrous oxide, laughing gas, whippets, inhalant

Buzzed - Marijuana intoxication

C.S. - Marijuana

Cactus - Mescaline or Peyote

California Cornflakes - Cocaine

Cam Trip - High potency marijuana

Cambodian Red/Cam Red - Marijuana from Cambodia

Can - Marijuana; one ounce

Canade - Heroin/marijuana combination

Canadian Black - Marijuana

Canamo - Marijuana

Canappa - Marijuana

Cancelled Stick - Marijuana cigarette

Candy - Barbiturates; cocaine; MDMA

Candy Blunt - A blunt dipped in cough syrup

Candyflip - LSD and MDMA

Candy Flipping - Using more than one drug at a time

Candy Man - Drug supplier

CandyRaver - Young RAVER who wears candy jewelry, may use LSD and MDMA in combo

Canework - The process of adding decoration to glassware by melting a slender rod of colored glass with a hand-held torch directly onto the exterior of a finished piece.

Cannabis - Cannabis Indica is the scientific name for the Indian hemp plant while Cannabis Sativa is another species of marijuana, closely related to Indica.

Cannabis Tea - Marijuana

Caps - Drug capsules

Carmabis - Marijuana

Cartucho (Spanish) - Package of marijuana cigarettes

Cartwheels - Amphetamines

Cat - Designer drug called cathin, cathinone, or methcathinone; easily made recipes are on Internet; similar to methamphetamines in chemistry, effects on bodies, and risks to children, bathtub speed

Cat Valium - Ketamine

Catnip - Marijuana cigarette

Catha edulis - Also known as african salad, bushman's tea, gat, kat, khat, miraa, qat, chat, tohai, and tschat; a flowering shrub native to northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Fresh khat leaves contain cathinone - a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act.

Caviar or Cavvies - Crack or powdered cocaine in a tobacco cigarette; combination of cocaine and marijuana; crack cocaine

Cavite All Star - Marijuana

Cecil - Cocaine

Cest - Marijuana

Chalk - Methamphetamine

Champagne and Caviar - Cocaine and marijuana

Charas - Marijuana from India

Charge - Marijuana

Charged Up - Under the influence of drugs

Chase - To smoke cocaine; to smoke marijuana

Chasing the Dragon - A particular way of inhaling heroin or cocaine heated on tin foil over a flame; also crack and heroin

Chat - Catha edulis a.k.a. african salad, bushman's tea, gat, kat, miraa, qat, tohai, and tschat; a flowering shrub native to northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Fresh khat leaves contain cathinone - a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act

Cheeba - Marijuana

Cheeo - Marijuana

Cheers - LSD

Chemo - Marijuana

Cherry Meth - GHB

Chiba - Chiba - A black Brazilian form of reefer, usually gummy and compressed into bricks; high potency marijuana from Colombia

Chicago Black - Marijuana, term from Chicago

Chicago Green - Marijuana

Chicken Powder - Methamphetamine

Chiefing - To smoke marijuana

Chill Room - A room at a RAVE you pay to go to in order to cool off or come down from a high

Chillum - A funnel-shaped pipe of Persian origin, in which smoking matter is placed at one end and lit while the smoker inhales one the other end (See Bat); used to smoke opium, hashish, and marijuana

China White - A very pure white heroin

Chipping - Occasional use of drugs

Chips - Tobacco or marijuana cigarettes laced with PCP

Chocolate - Marijuana, opium, amphetamine

Chocolate Ecstasy - Crack made brown by adding chocolate milk powder during production

Chippy - Person who uses drugs infrequently

Chira - Marijuana

Chocolate Thai - Marijuana

Choke Trance - Deadly game cutting off oxygen to produce high similar to inhaling. Also called "the game" or "pass out"

Christina - Methamphetamine

Christmas Bud - Marijuana

Christmas Rolls - Depressants

Christmas Tree - Marijuana; amphetamine; depressant; methamphetamine

Christmas Tree Meth - Green methamphetamine produced using Drano crystals

Chronic - Marijuana; hip-hop term for potent marijuana; marijuana laced with crack

Chug It - Teen board drinking game; promotes intoxication

Chugging - Drinking alcohol quickly without stopping or taking a breath; a drinking game

Chunky - Marijuana

Churus - Marijuana


Circles - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug; flunitrazepam, forget-me pills, mexican valuim, rib, roach-2, roaches, roche, roofies, roopies, rope, rophies, ropies, ruffies

Citrol - High potency marijuana from Nepal

Clam Bake - Sitting inside a car or other small, enclose space and smoking marijuana

Clean - Drug free; not having drugs in one’s possession

Clicker - A joint dipped in formaldehyde and smoked; crack mixed with PCP

Clickums - A marijuana cigarette laced with PCP

Climax - Butyl nitrite; inhalant

Climb - Marijuana cigarette

Cloud - Crack Cocaine

Club Drugs - Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate, a depressant drug, no smell, salty taste, date rape drug, powder or liquid form. Also known as battery acid, cherry meth, date rape drug, easy lay, everclear, fantasy, G, Georgia Home Boy, GHB, goop, Grievous Bodily Harm, jib, kit kat, liquid ecstasy, liquid G, liquid X, organic Quaalude, roofies, roopies, rope, rophies, ropies, ruffies, salty war, salty water, scoop, sleep 500, soap, Special K, Vita G, zonked

Coasting - Being high on drugs; under the influence of drugs

Cocaine - All American, Angie, Aunt Nora, base, basuco, bazooka, beam, Bernie, Big C, black rock, Blanca, blast, blizzard, blow, bobo, Bolivian Marching Powder, booth, California cornflakes, candy, Cecil, crack, coke, cola, divits, dust, foo foo, happy dust, happy trails, heaven, hooter, ice, icing, ivory flakes, king, lace, lady, leaf, lines, mobbeles, nose candy, pearl, powder, railers, ringer, rocks, sleigh ride, sneeze, snort, snow, snow bird, snowcones, snow white, soda, toot, white dust, yahoo, yale, yam, yao, yay, yayoo, yeah-o, yeaho, yeyo (spanish), zip

Cocaine User - Snow bird

Cochornis - Marijuana

Cocktail - Combination of crack and marijuana; cigarette laced with cocaine or crack; partially smoked marijuana cigarette inserted in regular cigarette; to smoke cocaine in a cigarette; marijuana and tobacco cigarette

Colas - Marijuana

Cold Turkey - Sudden withdrawal from drugs

Coli - Marijuana

Coliflor tostao (Spanish) - Marijuana

Cocoa Puff - To smoke cocaine and marijuana

Coke - Cocaine

Coke Broke - Financially incapacitated from supporting cocaine habit

Cold Turkey - Sudden withdrawal from drugs

Colombia - Marijuana

Colombian - Potent strain of marijuana

Colombo - Marijuana grown in Columbia

Colorado Cocktail - Marijuana

Columbus Black - Marijuana

Come Down - The ending of a drug experience

Connect - To purchase drugs

Connection - Supplier of drugs

Cooker - Usually a spoon or bottle cap used to heat drugs for injection, person who cooks meth or designer drugs

Cop - To obtain drugs

Co-Pilots - Type of amphetamine

Cop Out - To evade an issue

Coricidin - Magic Skittles, Red Devils, Triple C, Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold tablets containing a powerful dose of dextromethorphan, a substance related to morphine

Cosa (Spanish) - Marijuana

Cotton Shooter - Desperate addict who injects the residue from cotton used to filter heroin

Crack - Cocaine prepared for smoking, in chunk or rock form, Baby T, bad, ball, bazooka, beam, bebe, black rock, bolo, "the devil", geek, I am back, ice cube, issues, snow coke, yahoo, yale, yam, yay, yayoo, yeah-o, yeaho, yimyom

Crack Back - Marijuana and crack

Crack Bash - Combination of crack cocaine and marijuana

Crack Cocaine - Apple jacks, B.J.s, Baby T, baseball, cloud, dip, glow, hardline, kryptonite, paste, yahoo, yale, yam, yay, yayoo, yeah-o, yeaho, yimyom

Cracker - Metal, brass or plastic device used to puncture Whip-its and fill balloons with nitrous oxide

Crank - Amphetamine, heroin, methamphetamine, methcathinone

Crank Craters - Facial sores caused by meth

Crash - To sleep off the effects of drugs; to come down off a drug very quickly

Crazy Flip - Ecstasy + LSD + cocaine + xanex + Crown Royal + pot

Crazy Weed - Marjiuana

Crink - Methamphetamine

Cripple - Marijuana cigarette

Crisscrossing - To set up a "line" of powder cocaine next to a line of heroin

Cristy - Methamphetamine

Crying Weed - Marijuana

Crypto - Methamphetamine

Cryppie - Marijuana

Cryptonie - Marijuana

Crystal - Amphetamines, methamphetamine, PCP

Cubes - Marijuana tablets; crack cocaine

Culican - High potency marijuana from Mexico

Cut - To adulterate, dilute drugs

Cut Out - To leave from someplace

Cylert - Type of stimulant drug

Dagga (Dajja) - South African word for strong marijuana

Dank - Street name for marijuana, marijuana laced with formaldehyde, potent marijuana, flunitrazepam; refers to "high quality" marijuana

Date Rape Drug - flunitrazepam, GHB

Dealer - A seller of illegal drugs

Death - Street name for PMA

Deck - A packet of drugs

Decriminalization - Process of reducing penalties for personal use of marijuana from prison sentences to civil fines.

Depressants - Christmas rolls, Christmas tree, peanut, yellow, yellow bullets, yellow jackets

Designer Drug - Synthetic drug chemically altered and designed to circumvent drug laws

"The Devil" - Crack

Dew - Marijuana

Dex - Methamphetamine

Dexies - Dexadrine, "dex", amphetamine

Dextromethorphan - DXM (commonly extracted from Robitussin DM); Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold tablets containing a powerful dose of dextromethorphan, a substance related to morphine; many DXM containing products also contain other active ingredients which can be dangerous or even fatal in high doses. Also known as Dex, Magic Skittles, Robo, Rojo, Skittles, Triple C, Tussin, Vitamin D. DXM abuse is called "Robotripping" or "Tussing." Users might be called "syrup heads" or "robotards."

Diablito (Spanish) - Combination of crack cocaine and marijuana in a joint.

Diamonds - Methamphetamine

Didrex - Type of stimulant drug

Diet Pills - Methamphetamine

Dime - a quantity of drugs which sells on the streets for $10

Dime Bag - $10 worth of drugs

Dip - Marijuana joints dipped in PCP

Dipped Joints - Marijuana combined with PCP and formaldehyde

Dirt - Heroin

Dirt Grass - Inferior quality marijuana

Dirties - Marijuana cigarettes with powder cocaine added to them

Dirty Joints - Combination of crack cocaine and marijuana

Dollies - Methadone

Domestic - Locally grown marijuana

Don Juan - Marijuana

Donk - Marijuana/PCP combination

Doobage - Used when referrinf to rolling a joint, smoking, or otherwise getting high

Doobie - Marijuana cigarette, usually larger than a joint, the term is said to have originated from the baby boomer generation kid's show Romper Room, where the good children were called the "Do-Bees."

Dope - A general term for drugs of abuse; marijuana; heroin; any other drug

Dope Smoke - To smoke marijuana

Doses - LSD

Dots - LSD

Double Stack - MDMA tab, double thickness

Downs/Downers - Depressants such as barbiturates, tranquilizers, barbs

DMT - Strong hallucinogen designer drug, orange powder, often smoked in pipe

Doughnut - A hole, usually in the stem of a pipe, allowing smoke to split and pass through two passageways

Draf - Marijuana; ecstasy, with cocaine

Dried Out - Having gone through a withdrawal program for drugs or alcohol

Drop - To take a drug orally; a place where money or drugs are left

Druggie - A narcotic user or addict

Drunk and Disorderly - A person is drunk and acting up (out of control, yelling, etc.) It is a crime in many states

Drunk Pills - Valium

D.U.I. - Driving under the influence

Dummy Dust - PCP

Dust - Cocaine, Heroin, PCP, narcotics in powder form; marijuana mixed with various chemicals; cocaine; heroin; PCP

Dust Blunt - A joint with PCP and marijuana

Duster - Cigarette made of tobacco, mint leaves, marijuana, or parsley sprinkled with phencyclidine (PCP) also know as Angel Dust

Dusting - Adding PCP, heroin or another drug to marijuana

D.W.I. - Driving while intoxicated

DXM - dextromethorphan (commonly extracted from Robitussin DM); Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold tablets containing a powerful dose of dextromethorphan, a substance related to morphine; many DXM containing products also contain other active ingredients which can be dangerous or even fatal in high doses. Also known as Dex, Magic Skittles, Robo, Rojo, Skittles, Triple C, Tussin, Vitamin D. DXM abuse is called "Robotripping" or "Tussing." Users might be called "syrup heads" or "robotards."

Dynamite - High quality, potent drugs

E - Ecstasy, MDMA

E-Bombs - MDMA

E-Puddle - Sleeping or crashed out on the floor due to MDMA use/exhaustion

E-Tard - Person under the influence of MDMA who irritates others by hugging everybody

Easy Lay - GHB

Easy Score - Obtaining drugs without difficulty

Ebos - Ecstasy

Ecstasy (or Ecstacy) - 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine, MDMA, (methylenedioxymethamphetamine); designer drug with long-lasting high associated often with RAVE parties; Adam, Armanis, Beans, blue lips, blue kisses decadence, disco biscuits, doctor, E, Ebos, essence, Eve, ex, extasy, green nips, Kleenex, herbal bliss, hug drug, love drug, lovers' speed, rib, Scooby snacks, shabu, sweetarts, tulips, X, X'ing, XTC, wafers, white octagons

Eden - MBDB, methyl-J

Eightball - Eighth of an ounce/gram = 3.5 grams (dealer absorbs the .34952 grams)

Eighth - One-eighth of a pound of drugs; a ratio, 1:8

EKG - Ketamine

Elbow - A pound of pot

El Diablito (Spanish) - Cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and PCP

El Diablo (Spanish) - Cocaine, marijuana, and heroin

Elephant - PCP; marijuana

Elephant Flipping - PCP and MDMA

Embalming Fluid - PCP

Ethyl Alcohol/Ethanol - A liquid from fermentation of sugars and starches and used as a solvent in drugs and in intoxicating beverages

Euphoria - 4-methyl-aminorex; also known as U-4-E-uh or ice

Eve - Ecstasy, MDMA, MDEA, 3,4-methylenedioxy-ethamphetamine

Everclear - A 90% alcohol concoction, GHB

Ex - Ecstasy; MDMA

Experience - Trip on LSD

Extasy - Ecstasy; MDMA

Factory - Place where illicit drugs are diluted, packaged, manufactured and/or prepared for sale

Fall - Arrested

Fantasy - GHB

Feed Bag - Container for marijuana

Feds - Federal Agents

Fermentation - Yeast acting on sugar and starches in fruits and/or grain producing alcohol

Fiend - Someone who smokes marijuana alone

Finger - Stick-shaped piece of hashish; marijuana cigarette

Fire - Methamphetamine

Fire It Up - To smoke marijuana

Fishin' Out - Fall on the floor from a GHB, meth or ecstasy overdose and flop around; a seizure or convulsion

Fives - Methamphetamine

Fix - An injection of drugs

Flake - Cocaine

Flashback - Recurrence of hallucinations

Flatliners - MTA (4-methylthioamphetamine); the practice of cutting off oxygen in an effort to attain a drug-like high; also known as blackout, space monkey

Flea Powder - Poor quality drugs

Flip Out - Become psychotic or irrational

Flowing - Rave dance style

Flunitrazepam - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug; circles, forget-me pills, mexican valuim, rib, roach-2, roaches, roche, roofies, roopies, rope, rophies, ropies, ruffies

Fly Mexican Airlines - To smoke marijuana

Flying - Under the influence of drugs

Foo Foo - Cocaine

Football - Amphetamine

(The) Forget Pill - Rohypnol, circles, flunitrazepam

Forty - A forty-ounce bottle of beer or malt liquor (considered a single serving)

Freak Out - A bad trip; an unexpected reaction to a drug

Free Till You Pee - Bar specials until the first person has to use the restroom, encourages intoxication

Free Base - Smoking cocaine from a special water pipe

Freeze - To renege on a drug transaction

Fresh/Phat - Having a good supply of marijuana

Frios (Spanish) - Marijuana laced with PCP

Frisco Speedball - Cocaine, heroin, and LSD

Frogs - LSD

Front - To put money out before receiving the merchandise

Fry - Marijuana cigarettes dipped in embalming fluid, sometimes also laced with PCP, crack cocaine.

Fry Daddy - Crack and marijuana; cigarette laced with crack; marijuana joint laced with crack

Fry Sticks - Marijuana cigarettes dipped in formaldehyde/embalming fluid, sometimes also laced with PCP

Frying - Using LSD

Fu - Marijuana

Fuel - Marijuana mixed with insecticides; PCP

Fuzz - Police


G-Hopping - Garage Hopping; traveling from house to house looking for open garage doors for the purpose of locating beer to steal (often kept in a garage refrigerator.)

Gage - Term used in the 1940s.

Gamma G - See "Blue Nitro"

Gangster - Marijuana; person who uses or manufacturers methamphetamine

Ganja - A potent form of marijuana obtained from the flowering tops and leaves of the plant; marijuana; the Jamaican word for marijuana

Ganoobies - State of being stoned and laughing uncontrollably

Garage-Hopping - G-Hopping; traveling from house to house looking for open garage doors for the purpose of locating beer to steal (often kept in a garage refrigerator.)

Garbage - Inferior quality marijuana; low quality heroin

Gash - Marijuana

Gat - Catha edulis a.k.a. african salad, bushman's tea, kat, khat, miraa, qat, chat, tohai, and tschat; a flowering shrub native to northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Fresh khat leaves contain cathinone - a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act.

G-Ber Daze - A coma-like stupor from overdosing

GBL - Gamma butyrolactone

Geek - Crack mixed with marijuana

Geek-Joints - Cigarettes or cigars filled with tobacco and crack; a marijuana cigarette laced with crack or powdered cocaine

Geeking - To do something for hours while high

Georgia Home Boy - GHB

Get Off - Feel a drug’s effects

Get On - Use drugs for the first time

GH Revitalizer - See Blue Nitro

GHB - Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate, a depressant drug, no smell, salty taste, date rape drug, powder or liquid form. Also known as battery acid, cherry meth, date rape drug, easy lay, everclear, fantasy, G, Georgia Home Boy, goop, grievous bodily harm, jib, liquid ecstasy, liquid G, liquid X, organic Quaalude, salty war, salty water, scoop, sleep 500, soap, vita G, zonked

GHL - Gamma Butyrolactone, a key ingredient in GHB. Alone, it causes effects similar to GHB. Appears to be more addictive than GHB.

Gimmie - Crack and marijuana; marijuana joint laced with crack

Glass - Methamphetamine

Glow - Crack Cocaine

Gluey - A glue sniffer

Go Fast - Methamphetamine

Gold - Marijuana, also called Acapulco Gold or Columbia Gold; crack cocaine; heroin

Goldeneagle - MTA (4-methylthioamphetamine)

Gonzalez - Methamphetamine

Goods - Drugs

Goofballs - Barbiturates

Goop - GHB

Gram - A metric measure of weight, hashish

Grass - Marijuana

Grass Brownies - Marijuana

Green - Ketamine; PCP; inferior quality marijuana

Green Goddess - Marijuana

Gremmies - Combination of cocaine and marijuana

Grievous Bodily Harm - Slang for GHB, club drugs

Grimmie - Marijuana cigarette laced with powdered cocaine

Groovin’ - High on marijuana

Grow(s) - Marijuana growing operations (indoor and outdoor)

Gun - Equipment for injecting drugs

H-Bomb - Ecstasy mixed with heroin

Hammer - A pipe in this shape consists of a long slender stem and an oversized bowl

Hammerheading - The term sometimes used to describe the mixing of Viagra and ecstasy and the pounding headache that can result.

Hand Grenade - Small bottle of potent pre-mixed alcoholic drink in child-level, self-serve displays at convenient stores; neon cartoon pictures on labels

Hand-To-Hand - Direct delivery and payment

Hangover - Sick feeling (headache, upset stomach, etc.), caused by drinking too much alcohol

Happy Dust - Cocaine

Happy Stick - A joint with PCP and marijuana

Happy Trails - Cocaine

Hard Stuff - Alcohol; narcotics

Hardline - Crack Cocaine

Hardware - Inhalants

Harry - Heroin

Harsh - Marijuana

Has - Marijuana

Hash - Marijuana; potent mixture of the resins and flowers of the marijuana plant; black hash, chocolate, finger, gram, hash, kif, Lebanese, Mister Brownstone, oil, platters, quarter moon, soles, temple balls, thai sticks

Hashbury - Haight-Ashbury section of San Francisco, emphasis on hash(ish)

Hash Oil - A form of cannabis which is extracted or distilled from the Cannabis sativa plant

Hashish/Hash - Potent mixture of the resins and flowers of the marijuana plant; black hash, chocolate, finger, gram, hash, kif, Lebanese, Mister Brownstone, oil, platters, quarter moon, soles, temple balls, thai sticks

Hawaiian Black - Marijuana

Hawaiian Homegrown Hay - Marijuana

Hawaiian Salt - Methamphetamine

Hay - Marijuana

Head - Someone who uses drugs frequently

Headpiece - Any item of smokeware created with such skill and imagination that it transcends functionality and becomes an art

Head Shop - Store specializing in the sale of drug paraphernalia and drug-related items

Hearts - Dexadrine

Heat - Police (or gun)

Heaven - Cocaine

Heavenly Blue - Morning glory seeds; a hallucinogen

Heavy Burner - A person who smokes a lot of dope, burnout

Heeled - Having plenty of money

Hemp - Marijuana (Cannabis Sativa) used for rope, fabrics, clothing, and paper. Movement to legalize hemp is sponsored largely by pro- marijuana legalization movement

Herb - Marijuana

Herb and Al - Marijuana and alcohol

Herbal Bliss - Ecstasy, MDMA

Heroin - Antifreeze, Aries, Aunt Hazel, bad seed, ballot, Big H, Bin Laden, black pearl, black tar, blanco, china white, crank, dirt, dope, dust, fix, H. junk, harry, horse, horsebite, junk, mother pearl, smack, snow, whack

High - Euphoria and intoxication and/or under the influence of drugs

High/Low - Teen drinking card game; must drink if you miss

Hip Hop - Refers to culture that includes rap music, art, dance, fashion, attitude and drugs

Hippieflip - Mushrooms and MDMA

Hiropan - Methamphetamine

Hit - Single dose of drugs; to smoke marijuana; marijuana cigarette; crack cocaine

Hocus - Marijuana; opium

Hog - PCP

Holding - In possession of drugs

Home Grown - Locally grown marijuana; local weed; ditch weed

Honey Oil - Ketamine

Hooch - Alcohol, marijuana

Hookah - Originally smoked in the Near East, the bowl of this pipe fits into an airtight vase that is partly filled with water. A tube from the bowl passes downward below the surface of the water. Another flexible tube with a mouthpiece is fitted into the side of the vase above the water. Thus, the smoke passes through the water, where it is cooled before it enter the mouth. (The historical model for all waterpipes.) A hashish waterpipe with four long stems for four users at once (ref: Alice in Wonderland)

Hooked - Addicted

Hooter - Cocaine, marijuana

Hopped Up - Under the influence of drugs

Horse - Heroin

Horsebite - Heroin

Hose Monster (Beer Bong) - Funnel with attached hose, used for ingesting large amounts of alcohol quickly

Hot - Wanted by authorities

Hot Ice - Smokable methamphetamine

Hot Shot - Fatal injection of drugs; injecting an overdose of drugs

Huff - Inhalants

Huffer - Glue sniffer; one who inhales

Huffing - Inhaling solvents from a bag through the mouth to get high; inhaling vapors from gasoline; using an inhalant

Hustle - Attempt to obtain drug customers

Hydre - Amphetamine; high quality methamphetamine; marijuana, methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA); marijuana grown in water (hydroponic)

Hydrogrows - Indoor marijuana growing operations

Hype - Narcotic addict; herion addict

Hyperreal - Internet web site/group promoting drugs, recipes for drugs and RAVES

I Am Back - Crack

"I wanna talk to Samson!" - line from the movie Half Baked, indicating that the person wants marijuana

Ice - Amphetamine, methamphetamine, 4-methyl-aminorex, also known as U-4-E-uh or euphoria, cocaine, MDMA, PCP, shabu

Ice Cream Habit - Occasional drug use

Ice Cube - Crack

Icing - Cocaine

Illies - MDMA; marijuana dipped in PCP

Illing - Marijuana dipped in PCP

Illy - PCP laced cigarette or cigar; marijuana cigarettes soaked in embalming fluid and dried

In - Connected with drug suppliers

Inhalants - Air blast, Amy, bang, bolt, boppers, buzz bomb, climax, hardware, huff, kick, laughing gas, nitrates, ozone, poppers, rush, snappers, Texas shoe shine, whippets

Inside/Out - The technique of laying pattern and design on the inside of glass. This is achieved by flaring out the end of a tube, laying color, gold and silver on the inside of the tubing, and then melting and shrinking the glass back down to be shaped and manipulated into segments that are eventually welded together to form a piece.

Intoxication - Becoming drunk by drinking too much alcohol

Ionamin - Type of stimulant drug

Isomerizer - Used to increase potency of THC in marijuana

Issues - Crack

Jag - Extended period of using a drug; under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Jay - Individual marijuana cigarette

Jefferson Airplane - A term for a roach holder from a matchbook cover; used match cut in half to hold a partially smoked marijuana cigarette

Jellies - MDMA in gel caps

Jello Shots - Gelatin cubes made with alcohol usually using ice cube trays; meant to intoxicate (See Zippers)

Jelly - Cocaine

Jelly Beans - Crack

Jet - Ketamine

Jet Fuel - Ketamine

Jib - GHB

Jim Jones - Marijuana laced with cocaine

Jive - Marijuana; drugs; heroin; 1930s and 1940s slang term for both marijuana and marijuana-influenced popular music

Johnson grass - Low potency Texas marijuana (as in Lyndon Johnson)

Johnson - Crack

Joint - Hand-rolled marijuana cigarette

Joy Popping - Occasional use of drugs

Juice - Alcohol

Juice Joint - Marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack

Jumbos - Large vials of crack sold on the streets; marijuana mixed with crack

Jungle-Ting/Jungle-Ing - Attending RAVE dances

Junk - Heroin, so named because it’s never pure when sold on the street

Junkie - An opiate addict; narcotic addict

K - Ketamine, a designer drug

K-Club - Ketamine user

K-Hold - Severe ketamine influence

K-Hole - Ketamine

K-Land - Ketamine influence

K-Ways - Ketamine

K-Whore - Someone who prefers ketamine to other drugs or who takes ketamine exclusively

Kabak - Turkish or other marijuana

Kangaroo - Crack

Kat - Catha edulis a.k.a. african salad, bushman's tea, gat, khat, miraa, qat, chat, tohai, and tschat; a flowering shrub native to northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Fresh khat leaves contain cathinone - a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act.

Kay Jay - Ketamine

Ketamine - Black hole, bump, cat valium, EKG, green, honey oil, horse tranquilizer, jet, jet fuel, K, K-hole, Kay Jay, kit kat, purple, Special K, special la coke, super acid, super C, vitamin K

Key - Kilogram

KGB - Marijuana

Khat - Catha edulis a.k.a. african salad, bushman's tea, gat, kat, miraa, qat, chat, tohai, and tschat; a flowering shrub native to northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Fresh khat leaves contain cathinone - a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act.

Kick - Inhalants

Kick - To stop using drugs; getting off a drug habit

Kickback - Relapse back into drug usage

Kicking - Rave dance style

Kiddie Dope - Usually prescription drugs

Kief/Kiff/Kaff/Khayf - Very potent product from Morocco, Lebanon, and other Arab/Middle Eastern countries

Kif - Hashish, potent Moroccan marijuana, North African word for marijuana

Killer - Strong drug; marijuana; PCP

Killer Joints - PCP

Killer Weed - Strong marijuana, or marijuana sprinkled with PCP

Kilo - 2.2 lbs., also "Key"

King's Habit - Cocaine

Kit - Equipment used to inject drugs

Kit Kat - Club drugs

Kitty Flipping - Ketamine and MDMA

Kokomo - Crack

Krytonite - Crack

L - LSD; blunt

L.A. Ice - Smokable methamphetamine

Lace - Cocaine and marijuana

Lactone - GHL

Lady - Cocaine

Lady Caine - Cocaine

Lady Snow - Cocaine

Lambsbread - Large Jamaican marijuana flowers

Laughing Gas - Nitrous Oxide (inhalant)

Laughing Grass - Marijuana

Leaf - Marijuana; cocaine

Lebanese - Hashish from Lebanon

Lemon Drop - Methamphetamine

Lemonade - Poor quality drugs

Letter Biscuits - MDMA

Lettuce - Money

Leaf - Cocaine, marijuana

Leapers - Amphetamines

Lid - One ounce or less of marijuana

Lid Poppers - Methamphetamine

Line - A dose of cocaine arranged in a line on a smooth surface

Lip Poppers - Amphetamines

Liprimo - Marijuana and crack rolled in a joint

Liquid - Rave dance style

Liquid Ecstasy - GHB, club drugs

Liquid G - GHB, club drugs

Liquid X - GHB, club drugs

Little Smoke - Marijuana, LSD, psilocybin/psilocin

Load - A large quantity of drugs

Loaded - High on drugs or alcohol; intoxicated

Locker Room - Butyl Nitrate (inhalant)

Love Affair - Cocaine

Love Boat - PCP, a joint dipped in formaldehyde; blunts mixed with marijuana and heroin; blunts mixed with marijuana and PCP

Love Drug - Ecstasy, MDMA

Love Flipping - Mescaline and MDMA

Love Leaf - Marijuana/PCP combination

Love Trip - Ecstasy and mescaline

LSD - (Lysergic acid diethylaminde) A, acid, animal, back breakers, barrels, battery acid, Big D, black acid, black star, black tabs, blaze, blotter, blotter acid, blotter cube, boomers, blue acid, blue chairs, blue cheers, blue heaven, blue microdot, blue mist, blue moons, candy flip, cheers, Cid, doses, dots, frogs, fry, gel pyramid, L, lucy, lucy in the sky with diamonds, microdots, mind blow, moons, pane, paper, paper acid, purple haze, snowmen, sugar, sugar cubes, tabs, trips, window glass, window panes, yellow, yellow dimples, yellow sunshine, Zen

Ludes - Methaqualone; quaaludes, valium

Macaroni and Cheese - $5 pack of marijuana and a dime bag of cocaine

Magic Dragon - Marijuana

Magic Mushrooms - Psilocybin mushrooms

Magic Skittles - Coricidin, Red Devils, Triple C, Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold tablets containing a powerful dose of dextromethorphan, a substance related to morphine

Mainline - Inject a drug directly, to "shoot up"

Mainliner - A person who injects directly into the veins

Mama Coca - Cocaine

Man - Police

Manicure - Remove seeds from marijuana

Marathons - Methamphetamine

Marijuana - For an extensive listing of street names for marijuana, click here.

MaryJane/M.J. -Refers to the female cannabis plant that, unlike the male plant, has the active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol-THC

Marijuana Cigarette - African woodbine, blanket, bone, doobie, joint, J, reefer, spliff

Matchbox - Measurement for a small amount of marijuana; 1/4 ounce of marijuana or six (6) marijuana cigarettes

MBDB - Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden, Eden, Methyl-J

MDA - Methylenedioxyamphetamine

MDEA - Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine, Eve

MDMA - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, Adam, Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden, baby slits, bean(s), biscuits, candy, candy flip, double stack, E, E-bombs, ecstasy, Eve, herbal bliss, illies

Merk - Cocaine

Mescaline - Big chief, buttons, cactus, crystal, mess

Meet - Buyer and seller get together

Meltdown - High on marijuana

Merchandise - Drugs

Meth - Methamphetamine

Methadone - Amidone, burdock, dollies, jungle juice, junk, substitute drug for heroin

Methamphetamine - For an extensive listing of street names for methamphetamine, click here.

Methamphetamine Users - basehead, battery bender, cluckers, chicken-headed clucks, crack heads, crackies, crankster or cranker, doorknobers (Novia Scotia), fienda, fiends, fiendz, gacked, geek(ers), geekin, geeter, go go loser, jubby, jibby bear, jibbhead, Krista, loker or lokers, neck creature, shadow people, sketchpad or schetchers, skitzers,sketchpads, sketch cookie, sketch monster, spin doctors, spinsters, tweakers, tweekin/the go, wiggers.

Methcathinone - Methamphetanime

Methlies Quik - Methamphetamine

Methyl Alcohol - A type of alcohol that is poisonous when taken by mouth. It is found in antifreeze, paint thinner, and fuels. Sometimes referred to as wood alcohol.

Methyl-J - MBDB, Eden

Mexican Crank - Methamphetamine

Mexican Magic Mushrooms - Psilocybin mushrooms

Mexican Valium - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug; circles, flunitrazepam

Mezz - Derived from Mezz Mezzrow, Harlem jazzman and marijuana dealer in the 1930s


Microdot - A tablet containing LSD

Millifiori - (Latin for 1,000 flowers). A small glass painting encased in clear glass. It involves a complex and delicate process of stretching, heating and cutting colored glass rods to create the illusion of a floating, three-dimensional image.

Mind Blow - LSD

Minor - A person who is not legally an adult. State law determines at what age a person becomes an adult. Minors cannot buy alcohol or vote.

Miraa - Catha edulis a.k.a. african salad, bushman's tea, gat, kat, qat, chat, tohai, and tschat; a flowering shrub native to northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Fresh khat leaves contain cathinone - a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act.

Miss Emma - Morphine

Mister Brownstone - Brown herion, hashish

Mitshubishi Double Stack - A street name for the drug PMA

MMDA - 4-methoxy-2, 3-methylenedioxyamphetamine

Monkey - Drug dependency; a kilogram of a narcotic

Moons - LSD

Mosquitos - Cocaine

Mota - Spanish slang word for marijuana

Movie Star Drug - Cocaine

Mow the grass - To smoke marijuana

MTA - 4-methylthioamphetamine, flatliners, goldeneagle, gonzalez

Muggles - Slang term fro marijuana used in the 1930s and 1940s

Mujer - Cocaine

Mule - A carrier of drugs

Munchies - state of being acutely hungry, typically for junk food, while stoned

Mushies - Psilocybin mushrooms

Mushrooms - Buttons, hallucinogens, hippieflip, magic mushrooms, shrooms, mushies

Nail - Tobacco cigarette; marijuana cigarette

Nailed - Arrested

Nanging - A term sometimes used to refer to the practice of inhaling nitrous oxide

Narc - Narcotic agent; informant

Needle Freak - A person who prefers to take drugs with a needle

Needles - Points, rigs, slammers

Nexus - (2-(4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxy-phenyl)-ethylamine), 2-CB, venus, bromo, spectrum, BDMPEA, toonies, MFT

Nexus Flipping - 2-CB and MDMA

Nickel Bag - A $5 bag of drugs; nickel

Nitrates - Inhalants

Nitrous Oxide - An inhalant; laughing gas; buzz bomb, whippits. See "Nanging"

NORML - National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws; lobbies for lenient drug laws

Nose Candy - Cocaine

Nose Powder - Cocaine

Nose Stuff - Cocaine

Nugget - Marijuana

Nuggets - Crack

N20 - Nitrous Oxide

N0X - Nitrous Oxide and MDMA

O.B.E. - Out of Body Experience; high on marijuana

O.D. - Overdosed on drugs

Oil - Hashish oil

Oolies - Marijuana and crack cocaine rolled in a joint

On - Under the influence of a drug

On a Trip - Under the influence of drugs

On Ice - In jail

On the Bricks - Walking the streets

On the Nod - Under the influence of narcotics or depressants

One ounce - 28.34952 grams

One-Fifty-One - Crack

Opium - Aunti, Aunti Emma, Big O, black, black hash, black pill, black russian

Organic Quaalude - GHB

Ounce - Standard unit of measurement for marijuana; 28.34952 grams

Out of It - Under the influence of drugs

O.Z. - One ounce

Ozone - Inhalants; PCP; marijuana; PCP and crack cigarette; marijuana cigarette

Pakalolo - Hawaiian term for marijuana

Panama Gold, Red - Potent marijuana grown in Panama

Panic - Drugs not available

Pane - LSD

Paper - LSD; a quarter gram

Paper Acid - LSD

Papers - Rolling papers, used to make marijuana cigarettes

Parachuting - Illegal use of the sedative Xanax in combination with ecstasy to help prolong an ecstasy high or soften the crash that often follows

Paradise - Cocaine

Paradise White - Cocaine

Paraphernalia - Accessories used to take drugs; medical supplies or utensils; drug equipment or gadgets usually sold in head shops

Parlay - Crack

Party Favor - MDMA

Paste - Crack cocaine

PCP - (Phencyclidine) angel, angel dust, angel hair, angel mist, amoeba, animal, animal trank, animal tranquilizer, aurora borealis, black whack, boat, bohd, crystal, dummy dust, dust, elephant, elephant flipping, embalming fluid, fry, high, hog, illy, juice, killer joints, kools, love boat, ozone, peace, rocket fuel, sherms, supergrass, wack, wet daddies, yellow fever, zombie

PCP Laced - See "Wet"

P-Dogs - Marijuana and crack cocaine rolled in joint

Peace - PCP

Peace Pills - PCP

Peanut Butter - PCP mixed with peanut butter; methamphetamine that is brown in color

Peanut Butter Crank - Methamphetamine

Peanut Butter Methamphetamine - Propylhexedrine

Peanuts - Barbiturates, depressants

Pearl - Cocaine

Pebbles - Crack

Peep(s)/Peeper(s) - MDMA users

Penetration - When a stem splits into two, crosses over and loops through itself, rejoining the primary stem at separate junctures

Pep Pills - Methamphetamine

Pepsi - Crank

Pepsi Habit - Occasional use of drugs

Pepsi One - Crystal

Perico - Cocaine

Peruvian - Cocaine

Peruvian Flake - Cocaine

Peruvian Lady - Cocaine

Peyote - Hallucinogenic cactus; bad seed, buttons

Phencyclidine - Angel, angel dust, hog, Killer Weed, love boat, lovely, PCP

Pickup - Purchase drugs

Piece - Usually one ounce of drugs; gun

Pikachu - Ecstasy mixed with PCP

Piles - Crack

Pills - MDMA

Pimp - Cocaine

Pinks - Seconal (Barbiturate)

Pixies - Methamphetamine

Plant - A hiding place for drugs

Platters - Hashish

Plegine - Type of stimulant drug

Plugging - MDMA rectally

PLUR - Recurring term associated with RAVE dances: Peace, Love, Understanding or Unity, Respect

PMA - Paramethoxyamphetamin; a drug very similar in appearance to ecstasy, used especially at RAVES; potent hallucinogen responsible for 9 deaths in IL and FL in 2000. Street name "death".

Pocket Rocket - Marijuana; marijuana cigarette

Pocket Shot - Injecting into the internal jugular vein

Polvo Blanco - Cocaine

Pondimin - Type of stimulant drug

Pony - Crack

Poor Man's Speedball - Heroin and methamphetamine combo

Poppers - Amyl and butyl nitrate capsules; isobutyl nitrite; inhalants;

Popping/Skinpopping - Subcutaneous injection of heroin

Pot - Marijuana

Pot Head - Marijuana user

Powder - Cocaine

Powder Diamonds - Cocaine

Power Hitter - A device (often plastic) used to deliver a blast of marijuana smoke to the lungs

Power Hour - Youth go to bars on their 21st birthday to drink 21 shots in one hour.

Precursor Drugs - Drugs or other chemicals necessary to make designer drugs, methampheamine

Preludin - Type of stimulant drug

Primo - A blunt refilled with marijuana and crack; crack; marijuana mixed with cocaine; crack and heroin; heroin, cocaine and tobacco

Proof - The word used to describe the amount of alcohol in hard liquors; the proof number is always double the percentage of alcohol; 100 proof whiskey contains 50 percent alcohol

Purple - Ketamine

Qat - Catha edulis a.k.a. african salad, bushman's tea, gat, kat, miraa, chat, tohai, and tschat; a flowering shrub native to northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Fresh khat leaves contain cathinone - a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act.

Quack - Doctor

Quaaludes - Methaqualone - depressant

Quarter Moon - Hashish

Quarters - Teen drinking game; encourages intoxication-bouncing quarters into containers

R-2 - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug

Rainbows - Barbiturates

Rap - To talk with someone; or charged with a crime

Rasta - Marijuana

RAVE - Secretive all night dance with techno music, advertised as "no alcohol" but drug use is associated with about 75% to 80% of participants.

RAVER - Person who attends RAVE dances, 12-35 years old, middle-to-upper class, all ethnics

Raw - Crack

Rebujo - Inhaling vapors of heroin and cocaine heated over a flame

Red Bud - Marijuana

Red Caps - Crack

Red Devils - Depressant

Reefer - Marijuana term dating from the late 1800s and early 1900s still used today.

Remforce - "Blue Nitro"

Revivarant - "Blue Nitro"

Rib - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug; circles, flunitrazepam

Riding the Wave - Under the influence of drugs

Rig - The paraphernalia for injecting drugs

Ripped Off - Robbed

Roach - The stub or butt of a marijuana cigarette

Roach-2 - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug; circles, flunitrazepam

Roach Clip - Any device used to hold a marijuana cigarette stub that is too short to hold in the fingers

Roaches - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug; circles, flunitrazepam

Roachies - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug

Road Dope - Methamphetamine

Robin’s Eggs - Street name for diet pills

Robo Flipping - DXM and MDMA

Robo-ing - High on the drug dextramethorphan

Roche - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug; circles, flunitrazepam, forget-me pills, mexican valuim, rib, roach-2, roaches, roofies, roopies, rope, rophies, ropies, ruffies

Rock - Crack

Rock Attack - Crack

Rock Star - A woman who trades sex for crack

Rocket Fuel - PCP

Rocks of Hell - Crack

Rocky III - Crack

Rohypnol - Flunitrazepam, circles, forget-me pills, mexican valuim, rib, roach-2, , roaches, roche, roofies, roopies, rope, rophies, ropies, ruffies

Roll/Rolling - MDMA influence

Rollers - A term used by a lookout and yelled when police come

Rolling - High on ecstasy

Rolling Papers - Cigarette papers used to make a marijuana joint

Rolls - MDMA

Rompums - Marijuana with horse tranquilizer

Roofies - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug; circles, flunitrazepam, club drugs

Roopies - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug; circles, flunitrazepam, club drugs

Rooster - Crack

Rope - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug; circles, flunitrazepam, club drugs; marijuana

Rophies - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug; circles, flunitrazepam, club drugs

Ropies - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug; circles, flunitrazepam, club drugs

Rox - Crack

Roz - Crack

Ruffies - Rohypnol, a designer drug known as the date rape drug; circles, flunitrazepam, club drugs

Rush - A sudden, intense surge of pleasure/euphoric effect from taking drugs; Butyl Nitrate inhalant

Salt and Pepper - Marijuana

Salty War - GHB

Salty Water - GHB

Sandex - Type of stimulant drug

Sandwich - Two layers of cocaine with heroin in the middle

Santa Marta - Marijuana

Sasfras - Marijuana

Sauce - Alcohol

Scales - Paraphernalia used to weigh drug quantities for selling purposes

Scat - Heroin

Scene - A special location or condition

Schmeck - Cocaine

School Boy - Codeine

Schoolcraft - Crack

Schwagg - Low quality marijuana; marijuana

Scoop - GHB

Score - To locate and purchase a quantity of drugs

Scorpion - Cocaine

Scottie - Cocaine

Scramble - Crack

Scratch - Money

Script - A doctor's prescription

Script Writer - A doctor willing to write a prescription for faked symptoms

Scruples - Crack

Sen - Marijuana

Serax - Tranquilizer

Serpico 21 - Cocaine

Sess - Marijuana

Sezz - Marijuana

Set Up - To arrange to have a person arrested for drugs; combination of uppers and downers (barbiturates and amphetamines)

Sextacy - The name given to the practice of using Viagra with ecstasy or methamphetamine

Shabu - Ecstasy, MDMA, ice

Shabu Shabu - Another name for methamphetamine

She - Cocaine

Sherlock - A pipe with a U-curve in its stem. Named for the famed fictional British detective Sherlock Holmes, who smoked a similarly shaped meerschaum pipe.

**** - Any type of controlled substance

Shoot the Breeze - Nitrous oxide

Shoot Up - To inject intravenously

Shootin' Salad - Saying something stupid when on MDMA

Shooting Gallery - Place where addicts inject drugs; place where drugs are used

Shotgun/shotgunning - Exhaling smoke into another person's mouth with positive pressure

Shotgun - A way of smoking marijuana, by blowing smoke back through the joint into another’s mouth. Also, beer game creating a hole in can to promote binge drinking using gravity to accelerate consumption.

Shrooms - Psilocybin mushrooms

Sidecar - Named for its resemblance to the vehicle attached to the side of a motorcycle; a sidecar pipe has its bowl on the side of the stem, rather than in a direct line.

Single Stack - MDMA tab normal thickness

Sinsemilla or Sins - A potent type of marijuana without seeds grown in Northern California

Sightball - Crack

Sitter - A sober friend who will look out for you while you are tripping

Skeegers/Skeezers - Crack

Skin Popping - To inject a drug under the skin; injecting drugs subcutaneously; skinning; popping

Skinning - To inject a drug under the skin; injecting drugs subcutaneously; skin popping; popping

Skunk - Aromatic sinsemilla marijuana, usually from the Afghani variety; heroin

Slab - Crack

Slammer - Jail

Sleep 500 - GHB

Sleet - Crack

Sleigh Ride - Cocaine

Smack - Heroin

Smokes - tobacco

Smoking Stones - Paraphernalia used to hold marijuana joints while smoking

Snappers - Amyl Nitrate capsules, inhalant

Sneeze - Cocaine

Sniffing - Inhaling toxins through the nose; to get high

Snort - Cocaine; to inhale cocaine through the nostrils; to sniff drugs

Snow - Cocaine; heroin; amphetamine

Snow Bird - Cocaine user; dependent on cocaine

Snow Coke - Crack

Snow Pallets - Amphetamine

Snow Seals - Cocaine and amphetamine

Snow White - Cocaine

Snowball - Cocaine and heroin

Snowcones - Cocaine; smoked heroin mixed with marijuana

Snowmen - LSD

Snuff - Tobacco

Soap - GHB

Sober - Not intoxicated

Social Drinker - A person who takes a drink when in the company of others. Drinking a toast to the newlyweds, celebration, etc.

Society High - Cocaine

Soda - Injectable cocaine

Soles - Hashish

Sopors - Methaqualone

Space - Cocaine and PCP mixed together

Space Cadet - Habitual user of marijuana whose senses have become dulled

Space Monkey - The practice of cutting off oxygen in an effort to attain a drug-like high; also known as blackout, flatliner

Spaced Out - Drug-induced state of being lost or out of touch with surroundings; under the influence of drugs

Spaced - Unresponsive to surroundings

Sparklers - Methamphetamine

Special K - Ketamine, club drugs

Special la coke - Ketamine

Spectrum - 2-CB, BDMPEA

Speed - Amphetamines, methamphetamine

Speed Ball - Injecting a mixture of cocaine and heroin; a mixture of cocaine and heroin; amphetamine; "Bombita"

Speed Freak - Person who repeatedly takes amphetamines, often intravenously; habitual user of methamphetamine

Speedball Artist - One who injects heroin and cocaine mixture

Spider Blue - Heroin

Spike - Needle (syringe) used to inject drugs

Spin Doctors - Users

Spliff - Large, ice-cream cone shaped marijuana joint

Split - To leave from someplace

Spoons - A basic pipe named for its resemblance to the common utensil; paraphernalia associated with cocaine, often worn as jewelry; the bottom of an aluminum soda can that is used as a tiny bowl to dissolve heroin

Spun-Out - To be high on the drug

Square Time Bob - Crack

Squirrel - Combination of PCP and marijuana sprinkled with cocaine and smoked; marijuana, PCP and crack combined and smoked; LSD

Star - Amphetamines

Star Dust - Cocaine

Star-Spangled Powder - Cocaine

Stash - A place or container where drugs are hidden

Steamroller - An elongated tube with a bowl embedded at one end. The smoker inhales through the tube while holding their hand over the other end to create a vacuum

Step On - To dilute drugs

Stick - Marijuana cigarette; PCP

Stimulants - Pep pills, speed, methamphetamine

Stoned - Under the influence of drugs; high; intoxicated

Stoner - Person who smokes pot

Stones - Crack

Stove Top - Methamphetamine or other designer drugs cooked in clandestine labs

Straight - Not using drugs

Strung Out - Very intoxicated, heavily addicted to drugs

Stuff - Drugs

Sugar - LSD

Sugar Block - Crack

Sugar Cubes - LSD

Super Acid - Ketamine

Super C - Ketamine

Super Ice - Methamphetamine, smokable methamphetamine

Super Grass - Marijuana, PCP, or marijuana treated with PCP

Superman - LSD blotter with Superman imprint

Sweet Lucy - Marijuana

3750 - Marijuana and crack cocaine rolled in a joint

T's and Blues - Talwin (pentazocine) and PBZ (pyribenzamine) used as a heroin substitute; tripelennamine

Tabs - LSD

Take a Powder - To leave or get lost

Tardust - Cocaine

Taste - A small sample of drugs

Tea - Marijuana; PCP

Teena - A baggie of methamphetamine; name derived from the fact that methamphetamine is commonly bought in sixteenth of an ounce/gram packages; tina

Teenager - 1/16 of an ounce

Temple Balls - Hashish

Tension - Crack

Tenuate - Type of stimulant drug

Tepanil - Type of stimulant drug

Tetrahydrocannabinol/THC - Psychoactive cannabinoid in marijuana that is responsible for the high

Texas Shoe Shine - Inhalants

Thai Sticks - Bundles of marijuana soaked in hashish oil; marijuana buds bound on short sections of bamboo, marijuana laced with opium

The Devil - Crack

Thumper - Drinking game to encourage heavy drinking and intoxication; using hand signals

Thyme or oregano - spices resembling marijuana sometimes passed off as the drug

Tickets - MDMA

Time Flipping - DMT and MDMA

Tina - A baggie of methamphetamine; name derived from the fact that methamphetamine is commonly bought in sixteenth of an ounce/gram packages; teena

Tissue - Crack

Toasted - Refers to someone who is high

Tobacco - Butts, chew, cigs, dip, smokes, snuff, weed

Tohai - Catha edulis a.k.a. african salad, bushman's tea, gat, kat, miraa, qat, chat, and tschat; a flowering shrub native to northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Fresh khat leaves contain cathinone - a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act.

Toke - Inhaling marijuana or hashish smoke; to inhale cocaine; marijuana

Tolley - Toluene; a cheap, extremely harmful paint solvent (inhalant)

Toonies - 2-CB, BDMPEA

Toot - To sniff cocaine

Tooter - Small, hollow tube (straw like) to sniff/snort cocaine or methamphetamine

To Party - Refers to having a good time using alcohol and other drugs

Top Gun - Crack

Tracks - A row of needle marks on the skin

Trail Mixing - Sample a wide variety of drugs at one time

Trap - A hiding place for drugs

Trip - Under the influence of drugs or LSD

Triple C - Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold tablets containing a powerful dose of dextromethorphan, a substance related to morphine

Triple Stack - MDMA tab, triple thickness

Troll - LSD and MDMA

Troop - Crack

Tschat - Catha edulis a.k.a. african salad, bushman's tea, gat, kat, miraa, qat, chat, and tohai; a flowering shrub native to northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Fresh khat leaves contain cathinone - a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act.

Turf - A location where drugs are sold

Turkey - A substitute sold as a specific drug; non-genuine drugs

Turnarounds - Amphetamines

Turned On - Introduced to drugs, or under the influence of drugs

Tweaking Monster - Chronic methamphetamine user

Tweekers - Those who use methamphetamine

Tweeking - Using methamphetamine

Tweezes - A wild variety of psilocybin mushrooms (hallucinogen)

Twenty and Forty - A $20 bag of marijuana and a forty ounce bottle of beer /malt liquor

U-4-E-uh - 4-methyl-aminorex; also known as euphoria or ice

Ultimate - Crack

Uncle - Federal agents

Up the River/Down the River - Teen drinking card game, players drink when they match dealer

Uppers - Amphetamines, stimulants

Valium - Ludes, drunk pills, V’s blues

Veggin’ - High on marijuana

Venus - 2-CB, BDMPEA

Vita G - Gamma Hydroxy Buterate (GHB)

Vitamin K - Ketamine

Vitamins - MDMA

Viper - Marijuana smoker

Voranil - Type of stimulant drug

V's Blues - Valium

Wack - PCP

Wacky Tobaccky - Marijuana

Wafers - Ecstasy, MDMA

Wasted - Intoxicated, strung out; under the influence of drugs; murdered

Water Pipe - Paraphernalia used to smoke marijuana or hashish which filters the smoke through water

Watermelon - The practice of injecting watermelon with Everclear alcohol

Wave - Crack

Weed - Marijuana; PCP

West Coast - Amphetamines

Wet - A base of marijuana, tobacco, tea leaves, or mint leaves rolled into cigarettes or cigars and then soaked in embalming fluid; blunts mixed with marijuana and PCP; methamphetamine; marjuiana cigarettes soaked in PCP and dried. (See PCP)

Whack - Another name for cocaine and PCP mixed together and snorted; crack cocaine; heroin and PCP; crack/PCP mixture or marijuana laced with insecticide.

Whackyweed - Marijuana

Whip-Its - Compressed nitrous oxide in small C02 type canisters used legally as a whipped cream propellant or glass chiller, used illegally to inhale the nitrous oxide

Whippets - Inhalants, buzz bombs

White - Cocaine

White Ball - Crack

White Cross - Methamphetamine

White Ghost - Crack

White Horse - Cocaine

White Lightening - LSD

White Mosquito - Cocaine

White Stuff - Morphine

White Sugar - Crack

White Tornado - Crack

Wicky - A joint with PCP and marijuana; combination of powder cocaine; PCP and marijuana

Wired - Addicted to amphetamines or heroin

Woolah - A blunt refilled with marijuana and crack

Wooly - Cocaine

Works - Equipment for injecting drugs

Wrecking Crew - Crack

X - Ecstasy, MDMA; marijuana; amphetamine

Xanax - A sedative used in combination with ecstasy to help prolong the high or soften the crash that often follows

XTC - Ecstasy, MDMA

Yale - Crack

Yellow Fever - PCP

Yellow Jackets - Nembutal, barbiturate

Yellow Sunshine - LSD

Yen - A strong craving

Yeola - Marijuana and crack

Yerba mala - (Spanish) PCP and marijuana

Yimyom - Crack

Zay - A mixture of marijuana and other substances within a cigar; blunts

Zen - Term associated with advertising and promoting RAVE dances

Zig Zag - A brand of rolling papers used to make marijuana cigarettes

Zig Zag Man - Marijuana; LSD; marijuana rolling papers

Zip - Methamphetamine or cocaine

Zippers - Prepackaged cups of gelatin with 12% alcohol; meant to intoxicate (See Jello Shots)

Zombie - Heavy user of drugs, PCP

Zoned or Zoning - The look someone gets when high; staring off into space when high

Zonked - GHB, extremely high on drugs

Zooie - Holds butt of marijuana cigarette

Zoom - Marijuana laced with PCP; PCP

2006-07-13 08:29:34 · answer #1 · answered by Devon L 4 · 14 2


2016-12-24 20:41:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't have any younger siblings so I don't know what the kids are doing, but I think this is a general idea of northern indiana's drug scene.

I hear that Opium's always been tough to find where I live, and that now it's pretty impossible to find it. Heroin use has gone way up since I was in high school in this city in NW Indiana. Xanax is a popular one too. Crack use is up. I think Weed's been pretty steady. It seems like more people are using shrooms than acid lately. I don't know if it applies where you live.

Just because it's available, it doesn't mean your kids will do it. Pay attention to your kids, talk to them, be parents. Teach them responsibility. Not to worry about drugs. It doesn't guarantee they won't try any, but maybe at least they won't try the wrong ones. Maybe they'll be smart enough to stop.

2006-07-13 08:57:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I come from a high school notorious for its drinking and drug abuse. I have never done any of them but you cant go to high school with out seeing some of it. I would say weed, and alchol mostly. Alot of kids now are hooked on pills. Any and everything. I saw a kid take a bottle of allergy pills just to see....Mostly though its pot and alchol.

2006-07-13 08:05:49 · answer #4 · answered by Rachel J 3 · 0 0

i was not into the drugie scene at my high school, but I do know there was a lot of pot and a lot of meth. Other than that I do not know.

I graduated about three years ago, so it wasn't that long ago.

2006-07-13 08:03:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

im pregnant now but i kno da things my frenz alwaiz doin is smoking weed with angel dust on it. u gotta watch it 2 cuz da stuff is very harsh n i beleive it can kill u. O yes and one of my frenz just wrecked his car and died because he was high after huffing air duster. kids love that stuff. acid, excstasy, and coke are all popular, but coke is more commonin college students. they say it keeps em' up 2 study.

2006-07-13 08:07:01 · answer #6 · answered by Athena S 2 · 0 0

perscription pills are huge... do your daughter a favor and overlook the fact she's smoking a joint and not a crack pipe if u ever catch her just that one time lol

2014-11-20 17:00:21 · answer #7 · answered by Will 1 · 0 0


2017-03-05 04:33:07 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0


2017-02-09 17:09:40 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

i dont know

2006-07-13 08:09:26 · answer #10 · answered by nicegirl187smile 5 · 1 0

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