I think that hate has to do with envy, in the cases you've stated. When someone envies what someone else has, they can start to covet. Covetousness leads easily to hate. One can easily call to mind an example; think of a man who push-mows his yard, and keeps glancing over to his neighbor with the riding mower. If he dwells on the difference between the push mower and the riding mower, he can do one of two things. The healthy thing is to ignore the difference, glory in the exercise, or buy a riding mower. The unhealthy thing is to continue to dwell on it, dwell on how "unfair" he thinks it is, come to want the riding mower his neighbor has so much that he even hates his neighbor for having it.
Another way hate can happen has to do with ignorance. If someone doesn't know much about something, they can hate it, and this goes for anything from spiders to the current fad, Muslims. Any time someone doesn't understand something, they can be afraid of it. And if they allow their fear to grow, it turns into hatred. Let's use these two extremes as an example. Spiders are mostly harmless. I live in NC, and there are two kinds of spiders than can even bite human beings and hurt them. They are brown recluses and black widows. Black widows are easily recognizable; they are large enough to be easily seen, are jet black, with a red marking on their bellys. Brown recluses are less easily seen, as they are a medium brown and small. When either one bites you, you are very likely to know it; pain sets in. And as long as you go to the hospital, it's easily treated. Even if you leave it until the bite starts turning colors, your life isn't in danger as long as you go to the doctor. Painful, yes; life-threatening, not usually. As long as you know the essentials about these spiders, you can stay away from their habitat and avoid bites. There's no need to hate them.
The other current fad to hate is Muslims. Ever since the WTCs collapsed, there are a lot of people who love to hate Muslims. In general. There are a few extremists causing a little bit of trouble, compared to many millions who live peacefully, wishing the extremists would quit causing that trouble, but people who are ignorant or who are used to prejudices are hating all Muslims anyway. And, as you can see, if they knew more about Muslims, or just knew a few people personally who claimed the Muslim religion, they'd probably feel differently.
2006-07-13 07:38:37
answer #1
answered by b30954 3