Do not unsubscribe. That just reinforces to the people sending the spam that the email address is legit. Simply put, since you are on someone's spam list already you hopes of getting yourself off the list are next to none. Filters can be somewhat effective, but the people sending the spam are pretty smart and constantly come up with way to beat your filter.
What you need to do at this point is open another email account but keep the old one open too. When you do anything online going forward enter the OLD email address, the one that is already receiving the spam. Doing it this way, you can go in and check to see if someone sent you something to your old address for the near future. Once you are reasonably sure that you have all of your actual friends updated with your new address you will be able to go in and delete all the mail at once without having to sort through for things you actually want.
Only give the new email address to those people that you actually want to receive emails from. Never post that email address on a website and never enter it on a web site.
Another option that I use, if you are using outlook or an email client that allows you to create rules, is to create a list of people I allow to send me email. All email that comes from a name on the list gets moved to a separate folder. I do a quick scan on the things that didn't get filtered to make sure there is nothing I need then dump all the junk in one shot. It will take some time to get your list setup all the way but it does make things much easier once you have it in place.
2006-07-13 07:01:52
answer #1
answered by Lubers25 7
Use G-Mail and you'll never get them. Google has one of the best e-mail filters out there and I have *yet* to get any spam in my inbox. Any and all spam generally gets sent over to your "spam" box.
Give it a try and I think you might like it.
If Gmail is not an option for you, many e-mail applications do allow some filtering options (i.e., "if body contains ____ send to _trash_").
AND ... regarding the "unsubscribe" suggestions as described above, taking that course of action is just an invitation to get MORE spam because they've VERIFIED then that your e-mail address in fact goes to a person.
So don't bother clicking "unsubscribe" on your viagra ads/e-mails. You'll get more spam. Use filters or switch to Gmail for better e-mail service.
2006-07-13 06:52:15
answer #2
answered by design_by_michael 2
if you get an email with 'viagra' as a subject delete it without opening it. also, if you do open one DO NOT click on unsubscribe. sometimes these companies have computer software which makes up random email addresses.
if you click unsubscribe all you are doing is confirming that the random addy is a real one that is active. just delete them.
also, if your email software has keyword blocking try using variations in the keywords. like:
V!@g7A and so on
i found that this worked for me. but i had to change my account after i had clicked on unsubscribe so i suggest you never use these links!~!-!~!
2006-07-13 08:56:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you unsubscribe I think you will get even more since they know you are reading that account. You can put filters, but they try to get those past you be purposely misspelling words or using asterisks. It is very annoying.
2006-07-13 06:51:11
answer #4
answered by Nelson_DeVon 7
You can either add them to your spam list, or block them through your server. You did not say which ISP you use, but most have this feature.
~Because sometimes it is rocket science.~
2006-07-13 08:33:35
answer #5
answered by cheekandfolly 3
When they send you one, check it in the little box and click spam and you won't get them anymore!
2006-07-13 06:51:12
answer #6
answered by game_freak517 3
normally if you open the e-mail...there is a link inside to "unsubscribe"
2006-07-13 06:48:18
answer #7
answered by df747jet 4
You can block them
2006-07-13 06:48:24
answer #8
answered by farmergyrl23 4