I'm no expert about "ghost orbs" and whatnot, but I have--for kicks--investigated the yard around a purportedly haunted house in my neighborhood. I offer no explanation, but we had literally hundreds of orbs showing up on our photographs. We used several different cameras (including multiple digital and 35mm) and had evidence that the orbs were NOT caused by dust or rain or anything of that sort. The creepiest part was that, though my friend who lived in the house previously assured us that no one lived there (they hadn't sold the house yet) and the power had been shut off several months earlier (confirmed when we noted that the power meter was not moving at all), the lights inside were on. They turned off and back on once while we were investigating, as well.
I'm not certain about the nature of ghosts or whatever, and I make no arbitrary speculation about what all of that was, but it sure creeped the hell out of us.
2006-07-13 06:31:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Ghosts rarely appear even on film. Sometimes the energy of the flash might eluminate the Proto-Plasm into a full body apperition, but mostly you'll get a hazy mist or an orb.
2006-07-13 06:27:36
answer #2
answered by wolfmano 7
Ghosts infrequently look even on action photo. now and reduce back the aptitude of the flash ought to eluminate the Proto-Plasm into an total body apperition, yet in a large number of situations you receives a hazy mist or an orb.
2016-10-14 10:32:34
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Most likely that will not happen. Certainly not every time as if it's guaranteed. Probably not ever. I've taken many photo's in cemeteries and I have never seen a thing.
2006-07-13 06:24:43
answer #4
answered by DiRTy D 5
Not me personally, but I've seen supposed pics and video at a lecture given by Ed & Lorraine Warren, famous ghost hunters. http://www.warrens.net/
2006-07-13 06:24:38
answer #5
answered by my brain hurts 5
I have tried it, and it does look like it. but it is nothing but the moisture in the air that condenses to a fog at night without the warmth of the sun to keep it in vapor form.
2006-07-13 06:23:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
of course the will appear on picture its a cemetery.
2006-07-14 02:06:57
answer #7
answered by myangel_101211 7
Ghosts doesn't affect the film for their nature, that will not happen, or you may try
2006-07-13 06:24:24
answer #8
answered by a_ebnlhaitham 6
Yeah ,that's true.That's why there are soooo many pictures of ghost in cemeteries.NOT.
2006-07-13 06:24:15
answer #9
answered by hippiegirl672003 4
yea, go ahead and try it. You need a 35 mm camera, with an infrared lens, and no flash. Digital cams do not work.
2006-07-13 06:23:27
answer #10
answered by Anonymous