2 of mine were induced.Do not be afraid to ask for pain meds! Believe me when I say natural is overrated!Did that with #1.My next 2 were induced and it went much quicker and was a great experience because I wasn't exhausted in the end.Don't be afraid of labor because you will forget it as soon as it's over.Find a focal point and breathe but don't get hung up on the lamaze stuff.For some of us it just didn't work.Just try to remember to not hold your breath as that will make you pass out.Don't pant-same thing.Deep breaths slow to release.Move around.Especially if you have "back" labor. Walk,sit in chair,lay down.Don't be afraid to mave or whatever will make you the most comfortable.Don't let them push you around,either.Do what works for you.
2006-07-13 04:40:55
answer #1
answered by cmeand3 3
I had three natural and two induced. Natural is the way to go if at all possible because the labor is not as intense. With induction I went from almost nothing to very intense contractions. You will likely be at almost nothing for several hours, and the hard labor normally does not last as long. Also, I found more drugs are needed/wanted during the induced labors as opposed to the natural. I didn't like that, as both the baby and I were so drugged after delivery that we did not have the energy to enjoy our first moments together. But the main point is that your baby is finally coming and no matter how (s)he gets here you will both be fine and glad it is finally over! Rest well the night and day before, you will be glad you did. Don't worry about dressing up or putting on make-up before entering the hospital, you don't need it. Go in showered and comfortable. If they will let you up, walk around (sometimes they have you strapped to a monitor to keep track of the baby's heart rate) but they should let you at least in a chair (birthing chairs are excellent!). Bring books, crafts, music, whatever you like to keep you busy and keep your mind off the contractions. You will do great!! Congratulations, and enjoy being a mother!
2006-07-13 04:47:59
answer #2
answered by Brooke 4
I am a RN and I had my first and only child by inducement. First they put in an IV and give you Pitocin. This drug causes contractions. Your water may break on its own or they may insert something that looks like a long crochet hook to shag the membrane and tear it. Your labor may be more intense than labor that happens naturally. Lamaze breathing can still help if you have practiced it and have a good coach. People will tell you that contractions are nothing like cramps from your period. I found them to be exactly the same. I had lots of back labor which is painfull like a back ache from moving heavy furniture. Your labor may advance quickly. I found myself in another dimension when I was in labor. I had only one thing on my mind and time passed rather quickly. My labor was from Noon to 8:50. There are pain medications you can use and only you can choose. Don't let anyone try to shame you for using medicine. I opted for an Epidural which was great for pain relief. Every labor is different, everyone has different levels of pain they can handle. I found labor was like having hard period cramps with a terrific back ache. Then they handed me the most beautiful baby girl and it was all so very worth it. If you have more questions feel free to contact me through this site.
2006-07-13 04:45:27
answer #3
answered by bramblerock 5
You'll be fine. My mom told me before I had my son, "If the pain was THAT unbearable and memorable, women would not have more than one child." And it's true. If you have registered for any type of pain medication, then that will help out a lot. The hospital will make sure that you are comfortable. The nurses had me walk around, while connected to a monitor. This helped with speeding up the process.
When asked what a labor pain feels like, I tell people to multiply a menstrual cramp by 1,000. It may sound painful, but it's something that you're probably familiar with. It's okay to be nervous, everyone is! But can you think of a greater payment for your labor!?
Good luck and congratulations! You're about to experience the best times of your life!
2006-07-13 04:41:13
answer #4
answered by annabelle75 2
Well, I am a mother of 3 and my last 2 I had to be induced. You really can't go by anyone else's experience since everyone is different. My best advice is to be prepared. Have your partner/spouse have a small ball that is good for them to roll around the small of your lower back...move around...change positions as much as you can. Don't just lay there on your back for the whole thing. Moving around makes the contractions better as well as helps move the baby around and down into position. Are you overdue? I was overdue with my first induction and was 3 1/2 weeks early with my 2nd induction. If you want to chat about anything else u may email me at vicki_haupt2000@yahoo.com. If not best of luck!
2006-07-13 05:02:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Take lots to read into the hospital, my partner was in duced last year with our first and had a 48 hours labour. Not as scary as it sounds as most of it was light contractions and she got to sleep through bits. There are horrible bits when you will have to grit your teeth like when they walk your cervix to check how dialated you are. It does however give you the time to prepare for hospital, I took in my laptop with lots of friends episodes on it and lots of little snacks and water. The worst bit was the aiting.
The midwife would say 'just another few hours before going down to the delivery room' so we would add up the labour stages and think ' wow our daughter will be here by 3am' 3am came and went and we were still in prenatal.
Anything you can do to waste time is for the best.
Good luck, it really is worth the wait though and you will soon forget.
2006-07-13 04:37:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Sorry I can't help you, I don't have any kids but I did want to tell you congratulations and that I'm sure you will be fine, people do this thing all the time and yet women still have more than 1 child after the first time they go through labor so it must be worth it and allright.
2006-07-13 04:33:17
answer #7
answered by Tact is highly overrated 5
I was induced with all three of my kids and just know this. Contrations come much harder and faster when you are induced but the good part is that labor dont normally last as long this way. If they break your water it could still be hours before your first contration. Do lots of walking while your being induced to get things going.
2006-07-13 04:40:10
answer #8
answered by TYTONKA 1
They were going to induce me, but I started having "mini" contractions a few days before the induction. They did end up giving me pitocin. It took a little while for it to kick in but when it did...wow! The contractions came really hard and kind of painful. I was going to go natural, but when they started..."Where's my epidural? I want it NOW!" My water also broke kind of suddenly. It was like a balloon popping inside of me. I heard two little pops and then there ya go. The one thing I didn't have done was stripping my membranes, so I can't tell you about that. But really, it's not that bad. The worst part for me was when they jammed that giant needle in my wrist for the iv. It'll be over before you know it and then you'll have your beautiful baby with you! Congratulations!
2006-07-13 04:37:39
answer #9
answered by Melanie 3
Hi can I firstly say Congratulation`s on what is going to be happening to you it`s wonderful,as for being induced you might find you go into labour the day before as I have found that happen`s very often, but even if it does not just keep remembering what you have to look forward to
2006-07-13 04:41:08
answer #10
answered by madge 51 6