You should try going to divorce net on the web. Here is some of the info.
To calculate the minimum amount of child support to be paid by a parent, the law directs the judge to first add up the total net monthly incomes of both parents. Then, the judge has to compute the percentage of that income that is being earned by the non- custodial parent. Then that percentage is multiplied by the applicable level of welfare payments for the number of children in the household. The result of this calculation is the minimum child support. It should be understood that in the vast majority of cases, the court orders child support above the minimum level, as determined by local support guidelines.
2006-07-11 17:35:05
answer #1
answered by rodaerc06 3
I know here,in Virginia,if you go to the juvenile and domestic relations court website(just do an engine search for your county,state juvenile and domestic relations court website)they have a "child support obligation calculator"that helps you determine what you will get based on your and your exes incomes and the states guidlines.Try it and I hope it helps.Also,it will ask what each of you make,who has the kids,a dn how many kids together.Good luck.
2006-07-11 17:34:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
i think they make a determination based on the incomes of both parents. here in the state of nevada it is 18% of your gross pay..regardless of what the other parent makes.
2006-07-11 17:32:37
answer #3
answered by Russell B 2