it contributes to the hundreds of thousands of unwanted animals that are KILLED!!(yes even pure bred) it sooo sad PLEASE DON"T "LITTER" save a life and adopt!!! :)
5 answers
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➔ Other - Pets
most rescue leagues do not turn down a "good" home, yes, most require you already to have a fenced in area(not promise to get one)and that if some reason they needed a vet it would go,and some breeds are, and need to be picky prys are pron to roam off so they need a sturdy fenced in area, beagles too, toy breeds need to watch for kids bc they my bite or poodles bc they need to be groomed every 6-8 weeks (which can cost any where from $30-80) people return the dogs ALL the time for many reasons so the rescues try to wheen that out some,and they say they can take the animal back at any time bc people get pets with "good" intentions and then neglect them many times!!! i see dogs EVERY day in deplorable conditions!!! of animals they LOVE. they want the best home they can get not just a "good"home, so the pet won't be from home to home!!!most of the time they do not turn good homes down
13:30:56 ·
update #1