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She won 5 Emmy Awards on Murphy Brown:
1989-,1990,-1992,- 1994,- &1995.
In 1989 she also won The Golden Apple & Golden Globe awards for M./Br. Golden Globe won again in 1992
for M./Br/
In 1990 & 1991 she won Viewers Quality T.V. Awards also.
In 1998 she won T.V. series leading female award.
In 1976 she won Bronze Wrangler Award which she shared with Director John C Champion, James Coburn & Gene Hackman for the 1975's Bite The Bullet.
In 1979 she won Hasty Pudding Women of the yr. award.
In 2005 she won Satelite Award for Boston Legal.
Candice Bergen has a daughter name Chole Malle from her marriage to Louie Malle.(1981 to his death in 1995) Chole is a journalist.
She has 1 brother Kris who is a film editor.
She is now married to real estate developer Marshall Rose.{ Whom she married on June/15/200.}
Her father was famed ventriloquist Edgar Bergen.
(Sidekick a dummy named Charlie Macartney)
Her mother was a model.
M./Brn. had a great cast of characters:
C. Bergen--M.Brown.
Grant Shaud--Miles Silverberg.
Charles Kimbrough--Jim Dial.
Joe Regalbuto--Frank Fontana.
Faith Ford--Corky Sherwood.
Lilly Tomlin joined later as K.Carter Shepley.

2006-07-11 15:28:23 · answer #1 · answered by REBELCAT 4 · 0 0


2006-07-16 18:01:00 · answer #2 · answered by Juanita M 2 · 0 0

She won five Emmy Awards while she was on that show.

2006-07-11 13:59:33 · answer #3 · answered by heyyouundapants 2 · 0 0


2006-07-11 13:45:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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