ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh such a great question I am 30 now and all of my friends that arent married are dating married men, Ive been married 1 other time and proposed to 2 other times I've always made it clear all or nothing I'm not the jump off and you will not have your cake and eat it too. These OTHER WOMEN as their called and I use that term Woman loosely because a true woman would not settle for another womans leftover all or nothing baby!
2006-07-11 14:29:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Sorry to say, but most men (not all) want their cake and eat it too. If you have been there then you know what I mean. I have been there... well, my X-husband has been there. I am 95% sure that he'd have stayed w/ me if I had put up with his cheating, but I let her have him and I told her so. She has turned out to be a horrible woman. She has physically abused my daughter since she was 2 years old (now 9). She is so lucky that I didn't break the law myself... (sorry, I know you didn't intend for this kind of answer, but it reminded me of everything that I had to endure since I was the wife.) If you are going through the same thing (one who asked the question or anyone who reads this) please keep in mind that you do not always get what you want.
2006-07-11 20:32:15
answer #2
answered by Kristin 2
Is it smart to be the wife!!
Naaa, if i was the other woman i would out smart the dip$hit wife cos i wouldn't be the one lumbered with all the crap that comes with being married, like washing his clothes, cooking dinner, boring idle convo's when he got home from work...i would just have the dinner in restaurants and great sex with her man kinda lifestyle...makes it even easier to answer now!! The wife is obviously crap at cooking and dead in bed...who's the smarter one now??!
2006-07-11 22:47:44
answer #3
answered by splight 4
Both are stupid to fight over a guy. If the wife were smart, she'd serve him with divorce papers and take him for everything. The other woman will probably leave him when he's got nothing.
Result: the cheating bastard gets what he deserved.
2006-07-11 20:26:31
answer #4
answered by luckygirl 2
I think you must be stupid to keep the ring on your finger if you knew there was another woman. I think the man should be castrated and be done with if he cheated.
If a man is not happy with the woman he is with or married too then he should leave. If he chooses to cheat then he is more than likely gonna end up with a punch rather than a few tears?
2006-07-12 03:32:59
answer #5
answered by claireclaire1984 3
Well I have been the OTHER WOMEN before not Proud of that and I never said this sort of thing to the wife, What I did say was I WISH THE TO OF YOU WOULD WORK YOUR SH#%$^T OUT BECAUSE THE TWO OF YOU ARE GETTING ON MY NERVES. LOL You see he was getting on my nerves because whenever she made him Mad or would leave him ect.. He would RUN to me. She got on my nerves because she would keep going back & forth and calling and would just keep putting up with his Mess/Madness so I moved away from both of them the HUSBAND/WIFE now neither can get on my nerves now I have my own life. LOL
2006-07-11 20:33:35
answer #6
answered by sweettoni37 4
Both woman are stupid to fight for a unfaithfull idiot man. I think you are the unfaithfull idiot man, if not you will not ask such question. Iam the wife who got cheated by one of the unfaithfull idiot husband. The other woman is just a cheap prostitute bastard. The husband and the other woman should be together coz unfaithfull idiot with a prostitute bastard are the perfect couple....
2006-07-11 21:30:23
answer #7
answered by rose 2
I would never be the other woman! And I would also never fight for my husband if I knew he was screwing around on me! I think there is nothing more pitiful then someone to make an *** out of themselves fighting over "THEIR MAN"
If my husband didn't want to be with only me, then there are plenty of men out there that would!
2006-07-11 20:42:23
answer #8
answered by Naples_6 5
well its simple, men can have another women but when he can come home to his wife and pay the bills and make love to her and buy her things and take her out then his heart belongs to his family to her... and the other women only gets him some of the time
2006-07-11 20:24:14
answer #9
answered by gaurdianangelic 3
I would remind the other woman that she may get him when I am not looking but that I own him
and in the end they usually come back to the wife in the end unless they want to end up with their parents. Its called ALIMONY... get it..
2006-07-11 20:26:54
answer #10
answered by osu2720@sbcglobal.net 3