I'd probably let her know how ridiculous she was and ask her how she could even think of betraying me like that. All in all it's both of their faults - they are 2 people who are supposed to love you and want the best for you. Obviously get rid of the guy, because if he will sleep with your mom behind your back, he'll sleep with anyone behind your back. Let your mom know how you feel, but you gotta forgive her - and don't leave her alone with any more of your bf's from now on!
2006-07-11 11:57:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Wow! Call Jerry! No, just kidding, well, I'd start by dumping the guy-sleeping with your mom=not good boyfriend. Then, have a nice, long, somewhat calm sit down with your mom, unfortunately, you can't dump her (LOL) and you'll have to work things out. I'm sure you'll laugh about it in years to come!
2006-07-11 19:00:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I would kick his a s s out, and I would tell my mom off in no small terms, they are both despicable. Her for going after your bf, and him for doing it. In fact I would probably never speak to her again, what kind of a parent would do something like this? Eweww...what a gross woman.
2006-07-11 19:00:07
answer #3
answered by Pete 5
it takes 2 to have sex so i would tell ur mom to f*ck a duck and stay away from ur boy friend and then i would call jerry springer if it doesnt work ,but jerrys show is kinda **cked up know since almost every one is against it( i luv that show )
2006-07-11 19:02:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'd be calling the Jerry Springer Show....because isn't that what he loves to put on the air?
2006-07-11 18:54:56
answer #5
answered by baciandrio 4
I'd grab him by the shirt (if he still has one on) and punch him in the face and walk out to the bathroom and throw up.
2006-07-11 19:01:27
answer #6
answered by chihibiya 2
Kill both of them.....No dont do that im playin but i think you shouldnt talk to either of them especially not your mom how could they do that to u thats to messed up... Thats something i think is unforgivable
2006-07-11 18:56:45
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well If my dad was cought with my girlfrined, first she better say it was rape, and he would get the **** beat out of him and then shot in the f**cking balls.
2006-07-11 18:55:42
answer #8
answered by russell97yzf 2
1) what the HELL is your mother doing with your bf, 2) if he loves you what the hell is he doing with your mother??
2006-07-11 18:57:42
answer #9
answered by ottedoug 2
I would depart with both of them....leave them....you don't need people like this in your life....takes two...
2006-07-11 18:56:34
answer #10
answered by qdrama1956 5