i've jus had 1 last thursday it dosent hurt at all i had a surgical abortion i was only in hospital 4 the moring and was home by 1.
the ist thing they do is put u 2 sleep they jus do this by putting a needel into ur hand which dosent hurt trust me im scared of needles a blood test hurts more.
they then put a mask over ur mouth and nose then u drift off 2 sleep.
when ur asleep im not 2 sure wat they do but they do put a tube down ur thoat 2 help u breath.
after about 30mins ur bk up on the ward then thry wake u up
when u wake up it feels like you've woken up from a long sleep, i felt no pain from that area at all the only thing that hurt was my lip.
they told me they had a problem gettin the tube in my mouth so i was left with a giant fat lip thats they only thing that hurts.
they then give u sum food make sure your ok give you 7 days worth of tablets 2 stop infection and thats it really you jus go home you have 2 make sure sum1 is with you i would advise that you dont go on ur own.
there are risks that you could not have another child but there is a very slim chance that that will happen.
you will bleed 4 about 7 days at least. you will have blood clots and you can get aslight peiod pain but that dosent hurt.
i hope this helps you out i was scared b4 i had mine done becoz no1 told me wat it was like now i hope you dont have 2 b
good luck hunni
p.s dont listen 2 these anyi abortion people they dont know wat it is like 2 make the desion
2006-07-12 10:44:30
answer #1
answered by raz967 1
i'm guessing ur planning 1? i know wot ur going thru, I'VE HAD 1! i'm not proud of it now but at the time it seemed right, i warn u in a few yrs u'll feel guilty, REALLY guilty. the procedure doesn't hurt as they put you to sleep, wheel u into the operating theatre with ur legs in the air and use a sucking machine inserted in2 u 2 remove the foetus. u wake up feeling normal, like nothing's happened, they give u anti biotics 2 guard against possible infections & off u go. there's a different way, where u take a tablet 2 bring on a misscarriage, u have 2 stay at the hospital until u bleed, u go bk 4 a scan a few wks l8r 2 check 2 c if all the foetal tissues came out, if not then they'll want to remove them. there are no side effects, as long as u take the tablets they give u afterwards u should b fine. i really hope this has helped. if u need a chat mail me. mizangeleyes@yahoo.co.uk or mumwivatum@hotmail.com
2006-07-11 21:25:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I found this link:
They kept the wording rather simple and it explains things that can go wrong or right for that matter. It can hurt, it can have long term affects as well. Some of it looks like it depends on how it is done and what state you live in. There are medical and surgical abortions. Take a look at the site.
2006-07-11 11:57:56
answer #3
answered by catsplayyy 3
Woman that have it done have nightmares a lot of time when they hear their babies that they aborted crying for them. A lot of woman can't hear vacuum cleaners without thinking about their abortion. Most woman truly regret it. Not all, but most. There are a lot of ways that an abortion is done. They can put saline solution into the woman uterus where it will burn the baby to death. The can stuck a vacuum into the woman uterus and suck the babies limbs off it's body where later the nurses will piece the baby back together to make sure all of the body parts are there. They can induce labor and once the babies head is out stick a vacuum into the back of the babies scull and suck it's brains out. The can induce labor and just let the baby lay on the table and die. Several of these can me done when the baby is able to live outside the uterus. Some woman that have an abortion aren't able to have children later on in life. And yes, it does hurt, both physically and mentally.
2006-07-11 11:55:46
answer #4
answered by twisteddistance 4
depends how far along the woman is on how it is done.....
it can be sore and uncomfy for a while but many women have it done then are back out to work next day so it depends on circumstances and the woman herself.....
there can be side effects as some women have found that having an abortion can affect their chances of fertility alter on when they are ready, though im not sure if this is 100% reliable and again everyone is different, if you want to know in simple terms ask a doctor to explain it to you, or ring the NHS helpline or similar.....
its not something to rush into so please think about it beforehand... but then again after so far on in pregnancy most people will object to doing it as the baby has developed into a baby and is no longer just a foetus and cells dividing and you'd have to go privately for it.....
2006-07-12 05:46:34
answer #5
answered by sinnedfairy 5
If you want an abortion, then have one. I know people who have had them due to the baby having severe disabilities, medical problems, etc. IT'S YOUR CHOICE!
My friend was devastated afterwards as she is 40 and had a downs syndrome baby aborted as it was severely affected by it. She won't have another baby now as she was so traumatised by the whole process - she was about 20 weeks when she had to go through "labour".
Abortion is NOT a form of birth control!
After months of trying for a baby i know it isn't as easy as people think to get pregnant so if you have sex in your fertile times then tough sh*t I'm afraid! You are now a parent to be, live with it!
2006-07-12 02:29:53
answer #6
answered by cuddlymummy 4
This is the worse place to ask. I have no doubt that you will have a person contact you whose's soul goal will be to say anything to convince you not to have an abortion true or not.
You should instead try yahoo groups if you are looking for honest answers. In those you will at least know the bias of the person you are talking with.
2006-07-11 11:51:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i've had 2 abortions, one were i was put to sleep and another with tablets. the tablets were ok, you stay in hospital for the day and have to put a bucket under you every time you got to the toilet so the nurses can see what you have passed(not too pleasant i know!). You ge period pains with the tablets too and some of the girls on the ward with me were a bit sick at first. Can't remember much about when i was put to sleep, only that i was in a bit of pain a few days afterwards and for a few months would get a sharp pain occasionaly. Don't listen to all these pro lifers, they don't know s h i t. xxx
2006-07-12 01:30:26
answer #8
answered by nikki 2
You are put under anaesthetic , but not too deep. They use a suction device to suck the baby out of you. After is like bad period pain but you have real head issues.
That is before ten weeks. After they put you under and break your waters and use a knitting needle type thing to get the foetal sac out of your womb. You the deliver the dead baby. Sometimes the babies manage to survive whatever poison they put in first and actually get to this stage alive. If so it has been known for heads to be smashed.
I have a friend who delivered twins at 15 weeks. They were very ill for about 2 years but now although they are small they are healthy and happy 5year olds.
There are psychological things that come back to haunt you every day.
2006-07-11 12:00:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
All you need to know is you wont b pregnant anymore, side affects & pain all depend on how you cope after(mentally). Its not an easy choice 4 any woman 2 make and 2 know 2 much detail on the op is not a good idea.
2006-07-11 11:58:37
answer #10
answered by bakebeanie 2
I haven't had one..but i suggest that you give the baby up for adoption. I never used to be all pro life (hardcore prolife) but I came across this site and I know I would never have an abortion. It's graphic so beware. But there is an actual video of someone having an abortion. But please don't view if you would rather not see such graphic images or if you have a very weak stomach. If you absolutly have to have an abortion make sure you do it legally and safely. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mttu.com/abort-pics/new-abortion2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mttu.com/abort-pics/&h=293&w=400&sz=29&hl=en&start=18&tbnid=Z5CKCb7SVzIHeM:&tbnh=87&tbnw=120&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dabortion%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D
2006-07-11 11:49:09
answer #11
answered by ktpb 4