you can be in love with not only two, but many at the same time...but obviously the amount is shared, the intensity is redistributed....its just like this..before kids your life is husband/ bf, when kids come, your attention shifts towads them...I mean your love on him is redistrubted to your kids...but its not that you ignore him or you dont love him...similarly when you love somebody...and then you fell in with other, the same applies...
but the great people like me love many gals at once withsame
2006-07-12 08:56:20
answer #1
answered by ? 3
Its all in the definition of Love. You can WANT a lot of people at the same time. You can be INFATUATED with a lot of people at the same time.
Infatuation, by the way, is a very powerful force, and should not be underestimated. It is frequently confused with love. That's why so many marriages fail. Because people think they're in love. They think that other person is so perfect, but after a while they see eachother's faults, and the infatuation goes away,
But Love, by definition is a desire to make someone else happy. And you can't focus on somebody if your attention is divided. If you have feelings for more than one person, then its not love.
2006-07-11 17:33:56
answer #2
answered by Privratnik 5
you can. it's just that in most countries you can only take one, but there are always affairs, which is a bad way to go. also, there's such thing as loving one person more than another but why do that? i say stick to the one who has most of your heart
2006-07-11 17:23:25
answer #3
answered by metronome 5
People were meant for one person for life in marriage...just the way it is...
2006-07-11 17:24:53
answer #4
answered by Beverly 2