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12 answers

I have never done this with my daughter, but both my sister and I have had it done. My mom said it was nothing and very fast. GOOD LUCK!!!

2006-07-11 10:08:43 · answer #1 · answered by mj 3 · 0 0


First try going to a Chiropractor, that does children as well. My son had chronic ear infections from the time he was 6 months until he was just over a year. The Dr's told me to tube him. I did some research, and found that Chiropractic care helped out drastically!!
My son went 2x a week then 1x a week, and hasn't been in over a year!! He hasn't had an ear infection since then either..

Also, keep this in mind: You are limiting your childs carreer abilities. He will never be able to dive, be a pilot and many more. All because he had tubes...YOU can prevent this from happening. Research everything and anything you can.. Call a chiropractor or THREE... Your health insurance will cover it....

Please don't do this to your child.

2006-07-11 22:40:33 · answer #2 · answered by JulyMommy 2 · 0 0

First of all, you should seek a second opinion. My older son was in daycare for the first year of his life, and he was constantly getting colds. Without fail, the cold would go away and he'd develop an ear infection. In a one year period, he had *8* ear infections. We took him to a pediatric ENT doctor and she did an exam. I'm sure you've talked at length with your doctor about this, and you know babies have short eustacian tubes, which makes them more prone to infections than adults/older children. The doctor we saw said she didn't think it was necessary for our son (he was about 13 or 14 months old when we took him in for his exam) to have tubes put in because a) we were coming to the end of cold/flu season (this was in March) and b) as a child grows and ages, they tend to outgrow recurring ear infections. Of course, some kids really DO need tubes, but not all. It's funny...after that visit, my son hasn't had one single ear infection (he's 28 months old now). If your insurance will pay for it, I'd get a second opinion. If it turns out he does have to have them, unfortunately I can't give you any advice...other than good luck, and I'm sure he'll/she'll be fine!

2006-07-11 21:20:07 · answer #3 · answered by brevejunkie 7 · 0 0

Most babies out grow ear infections by the time they are 1 year old.

My daughter had ear infections every month from time she was 3 months old until she was 1 yeear old. They wanted toput tubes in her ears, but after doing research on the internet and talking with others I fought them on it. AS LONG AS THE CHLD"S HEARING IS NOT AFFECTED FIGHT TO NOT HAVE TUBES!!!!

They could not tell me her hearing was being affected and could only tell me that this is just what is done after xxx of ear infections. I told them not good enough and she has not had an ear infections since she turned one, she is now 3 and 1/2.

Tubes can scar the ear and most of the time fall out and have to be reeplaced time and time again. Do your research.

2006-07-16 16:52:32 · answer #4 · answered by UOPHXstudent 4 · 0 0

Don't be freaked out. It's a VERY common procedure and it will minimize how often he's getting sick with ear infections. I've known a lot of moms who have had to get tubes in their kid's ears and I've never seen any adverse reactions in any of them. If anything, it's helped.

It's also common to be afraid of letting your toddler go under anesthesia, but medicine is so advanced that you should have very little worries. He will be cranky when it's done, but be back to himself in a few days. Make sure you follow the directions given by your doctor and try to manage his pain if he has any.

No worries and good luck!

2006-07-11 17:10:08 · answer #5 · answered by headshrinker 3 · 0 0

Well, if he doesn't get the tubes in his ears he has a higher chance of having speech problems that will be hard to reverse after around age 3. My step-daughter had only 5% hearing in her ears until age 5 and she is now 21, and has speech and balance problems, so it is much better to have it taken care of early.

2006-07-11 17:08:36 · answer #6 · answered by Ryan's mom 7 · 0 0

Don't worry, tubes are a quick painless procedure that will save his hearing and a whole lot of sleepless nights on your part. One thing that I will warn you about is if your son has had ANY hearing loss already make sure for at least the first couple of days you try to talk very softly bc once he has the tubes in he will hear everything LOUD and clear. Good luck!!!

2006-07-11 17:35:54 · answer #7 · answered by ducky71j 3 · 0 0

My son has had tubes put in twice and adnoids removed and I was surprised no side effects just watch to not get water in the ears after, they do have a horrible smell from the adnoids removal for a few days, but its worth it no more ear infections. My son was just a little scared when he woke up after the surjury.

2006-07-11 17:19:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My son was a chronic ear infection kid--he was almost deaf by two. His doc put him on low dose antibiotics and Dimetap for 2 years. No tubes, but I know wonder if it wouldn't have been better is he had them. My nephew had them and had no problems, and my mother had them @ 75 years old--again, no pain,no trouble. If I had to do it again, I'd go for the tubes!

2006-07-11 17:11:53 · answer #9 · answered by Waferette 3 · 0 0

Get a second opinion. Any time surgery or anesthesia is recommended, it's scary. But if two doctors recommend the procedure, it's probably best for your baby. Make sure the doctors answer all your questions---even the ones you think are too dumb to ask. This is your baby they're dealing with...and you're entitled to complete information.

2006-07-11 17:09:17 · answer #10 · answered by MOM KNOWS EVERYTHING 7 · 0 0

No you should not be freaked out...it is perfectly normal, and too, your son is lucky that it was discovered he needed them so young since it will help him in developing his speech better. I think the biggest concern you should have is will he be allergic to the anesthesia...which is something ppl don't figure out until it happens. But too...a very small percent of the population IS allergic...so its a small worry

2006-07-11 17:11:36 · answer #11 · answered by Sharlala 5 · 0 0

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