Not at all, to be honest, I would feel embarrassed about marrying him too.
All jokes aside, I think the first year of marriage is probably the toughest. You learn the dislikes about your spouse since you know what you love about him, the bad stuff seems to creep up more. Granted, you had to tolerate that behavior, but why not make him clean up the mess? After all he made it...he wants to act like a kid then treat him like one.
2006-07-11 09:21:57
answer #1
answered by jade11378 3
I'm trying to keep a straight face as I answer this...having a hard time though! The picture in my mind just won't go away, lol. Lighten up, he'll mature eventually. But don't encourage him if it makes you feel dumb. Next time you both go out with friends, be sure to tell everyone this story. Maybe it will embarrass him enough to avoid this sort of behavior in the future. As for feeling like you were taking care of a baby, I hope you didn't clean up the mess for him. He did it, he should clean it! You're his wife, not his mother. And if this is the biggest problem you encounter in your marriage, you're very lucky!
2006-07-11 09:22:50
answer #2
answered by rosecitylady 5
Don't be so hard on him, he's a guy and he's young. Never marry a guy in his early 20's, they're still little I don't think he meant to poop everywhere, that was just an accident. Just fart back when he does that stuff.
2006-07-11 09:33:13
answer #3
answered by SweetPea 5
He's being a BOY. My husband likes to be rude like this too. don't try to understand. Just hold on to the good times. Learn to fart back.
2006-07-11 09:15:51
answer #4
answered by Doll 2
You are not dumb!
He, on the other hand, is immuture and stupid!
There is nothing wrong with your questioning the marraige. That is going to likely happen through out your marriage. Sometimes it will serve as a reality check for you and sometimes as a reminder why you love him.
The reality check may turn out to be what indicates that there is something seriously wrong.
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully he will GROW UP!!!!!!!!!
Tell him to!
2006-07-11 09:50:34
answer #5
answered by KLU 4
Are farts suppose to be squishy ?
Seriously he was probably trying to be funny - like in the scene from dumb and dumber but it did not turn out that way.
Could it be that he is really embarrassed now and he is afraid that you dislike him for this?
unless his behaviour continues as such I would not worry about it. I bet he is embarrassed and feels humiliated.
2006-07-11 09:16:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yep, you should feel dumb...I'm sorry, but when a man makes the decision that he is mature enough to be married stupid behavior like that should be put behind them. You should have made him clean up his own mess.
2006-07-11 09:34:33
answer #7
answered by rkrell 7
This definitely sounds like a difficult relationship to be in. I would be concerned also, because being married to someone who is less mature than you is really hard.
It might be funny and stuff to other people, but I'm sure it wasn't that funny to you.
2006-07-11 11:25:32
answer #8
answered by halocraze86 2
You feel like you're taking care of a baby because he's acting like one! Tell him to grow up, and if he doesn't, start buying him Gerber's and Huggies. Get him to start hanging out with the guys in your family so he can learn how to behave!
2006-07-11 09:16:42
answer #9
answered by Dave 2
hahahahahaha, sounds like something my hubby would do. too bad it didn't light that would have been awesome(and yes IT DOES WORK) sry that he crapped all over the place though, that's not so funny. But the attempt to light it, i think is halarious. He will grow out of it. I hope.
2006-07-11 09:17:20
answer #10
answered by Melissa 2