Do something nice for yourself...ex: manicure/pedicure, hair done, shopping, etc... As far as starting school everyone gets those scares. Its normal. The best thing I can say is be yourself, dont pretend to be something for anyone else. If they dont like you tough...I can garentee there will be plent of people who will!
2006-07-11 09:15:56
answer #1
answered by MsLysa 3
My boss tells me that we get stressed when we are unable to accept certain things or facts. I think it's true.
Everytime I get stressed, I now ask myself why am I not accepting this fact. By answering myself, I find ways to overcome it. Acting is always the best way to deal with stress. Leaving things that worries us makes things worst. A situation usually does not goes away by itself unless acted upon.
Another way I deal with stress is to read self help books. I would recommend the following three books:
1. The Magic of Thinking Big
2. Don't Sweat the small stuff
3. Success Principles
Lastly, i try to master the art of ignoring things or events that makes me stressed!
Check out a site I created when I was stressed! Haha! which eventually led to
2006-07-16 05:17:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I'm no expert or 'guru' on these matters. But I can tell you what I do : Take life one day at a time.
Closing on a lighter note, in the words of Elbert Hubbard, "Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out of it alive."
2006-07-11 09:18:43
answer #3
answered by Meh 2
The best way to get over your stress is to turn every thing over to God and let him lead you. The birds of the field do not sow a garden but yet they still eat. It might be hard but if you just trust God it will make life easier and less stressful
2006-07-11 09:25:49
answer #4
answered by justduh 2
yeah me too I'm stressed out in my situations...the best thing i can do is do something fun that well help keep my mind off it...or i try to sleep alot when i stress out alot i tend to get very irritable and just always tired...try no to stress too hard cuz that happened to me n i lost alot of weight.
2006-07-11 09:14:19
answer #5
answered by orange_crush_05 6
Go get a massage and a facial. You need time alone just for you, also try meditation, it is the absolute best thing for stress that requires no medication Good luck! :)
2016-03-15 22:42:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Relax. Do nice things for yourself. If you don't have one, get a vibrator -- it works wonders for stress.
2006-07-11 09:25:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
trust me after high school is even more stressful cause u have to go to college and try to find a job its not easy at all
2006-07-11 09:32:43
answer #8
answered by Sandra 1
Check out ( ) there is a lot of great articles and expert advice on the subject there.
2006-07-16 16:20:55
answer #9
answered by marketingexpert 6