Actually, tylenol can be quite harmful, you dont want to do this anyway..... I work in the ER. I'm not medical, but I still see and have learned so much....tylenol can damage your would be a good idea to go to the er, or, if you dont want, maybe call poison control, see how they could help.
Listen, I od'd myself onetime, it was by accident, but i took a drug called "placidil", anyway, it gives you an ultimate high, you feel like you could fly....I had taken it many times, but this time winded up different, I chased it with a beer.....yea, I flew alright......I'm laughing, haveing a good time, its like the best drunk buzz w/o the hang over, yea, it was great ...instead of the hangover....
I woke up in the emergency trauma room, tied to a bed, with the wonderful taste of CHARCOAL in my mouth, actually, they stuck a tube down my throat to get it in my stomach because in my wonderful, no hang over , fly to the sky, high, with the last thing I remeber doing was laughing my *** off looking at stuff in the closet!?, was the last thing I did before I dropped to the ground, struggling breathing. I was told my struggle was absolutly horrifying, ......
When the ambulance got there, I was totally unresponsive, I was dying.......but thank god for paramedics, they can totally save your life, but, the embarrassing,humiliating part started there. They took scissors, cut my blouse and bra, right up the middle, pants as well,.... ok, I'm kinda modest, I am, dying and naked in front of people I dont know. At least I wasnt awake to face that feeling then, feeling beyoned words of pathetic
So, to end my lengthy tale, I get to the hospital, they shove tubes down my throat, and yes, SHOVE, buckle me to the bed, pump my stomach and wait. I'm critical but stable. Later, I'm doing much better and waking up. What did I wake to? Well, lets see,....I'm strapped to a bed, naked, not remembering how I got there,my tounge is black and tastes like tar and coal,... and being looked at like "good going you pathetic human". by docs and nurses, and then haveing to talk to a pychiatrist and convince him I did not try to kill myself. He informed me they could keep me against my will for three days for further evaluation, luckily, he could tell thru my conversation that it really was an accident.
The sad part is, doctors or nurses dont really have much sympathy for suicidal people, the pysch ones do, but the rest, ...
I'm telling you this story, I apologize for its length,, but I want to make you realize, killing yourself may be a way out, but is it stuff you really cant deal with? Just a month ago, I didnt want to die, but didnt want to live either, a couple of days agao, I thought I was having a heart attack , which is possible because I am hypertensive . But let me tell you, my heart rate was at 40 beats per minute, pressure of 200 over 120, (that one is supposed to be 80I was sweating with cold was scary....
It was then I realized, I may be so disillusioned and sick of my life right now, but for the first time in a while, I knew for sure I didnt want to die, not yet. If your a spiritual person at all, dont forget to turn your hurts to him, think of it this way, he may be all you got?
If your not spiritual, turn to friends and family, sometimes people you dont even know very well are the best people to talk to, they can be objective, its why you submitted this particular question isnt it? Hec, you want to or need to talk, email me, we can take it from there.......I am one of the best listeners you will ever come across!!
I hope this helps you get some perspective on what really happens when you try to kill yourself.
2006-07-11 16:47:16
answer #9
answered by harleylover 2