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What does it feel like? What emotions come along with the whole process? I mean, from pregnancy, to labor, to delivery, what emotions come to mind?

Dads are welcome to chime in with their thoughts too ; )

2006-07-11 05:09:18 · 23 answers · asked by choclatlady_02 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

23 answers

The feeling of being pregnant is just the most emotional , over-joyed , and best feeling in the world. there is nothing like feeling your child moving inside you, there is no other feeling like it. It puts so many thoughts of how and why this lillte tiny baby can grow in you and come out of you loving you with all of it's heart. Your emotions are going crazy so don't watch lifetime or any ting to that nature. Stick with cartoons or funny movies. Now having the baby is not so great. I have had 2 but I (nor anyone else ) could ever explain the feeling so that you or anyone could understand how it feels. The only way of explaining it is ouch. The pain you go through is horrible but after you are holding a piece of you in your arms the pain goes away. You then are in your own world with this baby you just given birth to and your mind is just going crazy. Will they be a doctor , lawyer , artist? What will my baby be? But most importantly you are holding this baby and giving him / her a guarentee that you will protect it for all of your life. No matter what the price. Then even you would never be able to tell how it really felt. It's worth the pain to just be able to hold a piece of you in your arms. No one can take the love you feel for that child away especially after you give birth to him / her. after birthing a child you respect mothers more. That will be the first time you'll tell your mother how much you love her and truelly know how much you love her. And not even through a wedding but now will you truelly have tears of joy.

2006-07-11 05:25:52 · answer #1 · answered by vicktoria_24_ga 1 · 2 1

I was nervous duing pregnancy and very emotional. Labor I felt nothing, I had an epidural which I didn not feel that either. I only pushed for 20 mintutes and could not believe I had a baby with no pain. The first thing i said after I pushed him out was "I could do that again" Then I cried tears of joy.
The first few days following very emotional and a happy time. Now I have a 3 month old happy healthy boy. He means the world to me and I would do it all over again, and I plan to be pregnant again this time next year.

2006-07-11 05:22:54 · answer #2 · answered by Amber D 3 · 0 0

I think that having a baby is an emotional roller coaster - at times you are overjoyed and excited and other times you are scared and shocked by the realization that you are responsible for another life. It switches back and forth throughout the whole thing. Labor is painful, but when you are done- you don't think about it because you have a wonderful, beautiful baby. And, then you go back on the emotional roller coaster after you have the baby because you want to be a good parent and you wonder if you are doing it right or not. It sounds harsher then it is - it is wonderful and even the ups and downs don't make is worth not doing - being a parent is amazing and I love it

2006-07-11 05:13:59 · answer #3 · answered by pammy_6201 4 · 0 0

Pregnancy and birth have always been a spiritual and empowering journey for me. The first few month are excitement mingled with desperation to keep food down and have the ability to geto ut of bed.
The middle three months are the best, you feel great, look great, your not worried about the impending birth and you get to bond with your baby as you feel it move. I've noticed that my emotional state during my pregnancy has been a good indicator of my child's personality. I was very uptight and edgy with my first, he is uptight and edgy, very laid back with my second, he is laid back.
The final three months are the preparation stage. Do you have everything you need? What will the birth be like? Will the baby be healthy? Am I going to be pregnant forever???

I would say, decide ahead of time how you will deliver. I delivered four of mine at home and all without medication. It is painful, but can be managed if you are properly prepared and know what to expect and how to work with your body. It can be a great bonding moment for you and your child. Being able to feel where my baby is during the whole process was empowering and made me feel as if I had some control.
Right after delivery I always felt immediate relief, and holding your baby for the first time makes everything you went through worth it. Those feelings are good to remember, because as they get older, there will be times you will want to send them back.

2006-07-11 08:11:48 · answer #4 · answered by e_imommy 5 · 0 0

I did it with no pain medication at all. It is the worst pain ever, probably akin to having your arm ripped off. It feels like you are trying to poop a watermelon and the pelvic bones by the opening of your vagina are being pulled out. It is the worst pulling pressure sensation and i thought i would die from it. I recommend all the epidurals and pain medication you can get. The great thing--the second your baby comes out, your brain releases about a million endorphins that make the pain totally go away and then the emotion and wonder and miracle of bringing another person into the world makes you cry and feel like nothing ever before. It's totally overwhelming.

2006-07-11 05:20:53 · answer #5 · answered by lisamacuser 2 · 0 0

its like the greatest experience ever combined with the most fear and pain you have ver known. Unles syou get an epidural like I did and hten it is just fantastic. Here is how I see it - why go through all of that when you don't have to. Unless you want to then go for it but remember there is no award when you leave the hospital for having a natural childbirth. My doctor even told me that he doesn't understand why a woman would choose not to take an epidural.

Lots of emotions. They start when you are pregnant and never really stop because motherhood is a journey that triggers every feeling in the book.

2006-07-11 05:18:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

With my first child, I had the pregnancy induced two weeks before I was due. I wouldn't do that again, it took 14 1/2 hrs to deliver. I had a great support team and had pain equal to strong menstrual cramps, towards the end I was exhausted, nervous I wouldn't be able to push. Excited to see what the baby would look like. In the middle of labor when it was almost time to push I started saying mom, mom over and over. My mom said I"m right here and I told her I wasn't saying mom. I think I said that out of embarrousment because, that was what I was saying. It seemed to sooth the pain for me. My second pregnancy I went in labor on my own. At first I wasn't sure if it was the real deal or not. I woke my husband up a 4:30 am and told him. He told me I better make sure I just didn't have to sh__. So I must of sat on the john for an hour. Finally, @ 6am I had him take me to the hospital where they told me I was in active labor. I wasn't scared at all. At 8am my doctor broke my water to speed things up. It sure did. I didn't even have enough time to eat my breakfast. The nurses had to rush to get my blood pressure and while they were doing that another nurse was putting in an IV. I was getting frustrated with being poked and proded while having severe labor pains. They had me go to delivery room and this time I made a different noise during labor. I sounded like tarzan and my mom and husband had to bury their head in the pillows to hide there laughs. The nurse even came in and mouth she sounds like tarzan. My sister came in a little while later and couldn't understand how everyone could keep a straight face. I asked for an epidural and because I said I was against it I didn't get one. Two hours later I had the baby. Everyone had a good laugh over my tarzan sound effects. With my third pregnancy my water broke at home. I called the doctor and broke down in tears. I was affraid of the pain this time. While in the hospital I really didn't have any pain until they gave me PIT to speed up the labor. I hate that stuff because it really makes the contractions hurt. I ended up getting an epidural. The nurses barely left the room and 10-20 mins. later I told my husband to get the nurse because the baby was on it's way. The nurse checked me and told me to push when I was ready. I pushed two time and she told me to stop that I was to good of a pusher. That I needed to wait until the doctor showed up. I enjoyed pushing the baby this time it didn't hurt and I could concentrate and got to see the baby come out this time. I'm getting ready to deliver my fourth child in Sept. and I am excited and nervous. I've already told the hospital I want an epidural with this one but would like to wait as long as I can to receive the epidural.

2006-07-11 05:39:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Take your worst menstrual cramp and magnify it ten times. Then think about having something in you that you have to push out and while doing that you have all these people watching you with your legs open. Then your beautiful baby is born you know it was worth it. Plus the sleep after the delivery is best sleep you will ever have in your entire LIFE!!!

2006-07-11 05:27:34 · answer #8 · answered by Brandy O 3 · 0 0

being pregnant has its ups and downs like having morning sickness all the time and the heartburn,the back pain all sucks but when you feel your little angel kick for the first time its the greatest then the delivery make sure you get the epidural its still hurts a little but not nearly as bad with out one and when your done and you get to hold your beautiful baby you get this overwhelming feeling of joy

2006-07-11 05:25:13 · answer #9 · answered by Madora 2 · 0 0

Ok, here we go, if you have ever had menstrual cramps its a similar feeling, like an ache on the inside, but 100 times worse than just cramps, I won't lie it hurts. I've had 2 children w/o any drugs...Emotions well have you had PMS, similar emotions, exaggerated such as very happy, very sad, very mad, very sensitive, pretty much a roller coaster ride.

2006-07-11 05:19:54 · answer #10 · answered by auntkacki 2 · 0 0

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