It sounds like you have a problem of balance in your relationship. If you argue after sex it may be because having sex makes you realise how dependent you are on each other and how much you need each other. This may bother either of you subconsciously so you bicker in order to distance yourself from each other and retain control of your own emotions.
Bickering and nagging are ways of attempting to control your own life and that of your partner because your partner is an integral part of your life. Sex makes you feel out of control, you lose yourself in the moment and abandon yourself to pleasure and intimacy. You and/or your partner need to find more productive ways of feeling that you are in control of yourselves and can trust each other.
This will not be an easy road but it will be a productive journey. You need to talk more and go out together so that you can become really good friends. Until you are good friends, either don't have sex, or engage in intimate activity that makes you feel in control.
2006-07-11 03:33:36
answer #1
answered by Fluorescent 4
My aunt and uncle have friends who argue all the time because they say the sex afterward is great(which to me is weird).
If your arguing,especially after sex then maybe your both hiding some ill feelings about each other.
I once knew a girl who everytime her and her boyfriend had sex she would go straight for a shower right afterward.
It turned out that he was abusing her and the only way to get him off her skin was to wash him off.
You should not be arguing after sex,this is supposed to be the loved up time.
Does your husband satisfy you?and you him
If you question yourself on why you are with him,maybe deep down you dont truely love him but just go along with it because you a married and feel obliged to.
Arguing after sex is always a sure sign things aren't all they appear.
If you cant sort it out maybe you need help(councilling) or maybe you have both ran your course in this marriage.
2006-07-11 10:08:43
answer #2
answered by freerange00720002000 3
You argue the entire day before you have sex, or the day after???
If it's before, you've fallen into a habit. Did you or your husband one day find that sex was more enjoyable after an argument, and so now, that's that only way there's pleasure? Perhaps it's some silly dominance thing..
Try something different! Or say, sorry... not tonight, then give him his pillows and tell him to sleep on the couch.
2006-07-11 09:59:18
answer #3
answered by sassy 6
In the beginning of a relationship, you gladly and willingly give your loving energy to each other. You both love receiving this energy, but over time, the ability to give is drained. This is normal, but what happens then is you stillwant to receive the energy. you end up having to take, rather than receive. This often manifests after sex, when you have given all you want to give, but have, often, had more energy taken from you than you anted to give. This becomes a source of resentment.
You must learn to re-balance how much energy you both give and take to/from each other.
when you no longer get the quantity and quality of energy from your partner, that you had in the beginning, it is likely that you could become an emotional vampire.
You may consciously feel that sex, or more sex will cure the problem. What you need is a balance in the loving energy you give and receive willingly.
2006-07-11 11:09:33
answer #4
answered by kenhallonthenet 5
because after the emotional closeness of sx then you feel dissapointed that the same emotional conection doesn;t go beyomd the bedroom.
Also, after sx, your hormones will change, Women will have more testosterone in theyr bloodstream, making more likely to be beligerant, while men's testorestone will decrease making them more vulnerable for a little while.
You will need to break this vicious cycle because it becomes a habit. Tell him after making love you will like to be held and not just jump out ourt of bed like there is no more business afterwards, same the other way around, use this port sx time to be extremely nice, bring him a beer, tell him how good with was etc.
Give and you shall receive my friend,,,,, Good luck
2006-07-11 10:02:29
answer #5
answered by Blunt 7
Weirdly so do myself and my partner, if we have sex in the morning we argue and bicker and get on each others nerves for the rest of the day, i hope you get a proper response though because i am now curious myslefy but as long as you guys know you aint alone, if you 2 are doing it and me and my gf are doing it then we surely cant be alone. Human response perhaps.hmmmmm????
2006-07-11 13:12:15
answer #6
answered by ripsnate 1
You love each other and thats how it all comes out through arguing because you are probably very close tensions will rise.Its like having a normal marital relationship.We all argue so dont worry.
2006-07-11 10:01:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
one of you or both of you are not getting enough satisfaction from the intercourse and this is leading to little niggly arguments all day, you two need to be honest with each other. Look at it yourself, does your husband make you feel amazing during sex are you totally satisfied? is he? you guys need to talk about sex before it tears you apart, if you know what I mean
2006-07-11 10:15:34
answer #8
answered by tiger2say 3
you need to understand each other,do you enjoy the sex part because that matters a lot,try not to argue much on minor things
2006-07-11 09:59:35
answer #9
answered by rubzebred 3
Maybe it's a continuation of your raging love. Once you want to argue just go back to bed and argue there.
2006-07-11 09:59:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous