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What do you think? Did aliens land here millions of years ago and we are the latter generations? Did we evolve from animals? Are we all related because if the religious stories are correct Adam & Eve are Grandparents to all of us? Scientific Theories & Ideas are welcome.

2006-07-11 02:42:10 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

24 answers

You know intelligent design doesn't necessarily require the christian god nor does it exclude evolution. My THEORY (I have no actual scientific evidence) is that a divine or super-inteligent being or race of beings visited this planet when it was just inhabited by single cell organisms (how they got there i haven't worked out yet). Now these beings (fill in your title here: god, fate, aliens ect.) notice that some of these organisms show a stronger will to survive. Maybe they reproduce faster maybe they are just harder to kill maybe they just outlast everything else. These same organisms show a greater potential for intelligent thought than all the others so this divine being or whatever you want to call him/them decides to tweak a few dna strands so that the next generation is a little farther evolved. This being then sits back and lets things go on for the next few thousand/million years. (interpet as you will but i am not getting in a debate over time.) datable objects did not appear until early humans/apes started using tools. (I did not include fossils simply because it is difficult to date them objectively.) This being comes back sees the results so far and tweaks things again. Never directly interfering. Maybe he sees that a particular species that shows no desire to evolve further is ruling that enviroment so he tweaks the enviroment to remove that creature. If you want me to go on babbling email me and i will tell you more.

2006-07-11 05:09:46 · answer #1 · answered by West Coast Nomad 4 · 0 0

Absolutely, I answered a question similar to this one yesterday so I will repost it here.

The reps are responsible for all the religions in this world, they operate these days underground, the idea of royalty comes from, them mating with humans. The reptillians are and where technologically advanced enough back in the day to take the old model humanoid and upgrade it to the current one. They have/had the ability way back then to alter DNA, the last humanoid was genderless, the reps genetically split the humanoid into the 2 genders added some of their own DNA and walla you have automatic slave producing self sufficient to a degree humans of today, they mated with some of them and now those whom have their pure bloodline have been left in charge to rule over the rest, they operate through those same bloodlines, behind the scenes. Each race has its qualities are use for special purposes, blacks where the first race created for the purpose of manual labor, whites where their last creation as you can see how they have been used. Humans are used much like we use lower animals of today but more on a sophisticated level. Of course the this whole existence is lot more complex than what I'm saying here, but you may get the idea. Below you can get a real good idea of our true history and what these reps are doing with us today. Enjoy the discovery and if you want info regarding the whole truth hit me up, I love to share what I have learned. It's all nothing more than a big game for spirits to play, don't take anything that goes on personal, just realize it's all just a game. Aliens are far more technologically superior to humans but are less spiritually advanced than humans, technology actually stunts spiritual growth.

2006-07-11 03:12:55 · answer #2 · answered by commonxsense2005 3 · 0 0

Commonxsense2005 and kris13iam have it basically right. The missing link was in a Zetan laboratory that no longer exists.

The Reptilians did not start the world's religions of today. Those were started by large Group Entities who posed as dieties.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, a technogically advanced empire of Annunaki (Zetan-Reptilians) colonized this world. They found that it was more economical to use slaves than robots to mine for gold. So they mixed their DNA with the already evolving primates here in order to come up with Homo sapiens. The first Homo sapiens could not reproduce but with continued genetic manipulation this problem was amended.

Today, the most common reported alien by abductees are the Greys; these are a genetically engineered race to serve The Zetan Empire. The Preying Mantis aliens appear to share the same elite status as the Reptilians in Zetan society.

All of them treat people from this planet - like their ancestors before them - like laboratory animals and slaves.

The Path of Intellect and Technology does not lead to a spiritual society. It leads to a Space Race Empire that selfishly subjugates peoples who cannot defend themselves.

2006-07-11 07:05:40 · answer #3 · answered by solistavadar 3 · 0 0

The Earth was a baren place way way way back in the day. It's a possibility that an asteriod/meteorite either impacted with the earth, or flew close enough to the atmosphere to deposit the elements needed for life. In that case - I would say that our formation on this planet would have to be extraterrestrial, assuming that's what happened. Others believe in Creation, Adam, Eve and that whole thing. Who's right? Who knows. I do believe though that within time, science will have an answer for everything.

2006-07-11 02:55:25 · answer #4 · answered by Lokii 2 · 0 0

Sigh, cindy4501...if you don't believe in Theory, what do you think about the Theory of Gravity, or can you float in the sky?

Personally, I'm a firm believer in evolution. There is no doubt in intelligent, well educated and learned minds about the reality of this Theory.(a theory, for those who seem to conveniently forget, is a proven set of ideas. A Hypothesis is an UNproven set of ideas) I have also been interested recently by Sumerian stone tablets, dated to the third millennium BC, that contain all the stories from the old testament. Funny really, seeing as they were set in stone, 6000 years before the old testament was even thought about! Who copied who, I wonder?
Sumerian legend, speaks of an Alien race, coming to earth, manipulating Neanderthal man with their own DNA to create a breed of workers(modern man) to mine Earths precious minerals, primarily Gold, for their own purposes. They were called the Anunnaki.
I'm by no means a full believer of this legend, but the more I research into it, the more I am coming across many coincidences, both scientific, religious and mythological. Enough to keep me deep in my research, anyway!


2006-07-11 03:09:49 · answer #5 · answered by googlywotsit 5 · 0 0

We came from GOD, plain and simple! If you have any doubts, the Bible explains everything.. if you really pay attention, and research it, you will see that we have proof on earth of things that the Bible speaks of. Check out Revelations, for example. Most of it has already been fulfilled. I really hope you give it a serious look, though. You owe it to yourself because your soul never dies. Other than that, what have you got to lose?
( Remember, everything ELSE you have heard that says otherwise is - and always will be only a THEORY!)
Good luck!
P.S. Dont listen to those who say we all evolved from this or that while we were on this empty form or barren earth, etc. That's as stupid as the big bang theory. God created everything - including, but not limited to, the earth. The make-up of life with any species is too perfect to be accident or chance.

2006-07-11 03:03:04 · answer #6 · answered by cindy4501 2 · 0 0

What if we evolved from aliens and animals that mated? Hm...
I am going to go with the Biblical answer though.
But the thought of Aliens landing...and her being Eve and mating with some kind of animaly type guy (you KNOW the guy was the animal here) and produced some kind of "missing link" WOW! :) Cool.
I'm still sticking with the Adam & Eve thing though.
It's a fun game to make up diff ideas though. :) Thanks!

2006-07-11 02:49:31 · answer #7 · answered by daisylane 3 · 0 0

God, of course. I agree with cindy4501.

(By the way, in response to googlywotsit's comment to cindy4501):
???Gravity??? Who said anything about gravity? I think she gave a very clear answer to the question.
As for your question about if she believes in the theory of gravity - She never said that she doesn't believe in "theory" itself. She is saying she doesn't believe SCIENTISTS theory of how we all came to be.
Sigh................ You should probably try read the answers more thoroughly next time. That way, your comments might not sound so desperately argumentative and way off base.

About the tablets that go back 6000 years before the new testament was ever written.. did someone fly back in time in a UFO and see them enscribed AT THAT TIME, or did someone put them in modern man made machine that tells the exact age of something? How do we know for sure what is 6000 years old, and what is 3000 years old?
As for the New Testament - it is only PART of the bible. You didn't mention the Old Testament. The New Testament was written between the dates of A.D. 40 and 95 which was about 400 years after the last book of the Old Testament was completed.
You say that that those tablets speak many of the same things as the New Testament, and you wonder who copied who? Well, The New Testament was written was after Jesus died, and it is the authentic and devinely inspired record of notable events and TEACHINGS OF JESUS, and unfolds to the world the doctrines of Christianity. I guess it's good to know that they believed in Jesus 6000 years before he got here!

2006-07-11 04:37:08 · answer #8 · answered by aint2lazy2read 1 · 0 0

The scientist proved (analyzing DNA samples) that all people in the world have a common ancestor. It is obvious that human being evolved and keeps evolving. Let's admit the cell as the first form of life. A cell appeared when different atoms combined in a particular way... And a cell combined to another cell and so on. So, we are a combinations of atoms. But how did they appear?
If we can't logically and scientifically explain something, we appeal to religion.

2006-07-11 02:55:23 · answer #9 · answered by ghyunu 3 · 0 0

Yes RELIGION is the begining.ADAM ANd EVE are real.See Science is tru and the religion same if they both strike similarity.When you find them thats true.Now the QURAN speaks of many scientific things at the Ad times.Scince has come to realise many a things just recently.Then you might as well take time to question the author of the QURAN who at AD times is so supreme in Knowledge !!

2006-07-11 02:47:47 · answer #10 · answered by M.Y.Tonse 2 · 0 0

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