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in the first week of my first year of college the assistant band teacher kept pressuring me to join because he knew I could play the flute. But the practice was like from 5 p.m. to at least 10 or later. Plus everyone else had gone to a band camp, so they already knew the routines and stuff. But I did not know the routines, and there was no way I was going to learn. Everything was just moving too fast. I did not even get into a room on campus until a week into the semester, and my roomate was a real *****. I am so serious. She had absolutely no respect for me, and complained all the time. I could not even talk to her. But she was also a dancer for the band. Within the first week I decided the band was not for me, and I just stopped going. But now whenever the band teacher sees me he asks me about rejoining, and people from the band stare at me. So now I always try to avoid the band because I am afraid someone will ask me why I stopped going. Is it okay/normal to do this?

2006-07-10 19:07:16 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Higher Education (University +)

3 answers

First off good for you. Band folk are like cults and you escaped. Second screw them and their flutes stare back and they will forget about you by winter semester.

2006-07-10 19:11:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

**** them tell them they can go suck a cock cuz that band is waste of times. I wuit my highschool band this year too sympnonic band is a ***** a big waste of my time and i let people who question me know. So tell them to **** off and if they dont then kick their balls off. If i were you id quit the flut too and pick up the guitar i left my saxaphone for guitar and its way better. Then when your a rockstar like me you can rub it those assholes faces.

2006-07-11 02:14:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a bit hard to avoid them, isn't it? Might as well tell them assertively that you are choosing not join, because it's not what you want...You are an adult...and you are choosing to say no. That's fine. Don't feel guilty or bad. Stick to your decision.

2006-07-11 02:15:05 · answer #3 · answered by justmemimi 6 · 0 0

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