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The fact is, people really hate other people simply because of the color of their skin. Why is this? Is their some historical event that I'm unaware of? Is there some inherent hatred in the human psyche? Do people just not get along in general? What are your thoughts? (Oh, and PLEASE do not say that racism stems from slavery or from segregation or any other relatively modern events. Those events stemmed from racism, not the other way around, racism has been around much longer than the United States has).

2006-07-10 18:26:20 · 16 answers · asked by romantemple16 2 in Social Science Sociology

16 answers

I also have been contemplating this question and I think it has something to do with evolutionary biology.

Humans developed/evolved during a time when there were many more species of simians on earth. Indeed there is evidence that modern humans existed at the same time as Neanderthal in Europe and possibly even Cromagnums in southeast Asia as recently as 40,000 years ago. Our main tool for success...indeed the thing that makes us human...is our ability to communicate through a common language and organize large cohesive groups.

Remember the world didn't have walmart 40,000 or 200,000 years ago so we had to compete with every other species on the planet to survive. I think xenophobia (aka racism) gave us a distinct competitive edge in the competition for survival. Since our closest competitors were species that were similar to us we developed an instinctual hatred for those that were like us but not us.

Racism and our need to differentiate ourselves seems to be a part of who we are as a species and it is not unique to humans. The very same behavior has been observed in Chimpanzees in the wild as well as Baboons and Gorillas...they literally have wars between clans (a fact that horrified a young Jane Goodall).

Does that mean we have to be a slave to our breeding? I think not. We also have the ability to realize we are racist and choose on an individual basis whether to follow this instinct or not.

By the way I have also observed this same behavior in dogs...they tend to form packs and will act as a group against other dogs (or almost anything for that matter) that they perceive as a threat to the pack.

Um amp magic is a tard...there are zero differences genetically between Homo Sapiens...his ******* BS is straight out of the KKK handbook.

2006-07-10 18:54:37 · answer #1 · answered by Perry L 5 · 3 2

First to find fault means you are looking for someone to blame. I tell you that behavior is the behavior that starts things like racism.

First off, racism isnt really racism. there are genetically only 3 races of Homo Sapien you can be decended from and nowadays many of us are a mixure of those races. Those Races are *******, Caucasoid, and Mongoloid. Most people confuse racism with xenophobia. Xenophobia is when you are afraid of others that are different than you.

That right there is the rub. Someone said "Your different, I dont think I like you." Thats how racism or bigotry of any kind got started. Next time you see a person that is different and you dont think you like em for it just say "Your Different, I think thats interesting." You will get a much better result, and if they can do the same back to you then you will get along.

Dont seek to find out whose fault Racism is, or who to blame. You will just increase the seperation that causes that behavior with in the first place.

2006-07-10 20:39:37 · answer #2 · answered by AmpMagic 1 · 0 0

at the starting up, out of each and each and every of the features, virtues or characteristics of the human race, Love, Honesty, Sincerity, Generosity, strong Humour, Helpfulness and lots and lots extra that bypass to make us up, i trust there is one unmarried high quality that overrides something else and that is the want to talk and understand human beings. each and each and every of the vices are in accordance to an body of thoughts which couldn't care a lot less about conversing with human beings. i'm an Australian, living in Melbourne. Ethnic minorities are by no potential contained in the minority the position I stay, a procedures from it. Turks, Egyptians, Vietnamese, chinese language, Indians, Pakistanis, Italians, Greeks - to call very few of the nationalities that stay in my suburb - all stay part by employing part. My aspect isn't any matter if or not they have heavily accented damaged English it extremely is hard to understand or no matter if their English is acceptable, my neighbours conquer this handicap. that is a exhilaration to talk and promises a delightful "hi" contained in the line and that i have never are available the course of someone who hasn't been able to understand my greeting or I theirs. a grin is going far. Secondly, you're making a drama about the problem. there is not any want to shout and throw a tantrum. in case you want to have an sensible, fruitful talk on the rights of immigrants, by employing all potential do. yet you at the instantaneous are not at recent. Your question isn't aimed in the route of deep idea - that's designed to hearth up hate and xenophobia. bypass decrease back to mattress and upward push up on the right fringe of it next time round.

2016-11-06 04:50:30 · answer #3 · answered by olli 4 · 0 0

the fault lies in our innate talent of recognizing beauty and disorderliness. we seem to strive toward geometric perfection.and the white man thinks that his built and face is more geometrically and aesthetically superior than non whites.this, plus the white man's dominant role in much of the world's history has made the white man think he's more superior than his other counterparts. asians readily accept this premise and they try to compensate themselves by becoming superpowers also. (china japan and korea are striving to be superpowers) the idea is that when they become superpowers, then perhaps the world will view them as the ideal race.
blacks however just refuse to believe this premise. they tend to believe that they're the white man's equal or worse superior to them. historically speaking, blacks have the least contribution to humanity, which makes their claim that they're superior to the white men absurd and funny. however, racism is still a bad thing. it must not be tolerated. but in order for it to stop we have to rewrite history which is quite an impossible task.

2006-07-10 18:54:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People are aftaid of something or someone different. People discriminate against not only people with different skin. They don't like fat people, thin people, smart people, poor people, other cultures, the guy that got the only A in the class, people with acne? etc Fear and jealousy( a form of fear of losing someone) are powerful feelings that have existed forever on this planet. As cultures blend it will get better but it will continue to be slow.

2006-07-10 18:40:24 · answer #5 · answered by Elwood 4 · 0 0

People don't like people who are culturally different from them. The communcaiton and customs get in the way of human feelings. Plus, people find it easy to hate. You ask a difficult question.

2006-07-10 18:30:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Racism is miscoception deeply integrated into certain human beings especially those who have white skin, this is has risen mainly due to gross scientific ignorance and certain amount of religious influence, one should know that no one can choose his/her country of origin, and colour of skin (it depends more on envoirnmental scenario rather than so called "purity" of race)

2006-07-10 18:36:16 · answer #7 · answered by Dan 1 · 0 0

People are uncomfortable with difference. It's not just race. It's religion, color, sexual orientation, etc. People want to be safe inside their comfort zone. Anything outside that zone is suspect.

2006-07-10 18:30:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it probably started over some stupid family dispute in the begining of time. god banished cain for murdering abel and eve told the rest of her kids that any offspring of cain are evil.
honestly, i don't know.
it's just dumb. people are scared of what they don't know, and it's a lot easier to blame someones race for anything we don't understand rather than actually trying to understand that person

2006-07-10 18:41:22 · answer #9 · answered by jadeblade 1 · 0 0

Racism is just pure ignorance

2006-07-10 18:29:05 · answer #10 · answered by rykkardo8 4 · 0 0

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