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i would say that im near the end of pubery... im 13 but i already got my period about 2 years or 3 and i got arm pit hair, hair down there and lots more. i think im done with pubery.... am i? how do i noe for sure? but last night one of my nipples was really itchy and now my booby was the nipple was itchy last night is right now hurting a lil bit. what's happening? is this a sign of puberty? or do i have breast cancer or anything like that?

2006-07-10 18:19:54 · 12 answers · asked by mizzang3la 2 in Health Women's Health

12 answers

You know what? I actually got really happy when my boobs/nipples hurt at the age of 13. When it hurts or itches, it means that your breast are growing. Ah, lucky you! Don't worry, it's not breast cancer or anything. But in case you are worried if it is cancer, you would know `cause cancer will make you feel weak and such. Puberty will not stop for you until a few more years. You've got more time to go.

2006-07-10 18:22:30 · answer #1 · answered by tingaling 4 · 3 0

It's doubtful that at that age you have cancer, but have your mom make an appointment with your doctor. It's quite possible that it's nothing but growing pains, but you never can be too sure. If you have a family history of cancer, definitely get it checked out. Not trying to scare you or anything, but, as little as you hear about it, younger women do get diagnosed with breast cancer. I know all of this because women on both sides of my family have had it, so it's knowledge that keeps me doing all I can to keep up with my health. E-mail me if you need to talk about this more. I can try to get you more information, or at least tell you where to find it, if necessary.

2006-07-10 18:55:11 · answer #2 · answered by x_chynadoll814_x 4 · 0 0

Could be the bra you are wearing, like wearing tight cloths and when you take them off the area where it is tight will itch, or it could be you are growing. I don't think it is breast cancer but if you are really worried ask your mom or another adult you can talk to and I'm sure they will put your mind at ease.

2006-07-10 18:24:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

at the age of puberty itching of nipples are normal. dont worry its not breast cancer. its only your developing breast.
good luck.

2006-07-10 18:24:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try not to scratch or touch it, put some moisturizing cream on your skin, it should go away. If not see your doctor. Don't worry It is not breast cancer, you are too young :)

2006-07-10 18:24:20 · answer #5 · answered by Pam 1 · 0 0

its just itcy booby syndrome... and no your likely not done with puberty untill like 18 - 20 when you stop growing taller.

2006-07-10 18:23:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if it a new bra then mostly like the fabric or loose thread in the bra that is scratching it and causes itchiness if it causes really bad itching then discuss this with Doctor they will give u cream

2016-03-27 00:37:30 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

That's just growing pains. Gee, I sure am glad mine are over. It will/may go on for a while, but don't worry about it. : )

2006-07-10 18:30:34 · answer #8 · answered by Sergeant Lauren 5 · 0 0

It means that you are getting your puberty age.

2006-07-10 18:24:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

because of puberty only it is itching.dont worry.it is not breast cancer.

2006-07-10 18:24:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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