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I'm 16 years old and I think I may have chlamydia. How can i get the simple dosage for treatment of it without my mom finding out. I don't have a gyn doctor and I'm not even positive I have it. I don't know what to do.

2006-07-10 16:49:58 · 6 answers · asked by crashhhintome 2 in Health Women's Health

i don't know how to get to one of those without her knowing. What if i see someone there that i know?

2006-07-10 16:55:59 · update #1

6 answers

same answer, goto planned parenthood or a free clinic if you don't want to tell your mom. But if you think your mom could help but are afraid of telling her eventually you might want to let her know just so that if anything happened to you (like an allergic reaction to your medication treatments) she would be able to give a full history of your medical problems. If you want to start getting treatment and then tell her you could start by saying " I know I made a mistake of getting a sexually transmitted disease, but I have started the process of treatment and my doctor that I have been seeing says I am fine, but I wanted to tell you because I think that it would be helpful for you to know." Good luck. - Get it checked out though. It will be less likely to be controlled the longer you wait.

2006-07-10 16:58:15 · answer #1 · answered by dreamsofbleedingskiesjz 1 · 0 0

If there is a health department in your city/town, you might beable to find out through them where to go. Might try planned parenthood also. Look up the condition at www.mayoclinic.com
It may help you understand more about the condition and might ease your mind. If you see a doctor,ask if the doctor/patient confidentiality rule of law extends to a 16 year old, then you would'nt have to worry about your parent finding out. But if they are good parents, you really should talk to them about your concern.

2006-07-10 23:59:05 · answer #2 · answered by Dog Mama 4 · 0 0

I would suggest that you go to your family doctor by yourself without your mom and get tested. Medical legally you are allowed to get treatment if your are able to make a decision by yourself. There is patient-doctor confidentiality also. Since that is the case, your mom will never find out. Just go and get tested and get an antibiotic.

2006-07-11 00:59:26 · answer #3 · answered by BILBO BAGGINS 2 · 0 0

Call your local health department they may help you seek treatment or test you to see if you do have it.

2006-07-10 23:53:58 · answer #4 · answered by bramblerock 5 · 0 0

Go to a planned parenthood they can help you for free.

2006-07-10 23:53:26 · answer #5 · answered by Jacci 4 · 0 0

I prefer to be a materialistic prep than a filthy whore!

2006-07-11 22:50:46 · answer #6 · answered by Kim_C 1 · 0 2

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