Trust me, if you're 5'7" and 125lbs, no ones going to notice you long enough to make fun of you. I work out everyday and the people I notice are the huge meatheads, and the half naked yoga class chicks...and you are neither of them. Everyone started out the way you are, so no ones going to make fun of you...they'll give you props for making the effort to go.
2006-07-10 16:42:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
before each and everything, you're purely 14. in case you workout habitual too a lot, there is an chance so that you could stunt your boom. you're 5'10", like my brother became even as he became 14. even as he joined the football crew, he only grew 2 better inches in the time of four years. Secondly, each and every individual has a six %. lurching below layers of fat. To have an truly fashionable six %., you pick to have an truly low BMI which i do not propose in any respect because you're purely 14. in case you pick to have a muscular body, you should start up taking area in activities and lifting weights. start up small, and improve you're weights by technique of 10% a week. any better, and also you should damage your self extremely heavily. do not take steroids. those drugs will quite damage your equipment. you should change right into a actual existence Hulk without exaggeration. you should play activities like football, basketball, football (which i do not propose in case you want a ripped body by technique of the time you bypass to varsity), swimming, hockey, and per chance flow usa (yet which will take a lengthy time period). you should attempt tin improve your intake of protein, too. attempt whey protein blend - it truly is what many of the athletes in my college do. And between practice/lifiting weights, provide your self an afternoon without work a week a minimum of. What your muscle mass are doing is tearing. They tear (which motives the burning sensation), and the day without work, your muscle mass heal themselves, yet they change into higher. today, what you should do is bypass to a suntan center and ask someone to make you defined abs. they could spray tan on defined abs. except that, you only ought to furnish it time and sluggish, healthful progression. good success! don't experience too compelled - you're purely 14. once you're 25 and stick skinny, that ought to reason a social problem with the girls. yet little ones your age do not quite like wide, ripped adult males - i actual like lean muscular adult males, like football gamers and basketball gamers.
2016-12-01 01:04:05
answer #2
answered by nourse 3
buy a weight training set for at home.. get an exercise mat .... and even though you're a guy, do Tai Chi, Pilates & Yoga.. they build up muscle strength, and i know a ton of guys that do it..
i would go to the gym though... the people there are paid to help you with that stuff and you have less risk of injuring yourself
2006-07-10 16:43:01
answer #3
answered by ami 3
Just go ahead and go. No one's gonna make fun of you for wanting to gain muscle.
2006-07-10 16:43:56
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Don't worry about someone making fun of you, go in the morning or late at night. Less people there.
2006-07-10 16:40:32
answer #5
answered by Jacci 4
It's like church...people don't go there b/c they're perfect already. People go to better themselves. Go to the gym to better yourself and don't be self-conscious about it. Also, keep a good attitude and spirit about yourself. People will respect that about you.
2006-07-10 16:52:48
answer #6
answered by Rich B 3
people will recognise that you want to help yourself so i dont think that would make fun of you go and see. if they do buy yourself some weights and speak to people or online about how to use them cause you can hurt yourself if you use them the wrong way
2006-07-10 16:41:32
answer #7
answered by traceylolanna 3
Build a weight room in your house. That's my only solution. And hire a private trainer. IF you have the money!
2006-07-10 16:42:05
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
People doesn't mind in the gym, you can see people of different body sizes. They mind their own business to keep themselves fit.
2006-07-11 03:29:14
answer #9
answered by marky 3
suck it up...i am sure that ur not the only skinny man at the gym seems a lot go to the gym to bulk up...dnt care about what people think....
2006-07-10 16:40:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous