sweetie u have nothing to worry bout. your doctor and the nurses there will treat u like a queen and take good care of you while u in labor and giving birth to ur new baby. congradulations! it will come natural once you start labor and delievery. i was scared to death but it was an enstict while i having my baby and of course the labor. also while in labor ask them to give you to numb u from ur waiste down so u will be relax while u are in labor. you feel some pain i am not gonna to lie but its gonna to come natural i promise you will have all the support and focus on something while in labor. don't wait til the last minute for the meds okay. God bless in every way.
2006-07-10 09:02:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I had an emergency c-section and I heard lots of birthing stories from so many woman since then that I can say from my experience and their's ....giving birth naturally will not be pain free (definitely ask for an epidural if you are hurting and ask early on so they will give you one before you are too dilated for them to do it).....epidural's help ease the pain dramatically. If you have a c-section you usually feel no pain during labor other than contractions, but the pain afterward is pretty intense like any other surgery. Here is the good news: If you give birth naturally (with epidural) you'll have some pain during labor and it will be forgotten the moment they put your baby in your arms. If you have a c-section the labor is usually easy and you feel the pain afterward for about 2 weeks or more. But the same is true for both...after time you forget about any pain you had and would do it all over again. Honestly...do what I did..buy some baby books, ask lots of questions, and prepare yourself for every challenge so that when it turns out to be as easy as pie you can be happy that it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be! Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! I wish you well! Don't sweat it...you'll be fine!!!!
2006-07-10 16:09:40
answer #2
answered by katie p 1
It does hurt, but well worth it. Talk to your doctor about non-drug methods for comfort. Use only what you have to drug wise, the more you use the less active the baby will be and the more out-of-it you will be. For the best after birth experience, I say as little as possible. I used a dose or two (depending on the Length of labor) through the IV, but never used an epidural. The thought of a huge needle in my back seemed worse than labor to me! My third came within hours of starting labor and had no time for anything, the pain was not unbearable until the end but there is a very short time of that.
2006-07-10 16:03:53
answer #3
answered by Brooke 4
If you don't want to feel any pain, get an epidural. That is the best thing you can do to numb yourself from the waist down, but still be alert and able to participate in the delivery.
When it's time to push, you just have to push like you are having the biggest bowel movement of your life.
The doctor will help you with the rest. :o)
Some women who are afraid of medication, take childbirthing class to prepare them for the experience, how to focus through the pain. Because the more scared you are, the more it hurts. Some women use the Bradley Method, some Lamaze, some Hypnobirthing. I suggest looking at ALL your options.
But if you want to not feel pain, then go with the epidural.
Congrats and good luck.
2006-07-10 16:06:27
answer #4
answered by momof2kiddos 4
I used to worry that the pain would be really hard to take in the cervix area where the baby is coming out. I'd imagine how much it would have to stretch to have a baby come out. It was a scary thought.
Now I've had two kids and I can tell ya, that's not where the pain was at all. It's these things called contractions you hear about. I didn't know what that word meant totally either. What they feel like is menstrual cramps that are totally MAGNIFIED. As your due date gets closer they call them Braxton Hicks. Short periods of crampyness that come and go. Use these times to practice whatever works best for you in getting your mind off of them and waiting for them to subside. The breathing in the lamaze classes was all nonesense to me. I had to find my own way. A focal point or something until the pain subsides. Usually I focused on the monitors attached to me and watched the lines go uphill and downhill.
As you get closer to the birth, of course, the contractions get more frequent and intense. I never got an epidural cause I guess I just moved along fast enough. I did get a muscle relaxer and something else to supposedly take the edge off of the pain. You coulda fooled me that I had any pain med.. The muscle relaxer made me feel drunk and I walked the halls for as long as possible to have gravity help things along.
Your incentive to pushing the baby out is to see them, of course, but also to be totally free of the painful "contractions". Whew... Good luck.
2006-07-10 16:16:44
answer #5
answered by donna03079 3
When you're pregnant for the first time it can be very scary. Just know that it does hurt, and sometimes bad, but look at how many of us there are out there. We all were born and the moms made it through.
There are medications and also epidurals out there that will help make it so there is less pain. Make sure to take birthing classes so you find out about the whole process and it will help to make it less scary.
Also, any questions that you have, make sure to ask your doctor or nurse. That is what they are there for. They have heard them all and are more than happy to answer questions.
You will be able to handle it. Just enjoy your pregnancy, yes, and even the birth (you will have many stories to tell afterward), and the life of your child. It all goes by so quickly.
Take care of yourself, take your vitamins, and keep your doctor's appointments.
Good luck and best wishes!
2006-07-10 16:09:14
answer #6
answered by 317bossyaussie 3
Congratulations on your pregnancy!!
I've been through two pregnancies and childbirths and I'm going to share the best piece of advice I received.
Can you deal with anything for just a minute??? No matter how bad, if you knew it would be over in just a minute, could you deal with it?
You know you can do this, right?
That's the key to surviving labor pains. During the first l&d (labor & delivery) I started to cry when the pains got bad because I could not handle these over and over. During the second one, the labor instructor told me that strategy I just listed.
The trick here is to think of each contraction as JUST....ONE....CONTRACTION. If they get painful, you only have to handle that one contraction, then when it's done, you handle the next one.
For me, that was amazing. I learned that I could deal with anything because very few bad things are permanent.
And the beauty of labor, it does not last forever. I used a half dose of stadol for the 2nd L&D and that took just enough of the edge off the contractions that I could deal with it.
I also was in a hospital that had a private bath in each L&D unit and I sat in the tub and my husband sprayed warm water on me while I sat in a shallow bed of water. It really helped with the contractions.
Another thing they did that time was they gave me a tube sock filled with uncooked rice and heated it up for about a minute in a microwave. It was a wonderful heating pad that really helped.
Yes, it can be painful, but the best thing is holding that baby. It is worth all of it to get that child in your arms.
2006-07-10 16:08:19
answer #7
answered by Searcher 7
I'm not going to lie - childbirth is painful and its the fear of not knowing what's going to happen that makes it worse - with my first daughter I had an epidural but it only took the contractions away - I was still able to feel my daughter moving down - VERY UNCOMFORTABLE - and with my second pregnancy (twins) it was all back labor and I got to the hospital at 8 centimeters - honestly didn't think I was in labor till I they told me how far along I was and my husband got to the hospital just in time as they were wheeling me into the delivery room - but the pain does go away and in the end you have a precious little baby to love and it is ALL WORTH IT! I've heard people say that you forget about the pain when it's all gone - and it's true - otherwise everyone would be an only child - trust me - it's ALL WORTH IT IN THE END!
Congrats and Good luck to you!
2006-07-10 16:07:13
answer #8
answered by kaije03 3
well i have three kids my first was born natural and he weighed 5ld 15oz. it was a little painful but happened so fast i could hardly remember it. my second was born with meds to numb from the waist down, he wieghed 7lbs 9oz. i did not feel a thing during the labor which made it last longer. my third baby was 8lbs 14oz, i had plamed on useing meds but the iv got a hole and leaked out the meds. so i had her natural and it hurt pretty bad. the main part is called "the ring of fire" thats what it feels like when the head crowns. but your body is made to do this. and it will work with the labor to have the baby. yes there is some pain but when you are laying there and the whole nine months are over you feel like you did it. i would say to trust your body and use the meds if you need them. just know that the pain after words is not good either with or with out. the bottle they give you fill it up with warm water and along with dermoplast will become your best friend ond tuks dont forget thoughs. hope i helped you.
2006-07-10 16:06:40
answer #9
answered by smokerqueenpimp 3
To be completely honest with you, yes, it does hurt. I had my son all natural, no meds, and I don't regret it, I would do it all over again. It was better, specially for him. My son weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces at birth and was 21 inches long. So it was a pretty big baby, and yes it was awfully painful. By 7cm I was all ready to give up and ask for a c-section. But my OB/GYN encouraged me saying "We are almost done, what do you want a c-section for?" I just focused on how bad I wanted to have my son in my arms and pushed as hard as I could and before I knew it, he was there. Also the recovery from a natural birth is much quicker than a c-section. ( i was walking the same day) About the meds... I would recommend you to try to do it without meds... but let your doctor know you want to have them available in case you feel you can't handle it.
Hope this helps...
Best of luck with you delivery!
2006-07-10 16:03:45
answer #10
answered by lilly_mom_pr 4
Oddly enough, the actual delivery is not painful. Its a relief. The worst part is the contractions (get an epidural as soon as they let you). Once you have had the epidural, you will be relaxed until about 9cm dialated. That is when the baby starts to crown and you will feel ALOT of pressure. This is where the lamaze breathing helps. The pressure is unavoidable. C-section, natural, epidural, or not. It happens. Once the baby comes out, you feel refreshed. Hang in there. Its a great experience and take lots of pics. You will want them when the baby is 5 and starting school.
2006-07-10 16:00:19
answer #11
answered by B26 3