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PS: I have already used & removed zone alarm firewall, its very difficult to configure & there are some problem in the latest version.

2006-07-10 08:17:55 · 6 answers · asked by Vicky 4 in Computers & Internet Security

6 answers

compatible with Win Xp pro sp2.... i think Black ice is very nice.. firewall it watches all files loaded in your Pc... so all trojans will be shown to you before they gets loaded or starts running their Malicious code...
- - - - - - - - > if you're rich then i suggest you using Trend Micro antivirus it has built in Firewall.... bery nice... security

2006-07-10 08:33:00 · answer #1 · answered by Umax 5 · 1 0

Personally, I use Symantec Firewall Client Corporate Edition. It is very tight yet pretty easy to configure. Also, you will notice that the Corporate Editions are always better then the Personal/Home editions. Some of my friends say that BlackIce Defender is the best against hackers but I think that if you have a good firewall router than you shouldn't have to worry that much about hackers. From my experience, ZoneLabs is OK but you are right, you do need to configure it before you can do anything. Symantec comes preconfigured not to annoy the user.

2006-07-10 08:23:18 · answer #2 · answered by blue2monday 3 · 0 0

The easiest is to get a router to put between your computer and the DSL/cable modem. Then you don't need the software - the hardware does the firewall thing for you by hiding your computer from the internet. Just be sure to change the default password into the hardware.

2006-07-10 08:20:54 · answer #3 · answered by PuterPrsn 6 · 1 0

i found it very easy to use( eg zonealarm), i use tiny firewall the interface is not as nice but does a good job.

2006-07-10 08:22:17 · answer #4 · answered by Paultech 7 · 0 0

the best free firewall is zonealarm. you can get the free softwear at www.zonealarm.com works great !

2006-07-10 08:21:26 · answer #5 · answered by Iknowalittle 6 · 1 0

The default windows one is pretty good. I have also herd blackice is a good application... good luck

2006-07-10 08:21:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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