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I have cable internet and I use a modem and the modem turns the conection into a rj-45, is there a cleaner alternative to conecting cable internet directly to the rear of my PC like conecting the cable to a insertable PNP card, in stead of through a modem THAT USES A RJ-45?

2006-07-10 03:54:21 · 1 answers · asked by shuta you face 2 in Computers & Internet Internet

1 answers

Cable internet uses HFC (Hybrid Fiber Coax) and uses a modem to extract the protocols...

This needs to be converted to a protocol a PC "speaks"...

The only 2 choices I am aware of at the current time are either:
1) USB, or
2) Ethernet (RJ45)

How your PC implements these are up to your PC... They have them on motherboard, ISA/PCI cards, or PCMCIA cards...

But all involve converting from one protocol to the other!

2006-07-10 04:04:39 · answer #1 · answered by N2FC 6 · 1 0

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