I'm a spiritual cat from the Fort, or rather, in the Fort, and am typically bored out of my mind! Plus, medical biology students drive me wild. Don't ask me why, but it's a bit of a fetish. I was in a church band for a while because I have church freinds and rock the bass, but I stopped going because they always were trying to convert me. I'm not against God, or anything, but there are some serious flaws in Christianity. I'm not prejiduce, now. Science has just as many fundamental flaws. You've read too many text books, and I'm just too logical. So there's clowns to the left of me, jokers to my right. Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
Click on my icon and we'll talk!
Or you could become Catholic, if you'd rather. Eeek. (no offense, God, or anyone. It's just a joke, people, relax.)
2006-07-09 21:29:35
answer #1
answered by Brianman3 3
I'm a hardcore Catholic and it kills me to say this since I believe that the Catholic Church holds the only truth about the One True God and I really want you to become Catholic because I love you as does God.... but, the person who answered Universal Unitarian is right. They are exactly what you have described. I have a friend who is Universal Unitarian but has joined our Catholic softball league because he says Catholics have better organized social gatherings. This means there still might be a problem meeting singles at the Universal Unitarian Church, but at least you would be with people who care about being spiritual more than anything else.
There is a compelling reason for being in an organized religion with an established faith tradition. Being organized means they can gather together to do wonderful things for the poor and underpriviliged. Having an established faith tradition means that everyone has similar beliefs. The Catholic faith is based off of 2000 yrs of tradition as taught by Jesus Christ to his apostles. It is his living, organic, ancient Church. It is rooted from Judaism from another 2000 yrs before that. Once you start studying the Catholic faith tradition, you will find it so rich and beautiful that you will fall in love with Mother Church. Check out St. Joseph's Communications and order some CDs from Catholic apologists. It will change your life in a positive way forever!
2006-07-10 03:36:00
answer #2
answered by WannaBeTheologian 2
Sad to see such a hot girl say she doesn't believe in God because of text books... You might be surprised to know that text books are full of debunked information, but the "science" community refuses to take things out, even though they admit they're wrong...
That aside, read some REAL and current science, with analysis here.... This site quotes and links to all of the top science publications in the world, and knocks down dogmatic beliefs with their own "science".... There is so much there, I don't want to even give an example because I'll leave so many others out... But in the interest of honesty, I suggest you read a number of posts. I also suggest you simply watch the movies Priveleged Planet and Unlocking the Mystery of Life before you determine there is no God. This isn't from a "religious" pov, this is from a common sense evaluation of the evidence (not that you don't have common sense, but I doubt you're being fed complete and unspun truth, in a way that encourages questioning).
(by the way..... You're a porn star, according to your 360 page or whatever.... Why? You don't look like you'd have to go that route)
WannaBeTheologians said that Catholicism is the only religion that has the one truth about the one true God.... Well please enlighten us? Spill the beans out on this secret Catholics have, so we can all share in it.
You said that it's based on Jesus' teachings, etc. I don't recall Jesus saying Mary was any sort of Holy figure to be prayed to... I don't recall Jesus inventing "holy water"... I don't recall Jesus putting Preachers above others, giving them special outfits and "Father" titles... telling us to confess our sins to them as if they have some sort of power greater than any other man. I don't recall Jesus talking about baptising babies who haven't a clue what that means, but he did say that the only way to God was through him.. and that has to be a conscious decision by someone, not some Catholic Priest dunking a newborn baby in some magic water. Also, when you do the last supper in church... you treat it like it's truly some sort of cleansing ritual... When it's symbollic and Jesus said "do this, in rememberence of me"... not "Do this, and it gets rid of your sins from the previous week"
You go on to say "you will fall in love with Mother Church".. There's one of your biggest problems... You are worshipping your church.... falling in love with "The Church"... Calling it "mother".. what is that about? What is with all the "Father" "Mother" stuff, placing Nuns and Priests above people.... Where in the Bible does it speak of such a system?
Look, I don't all that much care.. but watching the dogmatic beliefs of Catholics is almost as frustrating as the Darwinists... only at least Catholics hearts are in the right places... they are just believing what they're told rather than thinking independently.
2006-07-10 03:13:08
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you feel yourself that you are asking for too much then nobody will say no YOU ARE ASKING FOR TOO MUCH and when you say that you are looking for better people to hang out with you will have to be atleast good for others and as it is said beuty lies in the eyes of the beholder ,
you start looking around yourself positively i am definite that you will find around you at there were friends who you never knew .
if you talk of religion its all bullshit.
2006-07-10 02:58:45
answer #4
answered by santosh p 1
jk jk im not christian either, go to the mall or something. It is kinda hard to find someone that is not really spiritual, so you may have some trouble, but there are people like that
2006-07-10 02:55:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I find it hard to find people who like to have fun(drink, be silly, curse) but don't lie, cheat, or steal. I say, just go with the flow and enjoy all people, in general. Otherwise, I guess let me know once you know.
2006-07-10 02:57:41
answer #6
answered by Nep 6
well if you are in high school join a local youth group. hang up poster around town and set up a meeting at a local coffee house and see who shows up.
2006-07-10 02:54:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Wow, what a babe....seems that you are quite sure of yourself. Are you even lonely?.....Just jaded with the same old same old perhaps....Join clubs like off-roading, cooking, travel clubs,...whatever you fancy....like minds and all...If you are still bored, visit my country...The Philippines...Trust me...we have tons of things to offer...
2006-07-10 03:04:02
answer #8
answered by Bram 2
u r not being unrealistic. one can find a good friend anywhere you r at a good place already.
2006-07-10 03:07:09
answer #9
answered by Shweta 2
Not all churches believe that their purpose is to push a particular interpretation of God. Unitarian Universalism is interesting in that it supports a free and conscientious search for truth.
The general web page for the Unitarian Universalist association http://www.uua.org/
Fort Wayne http://www.uufortwayne.org/
Principles of Unitarian Universalism:
We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote:
-The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
-Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
-Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
-A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
-The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
-The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
-Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
The living tradition which we share draws from many sources:
-Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life;
-Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love;
-Wisdom from the world's religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life;
-Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves;
-Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit.
-Spiritual teachings of earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.
-Grateful for the religious pluralism which enriches and ennobles our faith, we are inspired to deepen our understanding and expand our vision.
-As free congregations we enter into this covenant, promising to one another our mutual trust and support.
2006-07-10 03:16:58
answer #10
answered by bearhawk 1