Men are like that. They want to make sure that there woman is ok. My husband probably would of done the same thing. All you can do is assure them that you can hold you own. My husband would not stand other family members doing that. I hate to say it. I would of made a deal about too, if they were making fun of my husband. Be happy to know he sticks up for you. But talk to him about it. Don't think you can't trust him. Men are take the rule of protector.
2006-07-09 14:33:40
answer #1
answered by nay 5
So one of your husbands family members was doing something and you did not ant him to do anything about it? You want your husband to just sit there and make fun of you? That won't sit well with most men. Defending a wife's honor is an important thing for a man.
This is something you should not have asked him to do in the first place.
On the good side, at least with everything all messed up they won't be making fun of you any more. That is what you wanted....
2006-07-09 14:37:33
answer #2
answered by null_the_living_darkness 7
Your husband needs a lesson on how to keep his big mouth shut, also let him know that loose lips sinks ships and you are a big girl and can handle your problems yourself and if and when you need help you will ask for it? What is wrong with him, No you are not wrong, you have every right to be upset and you should let him know that if there is no one else in this world you can trust, it's supposed to be your husband, and he betrayed that trust and would have to earn it back because you won't be so quick to confide in him in the future for fear that he will open his big mouth.
2006-07-09 14:35:17
answer #3
answered by spoiltrini 4
Probably you should get over that. He was trying to protect you and defend you. Really, it's a compliment.
You should buy and read the book "Love and Respect". It's a marital help book that has changed my marital life. It basically preaches the basic needs of women versus men. I think if you read this, you'll get insight into why he did what he did.
Sounds like you have a good man.
2006-07-09 14:41:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Trust & loyalty goes a long way and it is give and take. If that is broken then sometimes you may have to be cautious as what you can discuss with him. Sometimes it is best not to say anything if you think it's going to cause problems. The choice is yours.
2006-07-09 14:34:09
answer #5
answered by Quinnie 2
no i dont think your wrong BUT whatever you tell a man he blabbers about. BUT at least it wasn"t two members of your side of the family.
2006-07-09 14:37:32
answer #6
answered by KATIEKAT 4
I think he's wrong! u asked him not to interfere,but he did. u could have worked things out for yourself. I wouldnt be able to trust him again.
2006-07-09 14:33:41
answer #7
answered by Blinx 2
he is but you are the bigger person here let it go make nice with everyone including your husband and be thankful he (inwardly) he stuck up for you
2006-07-09 14:32:41
answer #8
answered by worldstiti 7
ya but get over it
2006-07-09 14:31:45
answer #9
answered by cutie 2
he didn't respect your wishes...
2006-07-09 14:32:21
answer #10
answered by Giggles 5