Celebrities think they are the only normal ones. They don't care about what us piss-on's think. They only care about what the camera can see, and what other publicity stunts they can create so someone will go see their movie or buy their CD. They think i don't get is why do they always have celebrities doing call-athons and all that to raise money. They are the ones making millions upon millions and we are the ones who have to donate all the money. Just about everyone in Hollywood has it backwards. It must b nice to be elite and exempt.
2006-07-09 14:02:43
answer #1
answered by dino143637 2
This is an excellent question...I've always wonder that too. As mean as this might sound, I think a lot of the Hollywood stars are doing it for self gratification. An earlier responder was correct when they said that the media makes them larger than life itself.
Sure they can talk about being "average person" but they are very distant from the "realistic" views of life that do not always have a nice clean Hollywood ending. They can also talk about what it was like growing up as poor or middle class, but they do not have to start from the bottom and work their way up to the middle with very little opportunity of reaching the top.
To tell you the truth we really do not need Hollywood to tell us how the world works. Or if there is a cure for all worldly problems. Everyone knows how the world works. BBC World News was reporting and pointing to the horried conditions of refugees throughout Darfur, Sudan proper, Congo, Zimbabwe and Uganda long before Angelina Jolie suddenly became teary eyed on World Refugee Day.
As you can see, I don't care at all for Hollywood stars or celebrities. I find them quite irriating and a waste of airtime.
2006-07-09 22:10:44
answer #2
answered by lisa 3
They think because of their celebrity status, that they can say what the want to say and people will accept it just because they are famous. Fact is, a lot of Hollywood stars can help cure some of the ills of the world. Right now on yahoo answers, Bono is asking how we can make poverty history. Maybe Bono should be asking the Hollywood stars for donations to "fix" the poverty issues in Africa. Hollywood always has the "answer" so let them spend their money to fix the ills of the world.
2006-07-09 20:56:15
answer #3
answered by dazeebug 3
It all still boils down to publicity and fame...Sure they do a good job promoting good causes...but I don't see them suffering from poverty or lowering their standard of living to ward off poverty. Make standard living more balanced. The so called "blue collar" working class out here breaking their backs and working their ***** off every day to keep everything in this country going should be raking in the big bucks. As it is, they can barely keep the lights on and food on the table...much less a roof over their families head. Even the score...raise the pay scale for hard working so called "common laborers". They are what make this country all it is. The government doesn't even pay the soldiers who risk and give their lives for this country a fraction of what they deserve. They literally have to beg, fight, sue, and do without, living in poverty and disgrace as injured veterans of war. Come on, the average citizen actually has more realistic solutions than any celebrity. Oprah has more heart and gives more than anyone I've seen...Yea Oprah! You go girl...you can show em how to give with generosity, compassion, and love. The rest of you celebs just try to keep up...if you can. But, I say to all of you celebs with all the answers...it seems to me you forgot the question...cause it just doesn't seem that hard to figure out. The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer...just the same as it has always been in history...and that's the way the government wants it.
2006-07-10 00:01:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The Hollywood celebrities I have heard about have been an embarrassment to themselves when they have made their views known. The Democratic Party might be well off to back far away from these celebrities since they make themselves and the Democratic Party look so foolish.
2006-07-09 20:55:45
answer #5
answered by papricka w 5
At least they try to offer some solution. Instead of doing nothing, letting the situation continue unabated, and using the dreaded L word Liberal. Anytime something does not fit the so-called mainstream it's liberal. Try opening your ears and shut your mouth, I guarantee you will learn something for a change.
2006-07-09 21:29:06
answer #6
answered by tesorotx 5
They CAN sound caring and sincere but just remember they are actors ! And they All think Real life is just another script they can learn and have all their mistakes edited out ! when its finished. Spouting Cr** about being poor and deprived is easy when you score 20 or30 million £/$ for making a film about being poor and deprived they forget its just a movie! that stinky looking coat you wear 2 make the film is just a Prop you don,t have 2 wear it every day and use it as your home,bed,blankets and as storage for all your possessions .And please don,t give me that bull about living on the streets for a WHOLE week! just so you can live the life for real and experience the true hardships these people suffer everyday !
2006-07-09 21:30:16
answer #7
answered by PARADOX 4
well they try to believe they are normal, but in essece certain aspects of their lives are far from normal. They live luxurious lives, they drive fancy cars and all that stuff which is supposedly fullfilling. Howver most times they can't provide asnwers to help curb the problems of the world, because they are in no position too.
2006-07-09 22:45:45
answer #8
answered by kara 5
These fortunate beauties have the luxury of freedom that allows time to contemplate, the blesssing of wit to discsern, and the responsibility of sacrificing their given money io burn!
IFor love or money I wish I could make up my mind and stand up and do something; becazuse - nIt seems like everbody else takes it on the chin or gets it in the end.
2006-07-10 02:36:45
answer #9
answered by sandwavessunwater 2
Well, it is the God complex. How about Tom Cruise thinking he knows how to handle post partum depression? And Joan Rivers selling beauty products? (She has had plastic surgery, I don't think her cream is gonna work). And Jay Z calling for a boycott of Cristal champagne (Who the heck does he think HE is?)
2006-07-09 20:54:06
answer #10
answered by crazymomma 4