Keep going to their house, don't let them know you are intimidated by them.
2006-07-08 11:08:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There are two sides to every story. I can't help but feel that you've left something out and are getting answers based on half the facts.
Irregardless, as a parent that dislikes my son's girlfriend, remaining respectful keeps her from being barred from coming over. I'm not saying you are like her, but like most teens today, she is rude to adults (not just my wife and I), and she controls my son's every move. It wasn't until we told her that she wouldn't be allowed to come over any more that she started being respectful. At 16, it's a shame my son is blinded by lust.
So step up to the plate and let the people answering your questions know all the circumstances surrounding why the parents don't like you. Or at least, why they say they don't.
2006-07-08 19:11:51
answer #2
answered by JW 2
They don't like what. That is their problem and not yours. The only thing that matters is that your boyfriend loves and wants to be with you. Are you dating his parents? No. Their opinions of you do not count, only his.
2006-07-08 18:12:50
answer #3
answered by Prince W 2
I was in a similar situation with my significant others parents. You just have to keep at it and be as polite as possible. Eventually they will either realize that you sincerely care for him, or they will just have to put up with you despite their beliefs.
2006-07-08 19:42:25
answer #4
answered by pibb 2
you dont its not the parents you are going out with
2006-07-08 18:08:51
answer #5
answered by ? 6
keep on going over their don't let them know you are intimidated by them. I kept on going over to my ex and acted like nothing was wrong and if they ever say anything to you rude or anything just say your son likes me and that's all that matters.
2006-07-08 18:17:16
answer #6
answered by busyforlife3506 1
just be nice to the parents
2006-07-08 18:09:47
answer #7
answered by Nancy 2
I wouldnt worry about it too much be polite and be friendly but not too friendly
2006-07-08 18:28:08
answer #8
answered by Renee B 5
Convince them.
2006-07-08 18:10:47
answer #9
answered by ummestarz 2
play cool... don't really talk to them but don't act like u hate them (even if u do) just be nice and don't do anything or say anything mean to them and just ignore it
2006-07-08 18:10:08
answer #10
answered by tboltsrock 1