Sorry. Yes, I most emphatically believe that every human being on earth is entitled to the misery that is called marriage.
2006-07-08 06:19:23
answer #1
answered by shawonda 3
Yes...The two reasons used most often are religon and children. Let's examine them for a minute.
Religon- first does the bible specifically oppose homosexuality as we know it today. That's a matter of interpretation. I have found nothing opposing homosexuality when not acompanied with promiscuity, rape, infidelty or prostituion. Things our society does not support regardless of sexuality. Many arguements are also made that the bible refers only to male homosexuality, not lesbianism(which unfair to say about my gay male friends). I will provide a link for a site referring to what the bible does and doesnt say about homosexuality. Read it with an open mnd. if this were true, there would be no religous based arguement opposing gay marriage. But let-s pretend the bible DOES say that.
Our country guarantees freedom of religon correct? A person may choose to believe in none or any religon. That IS a consitutionally protected right. So if a person chooses no religon or a religon that does NOT oppose homosexuality, how is fair to deny the right to marry to those epople based on beliefs that they don't practice. The bible does not dictate societies laws either...yes some laws are in congruence with biblical laws, but not all. Many things are opposed in the bible, but legal in our society and vice versa. This removes religon from the debate ENTIRELY. Religon has no bearing on what the laws whould do. There is no victim in gay marriage, noone is harmed in any way like they are from murder, rape, molestation, theft, assualt and battery, extortion etc etc.
Children- there has been no evidence to support that being raised in a gay household will cause any harm to the child. There are theories and studies done, but nothing concrete on either side. But I think we can all agree that being raised by a child molestor or wife/child abuser can be harmful...yet these people are free to marry and reproduce. What harms children is domestic violence, adultery, poverty, drugs, violence, etc etc. This is proven, oppose these things and do something about them before you seek to protect children from something noone can rightfully claim they need protection from.
And the arguement that children can only be produced by a man and a woman, blah blah. So infertile individuals have no right to marry? Am i missing some legal guideline that dictates the number of children a couple can have? Are fertility tests required to get a marriage license? Do you have to sign a contract promising to procreate? Ummm the answer is NO. Furthermore, can anyone deny that the world is overpopulated? So if two people choose not to have children is it really going to end civilization as we know it? Answer again is no.
All arguements for opposing gay marriage are simply made out of a lack of understanding or desire to change. If it doesn't affect them, then why are they so opposed to it? Because change is hard. Anyone allive in the 50's knows that, when interracial marriages were banned. They used the same and similar arguements. It would harm traditional marriage, it;s not a racist ban because we treat blacks and white the same, they can each marry "their own kind". It would harm the children. and my fave "If God had wanted the races to mix he wouldn;t have put them on seperate continents" lol. Sounds alot like the same arguements today opposing gay marriage. Change is hard, it takes a long time but it will come.
I now have this answer saved in my notepad and copy and paste it when needed due to the frequency of this question lol
2006-07-08 15:42:16
answer #2
answered by scorp 3
Let me ask this.
Why would you WANT to get married?
Other than the paper showing that you have dedicated yourself to the one you love...IMO, Gays have it better being able to be with each other than straight people who HAVE to get married, or be frowned upon for shacking up.
If you seperate from your partner (which I have noticed happens a LOT in the gay community), you just take your stuff, and leave. There's no court battle over what's mine, yours, and ours.
If you've had children from a previous hetero-marriage and have custody, there is no battle from your gay partner over custody.
If you've adopted or had a surrogate, you agree over when and where you see or have the child at whomever's homes.
In other words...if the worst happens, because you do not have the LEGAL union, it's most always amicable when you split.
Whereas, if I were to divorce my hubby, I'd have to go to a court, divvy up bills, house, children, etc etc. Things could get VERY ugly.
The only benefit to marriage is tax benefits...and well, let me tell you, I'm middle class in income, and I STILL pay the IRS and state at the end of the I don't even see that.
So, let it be legal or not...just think deeper into what you're asking.
2006-07-08 06:35:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes. It is a human right to be allowed to marry. People shouldn't believe in this romantic idea about one man and one woman. Marriage over time has never been as sacred as religious leaders would like us to think. There has been arranged marriages in the Western world, marriage of convenience, marriage for trade(in the Western world too) and so many marriages end in divorce. Through adultery and other times because people fall out of love. Gay people are entitled to rights as much as non-gays.
2006-07-08 06:28:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Gay people should have the right to get married, although, how many would is another question.
A lot of gay people don't want to get married but they do want gay marriages allowed. It annoys gay people that even though many don't want to, they can't get married even if they wanted to (and they have every right to be upset).
Although, now, it's being used as a political weapon and all the homophobes can vote for those parties against gay marriage and people supporting can vote for parties supporting
2006-07-08 06:39:04
answer #5
answered by RobertStrong 2
A gay man & a lesbian can marry (each other) now. 2 heterosexual men can't (even if they wanted to - perhaps for tax purposes).
Personally I wonder - instead of recognising only one man/one woman marriages, the state shouldn't recognise ANY marriages. What is the need for the state to recognise ANY marriage - I haven't heard a single valid argument (you don't need to be married to do a good job riasing kids, and conversely many married couples make a right mess raising children).
SAY NO TO MARRIAGE - the new slogan :-)
2006-07-08 06:11:23
answer #6
answered by dryheatdave 6
2006-07-08 07:31:19
answer #7
answered by 3
I think it should be legal. I'm 100% staright, but have gay and lesbian friends. Just because you are gay and/or a lesbian doesn't mean that you don't have emotions. You guys can love just like staright people can, just in a diffrent kind of way. Once again, I think it should be legal....You all are humans just like the rest of us and you should be allowed to marry whoever makes you happy in life!! 8o)
2006-07-08 09:42:15
answer #8
answered by stacey c 2
yes................every one deserves to get married no matter what sexual orientation. I go to a public school but almost everyone their is cathlic and im not so we always get in to the arguments about how i think it should be legal and my friends help me win the fight but many of the teachers are cathlic and i did get thm to be more open minded about the subject. I hope you find a partner and someday are able to marry them without being persecuted for being gay! Good luck!
2006-07-08 06:16:42
answer #9
answered by bluejay_all_the_way 3
Yes, gay marriages should be legal.
2006-07-08 06:18:48
answer #10
answered by Still Halloween 6
I heard from my family that gays are not interested in relationships. Then why would some like the idea of marriage? I guess this proves me right, and them wrong!
If people really care about one another (regadless of both of their genders), they should get married!
2006-07-08 07:29:05
answer #11
answered by Padraig 2