I gave her a website with numbers to help her and stuff, hopefully she'll use it.. Yeah, when I read her question she said it wasn't the first time she's asked this. She should get help, we can't just fix it for her. I hope she gets out of this or he'll change which is a slim chance. I hope she has hope like we do. LuvCarly
2006-07-08 04:55:48
answer #1
answered by Carly L 3
I answered her, but I didn't see any questions from her before, only because I didn't go back far enough. I saw your answer, and you did refer to something she had said before. If she's checking this out, I do hope she goes to the right authorities and gets some help. It's not always as easy as simply leaving. Sometimes the brute doesn't want to let you go. Some women stay and take the abuse because they think it will be better than what the guy is threatening to do if she leaves. I think they make threats because if the girl goes, she will tell her story to others and then his secret will be out. Guys like that should be dead.
2006-07-08 11:58:04
answer #2
answered by kitten lover3 7
I have learned that you just have to stand up for your right.You are not a punching bag if he wants something to punch tell him to go to toys-r-us or the gym.You are a human just like you thought he was,but he is only an animal.I will never ever let a animal put his hands on me again.You have to stand up let him you will not take this I know it sounds hard to do ,but if you keep letting him hit you and push you around it will never end.You might have to get a restraining order too.Believe I was in an abusive relationship for 13 years I thought that I could change him,but there is no changing an animal.If my prince didn't come along when he did I might not be here today to help you.PLEASE GET HELP it doesn't get better(and don't let him know that you are talking to people about what he does.he will go off even worse.
good luck
2006-07-08 12:04:50
answer #3
answered by mamajuggs 1
i think she is full of crap..
Look at her profile..and read her crap..she goes from being two months pregnant to 7 months in another post..she is lying man.
And i better get best answer for pointing that out..
She just deleted her question where she says she is two months pregnant...Her questions make no sense..and there are at least 15 other people out there asking these same lame questions...She goes from saying, She found out she is pregnant from a doctor..what are the signs of pregnancy?...To being 7 months pregnant..to not having sex when her b/f wants her to, to him raping her..to him beating her...to asking why her b/f beats her..then she just had a question where she said she was 2 months pregnant..then deleted it..the girl is full of crap..damn..how more obvious is it?
2006-07-08 11:54:32
answer #4
answered by ? 5
she needs to get away from him.. i lived 23 years with a abusive husband and i thought that was best for the children but i know now it was not.... she needs to make up her mind and get out of the situation for good.. i once loved my husband to but i do not now..my sons has all got the atitude of their dad in some way... i wasted mnay years in that marriage and he always had one excuse after another.. they will never change their abusive ways...she has to do it.. we can tell her and i just hope she listens because it does cause great damage to her and i know it has to me...more damage than i care to even mention...i hope she will get out of it but if you want have her contact me because i can tell her things that will make her see reason i believe.....
2006-07-08 11:58:43
answer #5
answered by sanangel 6
She have to be a fool to be with a man who beat on her, if she won't leave him, no need of asking us for help, what can we do?
2006-07-08 11:56:36
answer #6
answered by ? 5
I think she needs to get the hell out of there. There are special programs that can help you with that. They don't cost anything.
2006-07-08 11:56:27
answer #7
answered by Mia 1
Your right she was asking the same question yesterday
2006-07-08 11:55:24
answer #8
answered by Ryan E 2
I know. She needs to get out. We can't make her though. She sounds really young and scared.
2006-07-08 11:55:22
answer #9
answered by RIVER 6
you cant push her into it. Maybe this is something she is going to have to work out for herself, but unfortunately its going to be the hard way....
2006-07-08 11:55:48
answer #10
answered by ange 1