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2006-07-08 04:50:57 · 43 answers · asked by moddedmama 2 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

Okay from all the answers so far i should clarify. I am a mom of two, who has multiple tattoos and piercings.

2006-07-08 04:54:50 · update #1

43 answers

If they want them, then they should have them. You don't have to sacrifice who you are just because you become a parent. You can still give a lot of love and care to a child if you have tattoos! :D

The tattoos and piercings don't make you a bad mom. Being a good/bad mom is all in how you treat your children, discipline them, care for them, and teach them. As long as you show your children a lot of love, and teach them right from wrong, your doing your job as a mom, and doing it well! In my opinion, the tattoos and piercings that you have give you additional personal experiences, and you can utilize that in the future when your kids are teenagers. Most teens want things like that, and you'll be able to educate them, or prepare them, with your own experience. So have fun with your kids AND your tattoos and piercings! :D

2006-07-08 04:56:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 6

I think parents need not worry about anything physical unless it could have a direct or indirect effect on their child. I.E.: You have a swastika tattooed on your forearm, your child may be judged by your prejudice...You have facial piercings, other parents may feel less comfortable with your child interacting with theirs.

The truth of the matter is it shouldn't matter what anyone looks like on the outside and one man's art may be another's disfigurment. It does matter though and no one should hold their child as less important than artistic impression. If you are Hindi and have your nostril pierced for religious reasons by all means your child should be well accustomed to the questions surrounding that and can use that as an opportunity to educate others about their heritage, but if you just like the way an eyebrow ring or a visible tatoo look please take into consideration that it is hard enough to grow up in this world, don't make your child a target for bullying or teasing for no other reason than vanity.

In no way am I saying that people should not artistically enhance themselves, but don't forget you are not alone in the repercussion. I have a two year old son and I have two tattoos and a few piercings, but the moms on the playground would never know...It's like anything else in being a parent-discretion, responsibility and moderation are key.

2006-07-08 05:29:13 · answer #2 · answered by Dale W 1 · 0 0

Believe it or not parents were actually teenagers and 20 somethings once. ;) Public perception of tattoos and piercings has come a long way in recent years and seem to be much more vastly accepted as forms of art and self expression rather than retaliatory mistakes of misled and/or jail-bound youth. In other words, tattoos aren't just for sailors anymore. The social stigmas that once surrounded tats and piercings just aren't as prevalent as they once were.

There are a lot of shows about tattooing on now. Series about shops and the customers and artists run regularly on the Discovery Channel and even A&E. The History Channel has even done shows on the history of tats and piercings through the ages. Some have highlighted the importance of tattoos and piercings as rights of passages in many cultures across the globe.

I've seen fathers go in and get lovely portraits of their children as a rememberance, women in their 30's and later, housewives and mothers, going in and getting things that have a deep spiritual meaning to them, and we're talking middle-class and white collar people too. They go out of those tat shops the same person they were going in, except maybe a little happier and in a little more pain. ;)

Having tattoos or piercings is not going to affect how good of a parent someone is. There have been plenty of parents without either that are god-awful parents. I've currently got two, and though i don't have plans to have children any time soon, i may someday and it will have no affect on the way I mother. My tattoos are portraits on my skin that tell the story of my life, and i'm sure my children will see them, and that doesn't bother me one bit.

2006-07-08 05:07:08 · answer #3 · answered by Jess 3 · 0 0

While I am against both tattoos and piercings, I think people need to do their thing. We are all individuals and need to show our ideas through fashion or tattoos. I guess you might called me an old ultra-conservative but my best friend (same age) has long hair (I have short-hair),about 10 tattoos (I have zero), and an earring...but we are the best of friends. His ideas about tattoos and such do not affect his intelligence or his personality. He is simply being himself but his son on the other hand has no tattoos or piercings. I believe that children should wait until they are old enough before they can make a choice. When my son got a tattoo when he was about 17, I wanted to kill him, because if a tattoo shows when you are clothed, you miss out on some job opportunities. A nephew had a tattoo that showed and he was on probation at DisneyWorld and was told when they decided to make him regular staff...the tattoo goes or you go. The army of China will not accept any enlistments from young men who have a tattoo. People in China think that a tattooed people is a criminal. So should parents do it? Should anyone do it if it affect their life or their earning ability?

2006-07-08 05:05:42 · answer #4 · answered by Frank 6 · 0 0

so this 17 year old went out and got a piercing, and when she was 18 she go a tattoo, but when she was 19 she met this guy and they got married and when she was 22 she still had this piercing and tattoo and a baby on the way when she was 24 the baby was almost 2 and she still had the piercing and tattoo... so no matter if you have them or not, you might have a kid, and i see nothing wrong with it, most tattoos can tell someone about there life story or at least a part of it

2006-07-08 04:54:45 · answer #5 · answered by mackay_18_stacey 3 · 0 0

There are plenty of parents with tattoos and/or piercings. Many men got tattoos during the war years, like my father-in-law who was in WW2 and just recently died at the age of 83. So he wasn't just a parent, he was a grandfather AND a great grandfather! My husband has a tattoo on each shoulder (which can be covered up with his dress shirts) he is in upper management and highly successful in his career (as well as being an excellent father and husband.) So what is the problem?

2006-07-08 04:55:36 · answer #6 · answered by expertloghomegal 2 · 0 0

I am a mom of two wonderful kids and I have several tattoos! Now piercings on the other hand are gross, except in the ears, and not the great big stretch out my ear lobe ones either!

2006-07-08 04:53:36 · answer #7 · answered by flyingbumblebee 5 · 0 0

I think it's fine. I am 33 and have 5 tatts. I used to have my eyebrow and tongue pierced too but took them out. My kids think it's "cool". They know, though, that I didn't get my first tattoo until I was 24. I teach them that they need to be older if they ever want one and to choose a tattoo that they won't mind having forever.

2006-07-08 05:00:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The real question is, do you think people with tattoos or piercings should have children so that they become parents with tattoos?

2006-07-08 04:52:20 · answer #9 · answered by Stuart 7 · 0 0

A tattoo or piercing doesn't make them any less of a parent.

2006-07-08 04:52:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think it really matters. I mean, if it doesn't influence the kids to do something bad, what's wrong with it? Although there might be some discrimination from other children.

And if you've already got tattoos, what can you do? Tattoos are permanent after all.

2006-07-08 04:57:28 · answer #11 · answered by obssdgb 3 · 0 0

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