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I am in love with a man i know is so bad for me ,he lies, cheats ,steals from me and hits me when i push him the wrong wa.The problem is i know he is all wrong ,he left me 6 weeks ago and didn't call me ,i let word get to him about something that i knew would bring him back and it did.He started calling me again telling me he left me for my own good ,i know he is lying but i love him so much even tho Iknow he is the worst person in the world for me.If anyone has any good advice as to how to get him out of my system please let me know.

2006-07-08 03:55:12 · 6 answers · asked by floridagirl064 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

6 answers

You probably never will get over him. But that's ok. Time will heal the overwhelmingly strong feelings of love you have for him. But you have to take that first hard step... and let him go. You have to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you ARE worth far more than what he is delivering. You must find something to keep you busy while going through the pain of finally severing those ties (volunteer or take another job). And somewhere out there, you will find someone who will gladly embrace the love you have to give and he will return that love back to you respectfully (he's out there now just waiting for you if you just get a clue!). You won't find this new love, without giving yourself time to get healthy again and by letting go of this current destructive love. You said it yourself - he lies, cheats, steals, and HITS you!! That is a man who does NOT LOVE YOU. It is NOT acceptable behavior... period! You deserve better. Know this to be true. So, walk away child and then toss up your heart and see where it lands.

2006-07-08 04:09:35 · answer #1 · answered by mJc 7 · 0 0

u need to beleive that ur worth alot more than to be treated like crap. any man that lies, cheats, steals from u aint worth the time and effort to love. Not to mention to put his hands on u. No matter what u did u he had NO right to hit u!! U r a beautiful person and need to learn the u deserve sooooooo much better!! u sound alot like me and i bet ur past relationships have just got worse and worse well take my advice never waste anyother min thinking about this jerk again!! u might think u can change the way he is and make his a better person trust me u can't. hes a loser and thats all he'll ever be. take time and think about u for awhile. someone will come along that will treat u like the queen u r. Dont settle for the jerk that prays on females that r kind hearted and want to help him. u can do better all by ur self!! b strong u will get throught this. good luck

2006-07-08 11:54:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's very helpful to remember that the only thing you can control... is you.

Not him.

So, only you can answer the following:
1. What am I getting out of this? (there must be something, or else you wouldn't put up with it)
2. Why do I feel I don't deserve someone who will treat me well?

My hunch is that you'll find the answers when you look into your childhood and realize that you're repeating the same patterns of behavior that you experienced growing up.

Only you can change you.

If you don't, the pattern just keeps repeating... and the next guy? He'll have the same problems, too.

Good luck. It's hard...but you can do it!

2006-07-08 11:09:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

apparently you have no self worth, start loving yourself,
do things only that are good for you, let him disappear again,
he will, pray a prayer asking for strength to get you thru this
i know God does listen to prayers, submit your petition to the
Lord, and pray a prayer for your friend, he has problems, dont
make his problematic life yours though, maybe your supposed
to just intercede for him? pray for strengh to be apart from him!!

2006-07-08 11:06:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

stop thinking about it

2006-07-08 10:57:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

p** him off

2006-07-08 11:08:23 · answer #6 · answered by uncle podger 3 · 0 0

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