if this is some kind of a joke than yes you are really taking it too lightly my dear. a person who has gone through it might be hurt by even mention of it. imagine being forced into a sexual act with a person you hated the most. wouldn't be very exciting to talk about? woud it?
2006-07-08 04:08:15
answer #1
answered by buzz 2
It means when you are forced to have sex.You say NO and the dirt bag says yes and holds you down and does what ever he/she wants to you.Sometimes you can even get beat up,slapped around or even told what to do to that dirt bag,and if you don't do what the dirt bag says he/she will make sure it gets what it want and sometimes even leave you there to die.It not something to laugh about.I KNOW. I was date rapped at 15 and I never wanted a nother boy/man touch me or even look at me.I didn't have another boy friend until I was 18yrs.old and had my first child when I was 21.So I hope this helped you.If you have any more concerns please go to an adult.remember never let any one touch you it's your body and you have the right to say NO.
2006-07-08 04:25:40
answer #2
answered by mamajuggs 1
i probably shouldn't tell you, but being raped is when a guy or girl, forces you to have sex with them. and you don't want to
2006-07-08 03:48:37
answer #3
answered by iwannajess 2
so ur name is sexxxy and u dont no what rapped is.... do u not watch the news my 7 year old brother knows what it is ur a retad
2006-07-08 03:50:02
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
being forced into a sexual act without your consent
2006-07-08 03:48:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
it means to be forced in to a sexual act against your will
2006-07-08 03:48:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
if you don't know then you are probaly to young to be on here this is something you should talk with your parents about ..
2006-07-08 04:27:43
answer #7
answered by ? 3
Sex that's not your idea... in which you've clearly said NO and meant it.
2006-07-08 03:48:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Look it up in the dictionary...
2006-07-08 03:54:44
answer #9
answered by ? 3
ask yor mom
2006-07-08 03:47:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous