I think you would like to know how to seduce a female into intercourse? Or, are you asking how to arouse a female during intercourse? I am not sure of your question, however, women love to be stimulated. Find her hot spots and arouse them, next during intercourse, ask her what pleases her. If this doesn't work get rid of her. Bye Bye.
2006-07-08 03:22:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Seduction is not a one sided affair.It has to be mutual.... Even a small movement of your head in appreciation shall be enough but for that you should know the partner really well!!Do a lot of foreplay and be really open in your expressions!!!
2006-07-08 10:24:17
answer #2
answered by THE WORRIER 4
A couple of things are very important on the act.
- touching each other
- Sucking the fishy.
- Kissing the whole body specially the neck, boobs, you can always pour honey and suck it out all over.
- carresing the spinal top to *** with your mouth.
Use you tongue all over the body and don't rush on the intercourse.
2006-07-08 10:23:57
answer #3
answered by Tuxi X 3
During? If you're that far into it and asking, then you didn't do the upfront work and obviously don't know much about sex.
If you're not sure, simply ask her what she likes and doesn't like. Everyone is an individual and responds different to different stimuli.
2006-07-08 10:22:01
answer #4
answered by GuamGuy 2
way to complicated a question for 10:39 in the morning.. ill think about it and get back to you if i come up with anything else.. for now dont know dude... if you seduced her to get her in bed then you have accomplished your objective.. for now gimme my 2 points...lol
2006-07-08 10:41:20
answer #5
answered by needingitnow342000 2
read the hite report, written by women for women based on real women surveys of what we like, need and want. a whopping 500 pages of material. You might also try the joy of sex, the kama sutra...
2006-07-08 10:21:38
answer #6
answered by nik named mom 5
You seduce some one to get them in bed. After you have them there you have to figure out how to pleasure them satisfactorily.
2006-07-08 10:21:02
answer #7
answered by Cricket 5
what? the seducing usually comes before the sex.
2006-07-08 10:21:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
well if you are already having sex you have 50% completed. so just try kissing her neck or lips and face eyes, anything you can think of or talk to them. or just ask
2006-07-08 10:20:23
answer #9
answered by gaurdianangelic 3
dam me too give 2 point and thats it. I am out
2006-07-08 10:21:24
answer #10
answered by David The Handyman . 2