Introducing a relationship to poligamy is frought with problems including trust, self esteem, etc. You risk eroding the fundemental principles of the relationship itself. Some people can make an open lifestyle work for their relationship. However, both people have to be brought into it strongly and both people have to be secure in their love, trust and sexuality.
2006-07-09 01:52:15
answer #1
answered by Wolfie 7
I would assume so. Having a threesome, especially with another additional women, is considering cheating in my book. And the fact that you are allowing the threesomes to continue kind of complicates thing in whether or not it is cheating or that it's not since you are allowing it to happen.
My advice is that if you want to make sure he doesn't cheat, stop the threesomes and talk about it with him. Being around other women might bring a different kind of arousal and love than the love he shares with you.
Goodness, I'm sorry that I'm sounding harsh, but whatever you do, I hope it is for the best...
2006-07-08 03:39:55
answer #2
answered by endlessly_waiting_in_the_rain 2
I wouldn't worry about it, he does come home to you and loves you. You both opened the door wide open when you agreed to have threesomes. So enjoy life at it's fullest or you can ask your husband if he has had sex with another women when you were not around but for you to get up set - I don't think so. If you both wish to have fun outside of your home with out each other so be it but if you don't communicate with him and tell him exactly how you feel about it then really there is no reason to get upset. He is not a mind reader.
2006-07-08 03:33:35
answer #3
answered by florie 3
hi my name is leanne, In a way love you and him are cheating by sleeping wiv other people together i can see a problem, i wanted to ask are you and your partner not happy with what you have between you? i dont really know how to answer your question all i can say is if he can say yes to having a threesome with another women and say no when you mention men then yes he might be, i hope i have helped
2006-07-08 03:22:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes he is cheating on you. His desire to have other women in the bed tells you he wants to have sex with other women. If he does it with you in the bed why would you think he would not do it when you are not around?
2006-07-08 03:26:02
answer #5
answered by strawberries 5
i agree with black widow. you have given him the liberty to sleep and screw other women. so that itself is cheating. so if he is sleepin with other women behind ur back it shudnt make much of a difference! if u have a prob with him sleepin with other women then stop the threesome. its just not right! unless u are a bisexual!
2006-07-08 03:23:53
answer #6
answered by shelldugout 2
2006-07-08 03:22:33
answer #7
answered by mel 1
dear its not a question to ask on air......if u trust this guy n he loves u for who u r as a person n not how u r in looks then i see no point fearing him cheating on u...but for that u must try finding out his true feelings for u from him only n not from others..i being a man myself do know that if u love some one for who they r then u wud nvr dare hurting them..coz it wud mean hurting urself
2006-07-08 03:24:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
you both cheat on eachother. your married, you belong only to eachother. if he's sleeping with others when your not around you shouldnt care cause you let him do it when you are around, so whats the difference? cheating is cheating. you are both guilty.
2006-07-08 03:22:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I would think so. But who knows. I would feel like him penetrating another woman, even if I am there, is cheating.
2006-07-08 03:19:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous