2006-07-08 02:26:51
answer #1
answered by mrs.radcliffe 2
No. I think people in a relationship who feel the need for an affair should either talk to their partner to try and resolve problems or if they feel that the relationship is unreparable they should end it before starting another relationship. My husband has just told me hes been having an affair for the last few years and I feel completely crushed. It would have still been painful ending a marriage with no one else involved but better that than causing someone you once loved, such humiliation and hurt. I think he's a complete selfish, deceiptful and cowardly so and so and the woman concerned is almost as low as him. I wouldn't ever have an affair and put another woman through what I'm going through - I'd hate myself.
2006-07-08 08:36:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I've been out sometimes and met some guy's that i think" if i was still single, boy i'd make you sing!!!" at they have had my heart palpatating and and all the blood rush from my head and got my mind going places dark and dirty.
Then i think of the look that would be on my husbands face if ever he found out and how much pain that would cause him and that if he did it to me how much that would hurt that i almost choke!!
God sometimes it's so tempting, especially when i'm mad at him, but no,... I don't think it would be worth it cos it would never be nearly as good as you'd imagen. My advice it hold that thought and get a vibrator( or even better tell hubby about the thought and give him the vibrator!) ;)
2006-07-08 08:08:01
answer #3
answered by LR 3
before marriage I was a party guy but after not.
I can break up my marriage man, what will happen on my kids? They are the ones who keep me awake, I know it won't be the same if I did.
promiscousness is an animalistic behaviour and the bad news is that it is part of our nature . The way things are progressing on this world nowadays, it is so easy to have affair then be aa millionaire
2006-07-08 02:42:19
answer #4
answered by Tuxi X 3
I have, many years ago, my marriage was a joke and needed something for me at that time, I no, its no excuse there is never an excuse for doing it but I never thought of it that way, young and selfish. But I married a second time, but for competely different reasons, I love my husband and family, I would never do it again and if he was too even think about it, I would never forgive him. When you are young and foolish you never think of anyone else, but as you get older you realise how precious things in life are. So if you a thinking of havin a affair, please consider the people that will get hurt and whether it is actually worth it.
2006-07-08 07:04:15
answer #5
answered by Tess20 1
Yes I have had an affair some years ago and will not do it again. It drove me mad, not so much physically, but emotionally. I wanted to be with 2 people all the time and was feeling torn.
2006-07-09 03:48:19
answer #6
answered by d1ckdeckard 3
Okay, how to word this. I am currently married and no I would not have an affair while married. Now when I was single I was the other woman - three times. That is how I meet my now husband. And as far as I know our married life together is great.
2006-07-08 06:53:07
answer #7
answered by florie 3
i haven't and never would but i have to say reading this posts thread i did notice although a couple of girls had had or are having an affair but the majority haven't and wouldn't, the men on the other hand i think one or two never have or never would, some others were haven't but were looking and would, and the rest were had, i wasn't that surprised really, just shows you, men eh! they never fail to prove you wrong. Tut. x
2006-07-08 15:33:49
answer #8
answered by odette 4
NO!! When you are married you take a vow! you should honor that vow and be faithful. If people want to date around then they should not get married in the first place!
any one who does, is a very cold hearted person and does not deserve to be married, marriage is a beautiful thing, and any one who is truly married knows exactly what I am talking about. I feel sorry for the ones who do not!!
2006-07-08 02:31:29
answer #9
answered by BlackWidow 3
i cheated on my ex twice not affairs just one time only's. i think it was because we were going through a bad patch. At that time he was more interested in his friends and going out drinking all the time. therefor i was stuck in the house 24/7 with a young child. when i eventually got the opportunity to go out i went mad and slept with someone. i do think that if your getting what you need from a relationship you would not cheat. SIMPLE.
2006-07-08 02:45:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Yes I had a emontional affair and I was lacking alot of stuff in my marriage...that we had talked about and never happened....but now that we are divorcing she is doing all the stuff I asked for with her new b/f go figure
2006-07-08 02:41:37
answer #11
answered by jeff402006 3