Oh sweetie, seek help ...find an adult you can trust and talk to them. You are walking down a very scary alley and shouldn't go it alone.
Cutting is a disorder and shouldn't be taken lightly. Cutting, like anorexia is a disease that isn't talked about or understood. Its something you can't deal with alone.
Please find someone you can talk to ... a friends parent you trust or a school counselor or even a family doctor. I have no answers but I'm here if you need to talk. jewels_162@hotmail.com
I worry about you!
2006-07-07 20:32:57
answer #1
answered by J 3
Honey you are not "screwed". You have a problem with depression. I have a daughter that use to cut herself. It sounds like there is a lot of stress and tension in your family. You do need help to deal with your cutting yourself. This is known as self destructive behavior. It will only continue with out medical attention. Go to a church in your area and talk to a Pastor, or go to a teacher at your school that you like and trust. Do you have any relatives where you could stay for a while? It sounds like your parents would benefit from counseling also. A friend's mother might be able to help you. Please just do something very soon to help yourself. Before you accidentally cut to deep into yourself. You will also feel better about yourself once you share your problem with someone that cares for you and will get you some help. Any time a person keeps a bad secret or has anything hanging over another person. That causes a great deal of unneeded stress and anxiety. Better to deal with it and get in it the past. Love to you my dear.
2006-07-08 02:36:10
answer #2
answered by lfahrne 2
Close your eyes for a minute and think. Is there someone in your life you could talk to about your problems? I realize you're having problems with your immediate family, but is there an aunt, grandparent, cousin? Could you talk to a friend or a friend's parent? What about a teacher? I realize you're probably not in school right now, but there's gotta be a teacher you kind of liked you could call.
Whatever you do, know that there are people out there who want to help you and want you to make it. You can do this, okay? You can make it. The first step is getting help.
And if you need anything, I'm sure there are plenty of people on this website who would try their best to help you...
2006-07-07 20:28:31
answer #3
answered by clynnc0 1
Take a deep breath Hun, you are not screwed. I went through a lot of bad things when I was a teen too. Let me tell you , it was REAL BAD! I did not have the things available to me like you have now though. I had to deal with it on my own. I do not suggest this since It is now nearly 30 some odd years later and I still have nightmares! I know it's scary, and the thought of telling an adult is almost unfathomable, but you need to. Really for your sake! Go to a Doctor, at an emergency room. They have to take you in. You are a minor. Also you are protected from your parents under patient confidentiality once you are seen. Tell them at the Hospital that you are hurting..... Lie and tell them you are an ( remember this) EMANCIPATED MINOR... give no specifics until a Dr. sees you. Then tell him what you have just told us. Walk there if you have too! They have to help you under law! Do this for yourself, do it now before you go any further. Life is hard and for some of us its nearly unbarable. But you can do this! Peace and relief is in your future I know it is! God gives us strength to do what is needed, we only have to open our own doors to find the solutions!
2006-07-07 20:50:10
answer #4
answered by Fancygal 3
You poor baby. I know that life sucks for you right now, but you have to keep your chin up and be strong. I know it seems scary to talk to your parents about something so personal, but believe me, eventually they will find out. It sounds like too many people already know so it's bound to happen. So just tell them, as hard as it may be, and then the healing will begin. Everybody gets into it with their parents from time to time and everyone deals with the stress of it in their own way but hurting yourself on the outside doesn't heal the wounds on the inside it only leaves scars on the outside, and on the inside as well. Talk to your mom before your sister does it will be easier to explain how you feel, instead of having to defend yourself.
2006-07-07 20:38:27
answer #5
answered by Jennifaery 2
man... i feel like your me writing the question.But na i'm here i answer this for you and you can email me.its no problem for me.Look its good that your thinking of telling them,i'm not sayin u should or u shouldn't but if ur having problems i don't know cuz all the fighting with the parents they might react to it a bad way and might say somthin' that might make u wanna do it again.Thats the last thing i think u would want.U gotta pull ur mom to the side and say i need to talk to u,i know its gonna be real hard but u gotta let her know so she can do somthing about it.If u do choose to tell them,and if u are having problems w/ ur step dad prepare for him to tell you something.My mom found a knife in my room and the first thing that came out of her mouth was do u want to end up at the mental institute?So email me to tell me stuff just to hear advise
2006-07-07 20:40:26
answer #6
answered by ? 2
Sweetie, you need counseling. Cutting is temporary relief, but you need to learn to handle what is causing the stress. I used to self-mutilate, too, and counseling really does help. You can say whatever you like there, and no one can stop you. If you can't tell your parents, tell a friend's mother, or an adult you like and can trust. I hope things get better for you. Take care of yourself, and if you ever need to, email me at maitri_rikpa@yahoo.com
2006-07-07 20:28:29
answer #7
answered by Maitri* 2
ur not screwed. i knoe what ur going thru. but girl- how old are you? my best advicce is find some one u can talk to. adult, parents, aunt, teacher, even ur sister. talk to them, u need to, it realieves alot of stress. you may think cutting is the answer, i did, but my friends started seeing. and they were mad at me, they took all of the things i could cut with away, and they forced me to talk to them, and they checked on me every day. u need help, cuz u cant stop by urself. u may think u can, but then that one thing comes along, and u can start agin. i think u should email me. amg_news@yahoo.com. email me!
2006-07-09 08:38:21
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Girl-stop and relax,go do something that you like to do. Or think clearly about how to make situations better. I would go to a clinic for some counseling.
2006-07-07 20:28:42
answer #9
answered by newyork=premed 2
please, please get help!!!!! hurting yourself is not the right way to get rid of your stress and family problems. talk to someone- but try to find someone you know won't tell. Maybe try a pastor or something, I'm thinking you sound like a christian. well I am one and I don't know your name but I will pray for you, too, and if you wanna talk you can email me, my address is writerkid07@yahoo.com please don't do this! It can grow into much much worse stuff!
2006-07-07 20:30:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous